This week at First United Methodist Church in Grapevine | May 4, 2016
Sunday, May 8
Rev. John Mollet will speak in the English services

Rev. Armando Alvarado will speak in the Bilingual service

This Sunday is Mother's Day! We don't come to faith in a vacuum.  Faith is passed down to us through the Spirit and through those God puts in our path, like Lois and Eunice. This Sunday we focus on 2 Timothy 1:3-7.

New Staff Member

We would like to welcome our newest staff addition to Family Ministries, Sandy Robinson! Sandy will serve as our new Tween Director, starting this Sunday, May 8. She will be working with 4th, 5th and 6th graders. Sandy has a certificate in Youth Ministries from Perkins School of Theology and she has worked with youth for over 20 years. She comes to us from First Methodist Colleyville. Come greet Sandy on Sunday morning in the Tweens area, and pay special attention to the Children's Message at the 8:30 or 11 AM service to catch a glimpse of our newest member.

This Week...
Are you interested in getting involved in our Grapevine Village?  Do you like parties?  Please join us TODAY (Wednesday, May 4) at 5 PM in the Roundtable Room to help plan our next Fiesta, which is coming up on May 15. You'll also learn more about future projects in our Grapevine Village. Questions? Contact Debbie Price at

Tomorrow (Thursday, May 5) is the National Day of Prayer. You are invited to join us in praying for our nation and our leaders at a prayer service in Founders Chapel at 12 noon. We will have guided prayer, and time for quiet reflection. Questions? Contact Rev. Armando Alvarado (�

The Well with Dr. Cindy Ryan  is tomorrow (Thursday, May 5) at 7 PM in the Family Life Center / Room 2001 / Sanctuary. Ticket sales have now ended. If you would like to get on the waiting list, please call the church office at 817-481-2559. Note that we will be taking donations to benefit Feed Our Kids, a ministry to provide free summer lunches to children who are on a free or reduced lunch program during the school year. If you would like to donate, please bring individually wrapped snacks (chips, pretzels, crackers, cookies, goldfish, snack mix, fruit snacks and granola bars, etc.) and place them in the designated bins the night of The Well. We will also take cash donations to Feed Our Kids if you prefer.

The late registration deadline for youth planning to attend the High School CTCYM mission trip is this Friday, May 6. Adult work team leaders are still needed for the mission trip. Registration can be completed at�

Our Nursery Director, Monica Vickery, will be getting married in May! We will have a "gift card pounding" shower for her on Friday, May 6, come and go from 4:30 to 6:30 PM in Leach Hall. We invite you to come show your support for Monica and her fianc�e, Robert Lackey!...�

We are a few recipes shy of our goal of 500 for our 150th Anniversary Cookbook! If you still have recipes you are holding back, please share them with us by this Friday, May 6. There's no particular category we need more or less of, so feel free to share whatever you have. You may pick up blank recipe forms in the church office, download a printable form (PDF), or fill out the online form by May 6.
Update on Our Weekend Food Miracle
by Dr. Cindy Ryan
The people of God are amazing! In just 10 days you have given over $53,000 to Weekend Food! Over 730 children are now sponsored to receive Weekend Food in the coming school year. I am so touched and honored. Truly. I still believe we are not quite finished. What if we sponsored all 800 children?

General Conference 2016

by Rev. Jenn Pick

On May 10-20, 864 delegates as well as thousands of people from all over the world will converge on Portland, Oregon for General Conference 2016. General Conference is the top legislative body of the United Methodist Church. We meet as a global church every four years to discuss our covenant and our discipline, which is how we live together as a denomination. This year we will welcome delegates from five continents, sixty nations, speaking forty-five different languages. We are indeed a global church and it takes a monumental effort to plan for these ten days. Two years ago, my husband Todd and I were asked to be on the Worship Design Team for General Conference 2016 as its visual artists. It is an incredible honor for us to be able to help ground worship for the Global Church. Keep reading...�


Our FUMC Grapevine App is here! We are excited about last week's release of a new Mobile App for our church! This app is available for download in the Android and Apple Stores. The App is a new and effective way for the church to communicate with you and for you to stay connected with the church. The app is a free download on your smartphone or compatible tablet. You can download the app by searching for it in the Apple or Play Store, or by going to If you have questions, need help, or have feedback about the App, please contact Melissia Mason, Communications Director (
A Word from Staff-Parish Relations Committee

Staff Appreciation Week

The Staff-Parish Relations Committee has spent the first quarter of the year visiting with our staff to get to know them better and gain a better knowledge of their duties and their responsibilities. Through our efforts, our committee has had our eyes opened to the incredible commitment, passion, and energy that our staff puts forth to make our church home a better place to be each week.


