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The Photographic Resource Center: 2014 


Dear members and the photography community,


In 2013, the Photographic Resource Center (PRC) celebrated its 38th anniversary as a non-profit photography organization.  The PRC continues to be an open forum for the exploration, interpretation, and celebration of photography.  Our success in the last year and the future has been, and is driven by your support.  For this we would like to extend our gratitude and thank you.


After the closing of an eventful year and recent staff changes, the PRC will be temporarily scaling back on programming while we evaluate our direction for the future.  We will also be putting a hold on the print production of our tri-yearly publication, Loupe.  Meanwhile, we hope you will continue to take advantage of the PRC Gallery, the Aaron Siskind library, and your additional PRC membership benefits.


As we move forward, I would like to thank Vittorio Mezzano for his invaluable service as board president, and introduce myself as the new board president.  I am well known in the community, and have enthusiastically supported the PRC since joining the board in 2013.  The board will be working on a fundraising campaign that will guide the PRC's future programming.


If you have an comments, questions or feedback you would like to share with us, please contact or 617.975.0600.






John Bunzick

President of the Board of Directors

The PRC is supported by numerous individual donors and in part by:
Boston University Logo     Mass Cultural Council
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