Timelines: Sandra Matthews

Sandra Matthews, Brown and Gabriel in 1989 / Gabriel in 2008 from the series Timelines.
For her series Timelines, Sandra Matthews photographed women and then rephotographed them anywhere from a few months to thirty years later. Fashioning these black and white photographs into diptychs and triptychs, Matthew reveals aspects of the women's identities and shows the ways in which the self, physical appearance, and even relationships change with time.
Identity and the Photographic Portrait
Caleb Cole, Myra Greene, Lorenzo Triburgo
September 3 - October 12, 2013
Opening Reception: Thursday, September 12, 2013, 6:30-8pm
PRC Gallery, 832 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA

Caleb Cole, The Last Page, from the series Other People's Clothes, 2008/2013. Courtesy of the artist and Gallery Kayafas.
As a means of exploring issues of identity, contemporary artists have been using photography to examine aspects of themselves and others. In the age of the Internet, avatars, online personalities and profiles, as well as obsessive online documentation of one's activities and characteristics, identity has become more fluid, pluralistic, multifaceted, detailed and yet, at times, illusive and elusive. The artists featured in Framed rely on photography's promise to present "truth" or "reality" to explore, reveal, and conceal aspects of the complex subject of identity. In some cases, the artists rely on photography's promise to present "reality" to create and authenticate fictitious identities or role-playing. Overall, the artists in this exhibition challenge our beliefs and assumptions about identity and the photographic portrait.
Collier Heights: Lydia A. Harris
September 3 - October 12, 2013
Opening Reception: Thursday, September 12, 2013, 6:30-8pm
PRC Gallery, 832 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA
Collier Heights is a neighborhood in Atlanta, Georgia that was developed, financed, designed, and constructed in the 1950s and 1960s predominantly by and for African Americans. In addition to portraits of homeowners, Lydia Harris' photographs of rooms reflect the social, historical, and cultural uses of space. Her poignant documentary photographs, in the words of the artist, "tell a story of the Collier Heights community-the interconnected lives, from the beginning when the residents had few other choices of where to live to the present when their neighborhood has been recognized for its architecture and the tight knit bonds among its residents."
Image: Lydia A. Harris, Philpot, from the series Collier Heights, 2013.
Mary Ellen Mark, "Tiny" in Her Halloween Costume, Seattle, Washington, 1983.
Mary Ellen Mark
Thursday, September 26, 6:30 pm
BU College of General Studies, Room 129
871 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston
Mary Ellen Mark has achieved worldwide visibility through her numerous books, exhibitions, and editorial magazine work. She has published photo-essays and portraits in such publications as LIFE, New York Times Magazine, The New Yorker, Rolling Stone, andVanity Fair. For over four decades, she has traveled extensively to make pictures that reflect a high degree of humanism. Today, she is recognized as one of our most respected and influential photographers.
Vision and Voice: Master Class with Lisa Kessler
Eight Mondays: October 7 - December 2, 6:00- 9:00 pm
$675 PRC Members | $725 General Public
Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Limited to 8 participants
Lisa Kessler, Truck with Angel from Seeing Pink.
Whether you attended Lisa Kessler's spring master class, or are starting new with Lisa, this class will challenge you to advance your work to a new level. This class will focus on producing a project photographed in the material world. Emphasis is placed on content and the process of articulating one's own vision--where fine art or documentary--and honing one's individual voice. Participants may work on an on-going project, or being a new one. The lass will include group and individual critiques, and culminate in a final edited sequence of photographs.
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