You probably didn't realize that we have 38 staff members that serve our congregation. I know that you see our pastoral staff and music leaders regularly in the pulpit, but the folks you don't see are just as vital to the missions and ministries of our church.

Next week, May 9-15, has been deemed Staff Appreciation Week, and we invite you to join the Staff Parish Relations Committee, and our congregation in celebrating the wonderful people within our church staff.

We are planning to serve daily meals in the Family Life Center. If you would like to participate in preparing or serving, please contact Barbara Evartt at 817-283-0682.

We are also providing notecards (including a full list of our staff and their tenure) in the pew backs as well as at the back of the Family Life Center to give you the opportunity to write a special note of thanks, encouragement, and appreciation.

Through their servant leadership, our entire staff has personally ministered to me, and my family, and enriched our lives and our worship experience here at First Church. I hope that you will find the time to minister to them as well.

Blessings and Peace,

Mark K Maness

Chairman - SPRC

Ruth 2:12: "May the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge, reward you fully for what you have done."

Upcoming News and Events

Our iFratelli DoughNation day is Monday, May 9.  On that day, eat at any of the iFratelli locations, mention FUMC Grapevine, and they will give 15% back to support our Dancing Through the Decades auction fundraiser. This applies to dine-in, carry-out and delivery! As you know, the auction is a great event each year that raises an incredible amount of money for our ministries within the church and global missions through our Villages and the World Service Fund of the United Methodist Church. Save the date for this year's new and improved event, a dinner, auction and dance on Friday, October 28!

We will have a Latvia Village meeting on Monday, May 9, at 6:30 PM in Room 2011. We will provide an update on the state of finances, fundraising opportunities and talk about what things we might want our mission team to support/find out/pursue while they are there in June. All those interested in the Latvia Village are welcome to attend....�

Join the Conversation ... "Balance" sponsored by Women in Transition on Tuesday, May 10, in Room 2010. Refreshments and Gathering are at 6:30 PM, with program and Q&A 7-8 PM. Open to all women going through a transition in life. Contact Diane Bishop at for more information.

This Sunday, we commission a group of special FUMCG members traveling to Costa Rica to share the light of Christ. The team will be traveling May 14-20. We are seeking prayer partners to commit to praying daily for the trip participant they are assigned both in preparation and while their prayer buddy is in Costa Rica. Families, children, youth and people of all ages are encouraged to connect with our missions team in prayer. Please contact Marilyn Hall at to be assigned your individual mission trip participant!...�

If you are interested in church membership or learning more about the church, please consider joining us at the next Discover the Church class on Sunday, May 15, at 10 AM in Room 2005 (Library) in the Family Life Center....�

Our next Faith & Formation gathering for tweens will be on Sunday, May 15 12:15 to 2 PM in Room 102 and 103. The theme will be Who Are You? and pizza, drinks and dessert will be served. If you are in 4th or 5th grade, we want to see you there! Guests and friends are welcome. This will be the first official gathering with our new Tweens Director, Sandy Robinson, and she wants to meet everyone!!  For more information, contact Sandy Robinson (after May 9) at�

Best Ball Florida Scramble Golf Tournament at Cowboys Golf Club (1600 Fairway Drive) on Sunday, May 15. See details above or visit our website...�

We are having a Fiesta! Mark your calendars for Sunday, May 15! We will be co-hosting a Fiesta in the Grapevine Village with the residents of Shady Oaks Mobile Home Park. Please bring your family and join us for great food, fun, music and fellowship as we continue to build the relationships with the Village. The Fiesta will be from 4 to 6 PM at Shady Oaks. If you would like to help, email Debbie Price at See you there! Nos vemos all�!...�

