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Ray of the Month



What is your gift?  When you show up, how will the world be improved today?

~ Lisa Hamaker

About Judy Kay...
Her message empowers, energizes, and exhilarates others to maximize their performance and get results.  She excels at creating a happy, healthy and high performing work environment by developing leadership, broadening mindsets, elevating attitude, strengthening communication skills and revitalizing doctor/team/patient relationships.  

- Her encouragement, creativity and dynamic spirit are contagious.

- A natural communicator and trainer with 25+ years' experience in the industry.

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Judy Kay 2011 

Judy Kay Mausolf


Health Glow
"If it doesn't bring you joy, chuck it, change it, or rearrange it."
~ Susanne Gaddis
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December 2012
  Finding Joy!
 Holiday Decoration     

Make 2013 YOUR year to change!


R.I.S.E. to Success!

It's never too late to have the practice you always wanted!  Don't waste one more day!  Learn more, do more, become more!  We are excited to offer this newsletter to help inspire and empower our readers to shine!


December 2012   Finding Joy
December 2012 Finding Joy
First Impression


Happy Holiday Season to all of my loyal readers!  I wish for all of you three gifts; the gift of clarity, the gift of simplicity and the gift of joy! 

Outdoor Fireplace  


Take time to enjoy the beauty of the season!




December's Newsletter is dedicated to finding clarity, simplicity and joy in your holidays.  I love the holidays!  I can feel the magic in the air.  People slow down a bit and take time to be a little nicer to one another.  The focus becomes family, friends and loved ones!  That's the upside. 


The downside is the all the commercialism.  The messages
that keep playing over and over that you MUST buy this or you must do that to be a good parent, spouse, child, friend or whatever it is you are!  We run ourselves ragged trying to be everything to everyone and lose the joy of the season.


We can stop the insanity of commercialism! We can change our holiday experience by clarifying and simplifying and we will rejuvenate our joy. 


Create Clarity!  Make a list and check it twice...LOL.  Seriously list all the people you would like to connect with this holiday season.  It's time to think outside the box.  You may not have time to see everyone on your list and that's okay.  And who says it has to be in person.  It could be via Skype or phone!  It could be in groups.  Mix it up!  For example a dinner party or outing where you invite several family members, friends and colleagues and ask them to bring a dish to pass.  It could be different times of the day.  Consider breakfast, coffee, lunch, happy hour, dinner or even just dessert!  It could be different activities!  There is no right or wrong or should!  You decide.


Stick to Simplicity!  Make a second list of all your holiday traditions.  Consider this...just because you have always done something doesn't mean you have to continue to do so.  AND stop comparing yourself to what others do.  Identify the things that give you joy and those that do not.  I love the quote, "If it doesn't give you joy, chuck it, change it, or rearrange it."   I would add delegate it to the list as well!  Prioritize your list and decide what is realistic based on time.  A simple way is to grab a sheet of paper and make 4 columns.  Label the columns, Chuck It, Change It, and Delegate It.  List your traditions like baking cookies, sending cards, or decorating the tree, under the appropriate category.  You have just simplified your traditions and created more time for fun!    


JOY!  Comes from having the time to do the things you love!  One tradition I love is decorating the trees in our back yard with white lights with my hubby Steve and a yummy glass of ice cold almost frozen Peppermint Schnapps!  I also love to decorate the tree in our house and cover it with orange (of course) and a woodsy theme!  I don't bake cookies or make candy or crafts.  Instead of sending cards I prefer to call. 




Giving up the things I like least gives me more time to do what I love sitting by the fireplace with my hubby Steve enjoying the twinkling lights on the trees! 



What will you chuck, change, or delegate to bring joy back to your holiday season?  

Practicing Solutions
Need a great Gift?


Judy Kay's book, "Rise & Shine; An Evolutionary Journey to Get Out of Your Way and On Your Way to Success" was a result of the philosophy she developed while working with dental teams for over 25 years.  Her book is a working manual that inspires but also practically spells out the steps truly successful people take to find amazing significance in life.



Purchase Judy Kay's Book!




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To order your very own copy of Rise & Shine please visit my website at www.PracticeSolutionsinc.Net click on Resources, or you may email Judy Kay at



Coaching Services!


Don't let 2013 be just another 12 months in your life!  Make it be the year that turns your life around?  Let us help you take the actions to maximize your performance, and get results.  Don't just make it a GREAT year make it an AWESOME year!  In fact, the best year of your life. 

     Judy Kay Arms out
Call Judy Kay today if you are ready to start the momentum to your best year ever!
