"In real estate, the old clich� is, location, location, location. 

 In business success, it's communication, communication, communication."


- Judy Kay Mausolf


About Judy Kay
Judy Kay's expertise is helping others get happier and more successful! She coaches dentists and their teams how to become better leaders, work together better and deliver service with more passion and fun which ultimately result in growing their practice.
Her approach is different.  Instead of focusing on what you are doing wrong, Judy Kay focuses first on what you're doing right, encourages the positive that's already there, and then replaces the negative habits with actions that will help make the biggest difference for your practice!
Judy Kay Arms out   
Judy Kay Mausolf

  Positive~Practical~Powerful Results! 
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Where is Judy Kay!
January 22-23, 2015, Houston, TX
January 24-25, 2015, Atlanta, GA
February 19-20, 2015, Middletown, OH
February 26-27, 2015, Chicago, IL
March 20, 2015, Walnut Creek, CA
April 23-25, 2015, St. Paul, MN
May 5, 2015, Edina, MN
May 7-8, 2015, San Antonio, TX
May 27-28,2015, The Woodlands, TX
June 5-7, 2015, Portland, OR
June 11, 2015, Seattle, WA
June 25-26, 2015, Naples, NY
July 30, 2015, Durham, NC
August 7, 2015, Mt Pleasant, MI
August 28-30, 2015, Nashville, TN
September 10-11, 2015, Hoboken, NJ
September 14, 2015, Overland Park, KS
September, 19, 2015, Las Vegas, NV
September 22-23, 2015, Pearland, TX
September 25, 2015, Champaign, IL
October 2-3, 2015, Washington, DC
October 7-8, 2015, Bemidji, MN
October 23, 2015, Fort Lauderdale, FL
November 3-4, 2015, Washington, DC
January 21, 2016, Denver, CO
January 27-31, 2016, Boston, MA
March 5, 2016, Memphis, TN
March 11, 2016, Slidell, LA
March 17-18, 2016, Vancouver, BC
April 6-9, 2016, San Francisco, CA
May 5, 2016, Toronto, Ontario
May 20, 2016, St. Louis, MO
October 20-23, 2016, Denver, CO
June 2015 
Clear, Effective Communication!


Regardless of whether you're talking about business, politics, sports or healthcare, the most successful people are first-rate communicators. Clear, effective communication is key to their success. To grow as a leader, manager or team member, it is necessary to learn how to master the art of clear, effective communication.  

This month is dedicated to learning how to communicate more clearly and effectively to raise your level of success!


A guide to effective communcation
A guide to effective communication


Here are 5 tips to help you communicate more clearly and

effectively to raise your level of success in life!



1.  Be Transparent


 Choose to be transparent in all communications. We want others to trust not only what we say, but what we mean. There are no hidden agendas, gray areas or reading between the lines.  Transparency sheds light on our intentions and builds trust.  People work hard for and follow the people they trust!


2.  Avoid Rambling


We often ramble on, particularly when we are nervous. Try to keep your phrasing succinct and focused and don't go off on tangents.  Data dumping too much information at one time is confusing to the listener.  State your point briefly and clearly - then be quiet.  Silence gives the listener a chance to consider what you've said, and respond.


3.  Avoid Using Demeaning Words


Remove the hedging phrases like "I just," "I only,"..." from your vocabulary. Sometimes you may need to soften the impact of what you're saying when you're in a touchy situation. Choose language that softens the impact without demeaning what you're saying. 


4.  Ask


A lot of us never ask for what we need or want. We hold it inside and then get resentful when we don't get it. Be clear with yourself first about what you want, and then ask for it.  People can't read our mind...well at least most people can't!  One of my favorite new phrases is "I prefer..." which is a kinder, gentler version of "I need" or "I want," but it clearly states your preferences and it works.  I have adopted a new motto in my life.  I ask myself, "what have I got to lose"? If it's not a life and death situation I ask for what I want.  It's amazing how many things have manifested in my life simply because I have asked! 


5.  Control Your Emotions


Show passion and positive Emotions. It shows you are human, you care and are excited about life. However, control negative emotions such as anger, frustration, outbursts and dramatic displays. If something takes you by surprise, and you feel yourself getting emotional, tell them you need to think about it and will get back to them by a certain time. This will allow you time to regroup and respond clearly and logically instead of emotionally. 


Utilizing these 5 communication tips will help you to communicate more clearly and effectively and raise your level of success in life! 


Contact Judy Kay  today if you would like to learn how she can help you build a cohesive team that  support each other and the practice, become better leaders, and deliver service with more passion and fun!