Our annual Kenya mission trip is May 17-28. Participants will spend time with our AIDS orphans and street kids, visit churches and schools, and take part in medical camps. We will be taking letters to our AIDS orphans, so if you would like to send something, please have it to the church office by May 15. You also have the opportunity to be a Prayer Partner with one of the participants. If you would like to be a Prayer Partner, contact Debbie Price ( Questions? Contact Trudy Hughes ( or Mark Howe (�

Grayful Spirits Newsletter (Senior Adults) (pdf)

May Youth Calendar (pdf)

Surf Shack Vacation Bible School

Registration is now underway for VBS! This year's Surf Shack VBS is June 27 through July 1. Get all the details and download registration forms for kids, youth and adult volunteers at

More Info...

Missions | CompassionAdults | FamiliesYouth | Tweens | Children | Nursery

Opportunities to Serve and Give...

FUMC Grapevine will host a booth at Main Street Fest this year! The event is May 20-22, right here in Downtown Grapevine. We'll be promoting awareness of our church and our great ministries and programs. We'll need lots of volunteers, with happy faces and willing spirits! We'll also need sponsors... visit our website for sponsorship opportunities. Grab your friends and get your volunteer groups together, pick your sponsorship and make our first go at a booth a huge hit! Sign up now on Sign-Up Genius. Contact Cathy Morris at to let her know how you'd like to help.

Main Street Fest is coming up May 20-22, and we will once again man the parking lots as a fundraiser for youth missions. The Youth Ministry and Boy Scouts will work together to provide volunteers for the 2016 Main Street Fest Parking Lot Fundraiser. Please sign up to volunteer on our Sign-Up Genius. Volunteers will ensure parking spots are available for church activities during the festival, direct attendees to available parking spots, collect payment, adjust barricades and clean up festival trash as needed. For those upcoming HS Juniors and Seniors interested in the Costa Rica Mission Trip next Spring Break, your family will need to work slots for Mission Trip this summer and additional slots for Costa Rica. The Costa Rica group needs to work 24 slots of the Fundraiser (13 are currently filled). Adult volunteers must be MinistrySafe trained. Questions? Contact Pam De La Cruz (>

Last Sunday, we let you all know about the upcoming needs for the Access-Life Expo, and event for individuals and families living with disabilities. This year's Expo is on Saturday, June 18, from 10 AM to 2 PM at Oak Grove Park, Trawick Pavillion, at Lake Grapevine. We will provide 2,400 pounds of ice and 2,500 bottles of water. Access-Life will also be collecting mobility and medical supplies to send to individuals and families living with disabilities in Belize. You also have the opportunity to volunteer the day of the event. Visit for more information....�

Opportunities to Grow...

From the Spiritual Formation Blog...
Instructions for Christian Living Part II
by Nancy Johnson

The Apostle Paul wrote two letters to the church at Thessalonica after he had spent time there. He ministered in the synagogue for three Sabbaths (Acts 17:2) and if indeed Paul was there for only three weeks he taught these new Christians an amazing amount of information. Although he had to leave the city in a hasty manner at night, he left a thriving church that took his teaching to heart and put their faith in action. Keep reading...>>>

Caught Caring

A gift has been given to the Permanent Endowment Fund in memory of John & Linda Harris by Neil & Luann Youngman.

Dawn Treese, Emily Diehm, Linda Barraclough, Karen Watkins and Bev Campisi were caught caring! They wrapped and packed a ton of breakable "holy hardware" to help Jenn and Todd Pick prepare for General Conference. Thank you so very much for all of your dedication and hard work!

Greg Weston, Russell Gravitt, Kim and Ed Crater, Mark and Barbara Maness, and Kathy and Cecil Langham were caught caring! These lovely people came to load all of Todd and Jenn's "holy hardware" for General Conference in Portland! These are also the hands that surrounded us in prayer to send the Picks on their way to lead the worldwide church in worship. What an incredible blessing!

First United Methodist Church | 422 Church Street | Grapevine, TX 76051

E-News is published every Wednesday afternoon. The deadline for submissions is Tuesdays at 5 PM. Send requests to Past editions can be found in the E-News Archives.

First United Methodist Church Grapevine | 422 Church Street | Grapevine | TX | 76051