"Every decision you make affects the people around you and changes the world in a million imperceptible ways!


~ Unknown


About Judy Kay
She coaches dentists and managers 
who want to be better leaders, get their teams to work together better and ultimately grow their practice.
Her approach is different.  Instead of focusing on what you are doing wrong, Judy Kay focuses first on what you're doing right, encourages the positive that's already there, and then replaces the negative habits with actions that will help make the biggest difference for your practice!
Judy Kay Arms out   
Judy Kay Mausolf

  Positive~Practical~Powerful Results! 
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Where is Judy Kay!
January 22-23, 2015, Houston, TX
January 24-25, 2015, Atlanta, GA
February 19-20, 2015, Middletown, OH
February 26-27, 2015, Chicago, IL
March 20, 2015, Walnut Creek, CA
April 23-25, 2015, St. Paul, MN
May 7-8, 2015, San Antonio, TX
June 5-7, 2015, Portland, OR
June 11, 2015, Seattle, WA
August 7, 2015, Mt Pleasant, MI
August 28-30, 2015, Nashville, TN
September 14, 2015, Overland Park, KS
September 25, 2015, Champaign, IL
October 2-3,2015, Washington, DC
November 3-4, 2015, Washington, DC
January 27-31, 2016, Boston, MA
April 6-9, 2016, San Francisco, CA
May 5, 2016, Toronto, Ontario
January 2015 
Leadership Matters!


Regardless of our position in life we all lead. The problem for many of us is we don't necessarily know what it takes to be a great leader or even a good one. This newsletter is dedicated to  the leadership skills that can make a difference in the things that matter most in life!  


Kid President - Pep Talk about Teamwork and Leadership
Kid President - Pep Talk about Teamwork and Leadership


I would like to tell you a story about a woman who was a great leader!  Her name is Ione Miller and she just happens to be my mom.  Mom was a city girl who at the age of 19 married a country boy (my dad Clem) and moved to a farm in ND!  She raised 7 kids, ran the household and was my dad's best farmhand.  She was a very busy lady!  Yet regardless of how busy she was...even as kids we knew that when mom thought something mattered, come hell or high water, (one of her favorite sayings) she would make it happen.


Mom - High School
Ione Miller


Our little Post office in St. Anthony was one of those things that mattered!  Mom heard they were planning on closing the post office and instead of just complaining about it she took action.  She called the powers that be to find out what she needed to do make stop it from happening. She was informed she would need a minimum of one hundred signatures on a petition from the

St. Anthony and surrounding area residents.  St. Anthony has a population of maybe all of 21 including pets which meant the majority of signatures would need to come from the surrounding farms. Mom drafted a petition and drove from farm to farm until she had secured all 100 signatures.   She happily handed over the petition over only to find out that it was no longer good enough. They had changed the rules and in order for the post office to stay open every family that signed needed to come to the post office and sign again in front of state representatives.  They chose a day in the middle of harvest season with a tiny window of time from 10am and 2pm. Mom asked for extended hours explaining that farmers worked from sun up to sun down in the field during harvest season.  They declined with a response of, "If it is so important they should just make time". Mom reassured them that it was indeed important and they would be there. Once again she went from farm to farm to rally support.


The day arrived and mom waited anxiously with the representatives. Over two hours had passed and not even one person had come to sign. One of the representatives snidely remarked, "We should just wrap it up now! There is no way you're going to get enough signatures."   With confidence (I can imagine it was starting to dwindle) mom responded. "We shall see!" and demanded they wait until 2pm. One by one the farmers started to trickle in. Most came right from their tractors in the field still wearing their stained and dirty overalls.   Mom greeted each one with a big smile while handing them the petition to sign. They had enough signatures by 2pm to keep the St. Anthony Post Office open! Way to go mom!


In this story my mom exemplifies four core competencies that helped her succeed!  They are clarity, confidence, perseverance and passion!


  • Clarity was displayed by having a clear end goal of keeping the post office open.
  • Confidence in herself and her community was demonstrated when she stood up to the state representatives even when things weren't looking favorable.
  • Perseverance was portrayed by her willingness to do whatever it took to make it happen even when it became discouraging and overwhelming.
  • Passion was what she presented with to her community to incite them enough to leave their work in the middle of the day.

Mom was an awesome leader and I miss her every day!


Great Leaders have clarity of who they are, the direction they want to go and the results they want to accomplish.  Great Leaders are confident in their decisions and leadership.  Self-confident leaders also recognize the value of building self-confidence in others.  Great Leaders have perseverance to do what needs to be done regardless of the difficulty.  They keep on keeping on.  They continue look for ways to succeed when they hit a road block.  Leaders with Perseverance ask, what can I do now? Great Leaders have passion for what they do in life and inspire others to follow. Passion is what ignites the heart and soul.


No matter how difficult, hectic, or crazy life gets...It's always up to each one of us to decide how we will lead in our life. We have a choice in every moment of every day regardless of the situation or circumstances. I challenge you to lead your life with clarity, confidence, perseverance and passion so that you can make a difference in the things that matter most to you!



Contact Judy Kay today if you would like to learn more about how she can help your team WORK together better to build a happy healthy and high performing service culture!