PRC Sends our Sympathy to Victims and Families Affected by Bombing at the Boston Marathon
The PRC staff and board are horrified by the bombing yesterday at the Boston Marathon finish line. This act of terrorism goes to the heart of our mission to create an open, creative, and educated community. While it may be days or weeks before we know the perpetrators of this cowardly act, today we extend our heartfelt concern to those directly and indirectly affected. In the days and weeks ahead, the PRC will do our best to join with other institutions of culture and higher education to continue to uphold the best of what the greater Boston area offers to its citizens.
Submit Your Photographs to Take a Stand Against Racism
 Submission Deadline EXTENDED: April 19, 2013
Join the premiere center for photography in New England and other PRC Members by submitting your photograph that addresses the theme of Stand Against Racism. The PRC is one of thousands of organizations across the country that are taking a Stand Against Racism on April 26, 2013 in this national initiative organized by the YWCA. The first 100 PRC Members who submit photographs addressing the theme of "eliminating racism and celebrating the richness of diversity" will have their work prominently displayed in a special online gallery accessed from the PRC website beginning April 26 and continuing as a permanent archive. There is no entry fee.
Submissions will open Wednesday, March 27.
Complete submission info coming soon!
Abelardo Morell: My Life in Pictures - So Far
Sunday, April 21, 2013, 2:00 pm
Morse Auditorium, 602 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA
FREE and open to the public!
Presented by the Photographic Historical Society of New England and the PRC
Abelardo Morell, Tent-Camera Image On Ground: Rooftop View Of The Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan Side, 2010. Courtesy of the artist and Edwynn Houk Gallery, New York.
This lecture will focus on Abelardo Morell's early work and how it has influenced and informed his more recent images involving principles of optics and time in the Camera Obscura and Tent/Camera work. Morell will show how his artistic production has been closely married with his technical investigations of finding new ways to make photographs. He will also discuss and present his other photographic projects dealing with Books, Photograms, and Cliché Verres.
An Evening at Gallery Kayafas with Robert Richfield
Wednesday, April 24, 2013, 6:00 - 8:00 pm
$35 General Public | $25 PRC Members
This April, Gallery Kayafas celebrates its 10th anniversary! From April 5 - May 11 the photographs of Aaron Siskind and his student, colleague, and close friend Robert Richfield will be on display. Join us at Gallery Kayafas to discuss Robert Richfield's new exhibition, Perpetuidad, with the artist himself and the gallery owner and director, Arlette Kayafas. Learn more about collecting from the dealer perspective and mingle with other art lovers interested in establishing or enriching their photography collections. Robert Richfield, Morelia-12 Michoacán, Mexico, 2010, 40 x 30in., 2/10 printed Nov. 2012. Courtesy of Gallery Kayafas.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Registration: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 at 10am
832 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston
Monthly portfolio reviews at the PRC are one way that we find new talented photographers to feature in NEO, Loupe, and our new Members Gallery at the PRC.
To reserve your slot, please call the PRC at 617-975-0600 on April 17 beginning at 10am. This opportunity is for PRC Members only and is offered on a first come, first served basis.
Nudes Night
Guest Host: Karin Rosenthal
Open to all photographers, artists, and enthusiasts interested in the nude body as subject. Presenter slots are full. Please join us as audience participants.
Please contact the PRC at 617-975-0600 or to reserve a presenter slot no later than two days before the Night. Audience members without work are also encouraged to participate, no reservations needed.
Assignment/Pin Up Night
Wednesday, May 15, 2013, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
832 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston
Hosted by the PRC Staff
Please join us for an informal, mix-and-mingle style Night at the PRC featuring a gallery pin-up of small prints created as a result of the themed "assignment" issued below. If you wish to participate in the gallery pin-up party by showing your prints, you must register ahead of time by emailing Each assignment participant is asked to bring a maximum of 5 prints no larger than 11 x 14 inches to pin up on the gallery walls for the Night. The prints do NOT need to be high quality exhibition or portfolio prints. Curious onlookers and photo enthusiasts are encouraged to attend. Please bring refreshments to share and an open mind!
In the next month, go out and shoot anything that strikes your fancy within your personal interpretation of the quote below. There is no right or wrong interpretation, but be prepared to discuss your images within the context of the quote. We can't wait to see what you come up with!
"In photography, the smallest thing can be a great subject. The little human detail can become a leitmotiv."
-- Henri Cartier-Bresson
Cindy Stephens interviews Stephanie Sammons on how to create more traffic to your website and building your online presence with blogs, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social media.
June 7 & 8, 2013
Online registration: May 6-22, 2013
Boston University Photonics Center, 9th Floor
The New England Portfolio Reviews is an opportunity for emerging and established photographers to meet with curators, teachers, gallerists, and other image professionals. The Reviews will serve both individuals who are just embarking on their careers and those who have several years of experience and are hoping to reach new audiences by initiating connections with leading figures in the busy New England photography world.
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsor
PRC 2013 Student Exhibition
April 11 - May 4, 2013
Opening Reception: Thursday, April 11, 5:00 - 8:30 pm
Award Ceremony: 5:30 pm
Allie Richards, Simmons College, Cosmos, 2012, Archival Inkjet Print.
This annual showcase of work by students enrolled in PRC Institutional Member schools demonstrates the breadth of Boston's photographic education community. View the creative talents of tomorrow on display today, and gain an appreciation for the diversity of young, contemporary photographic visions (and the remarkable range of academic programs supporting them) that surround the PRC.
Unconventional Inventions:
Innovative, Unusual, and Alternative Approaches to Photography
March 11 - April 26, 2013
Satellite Exhibition at Endicott College's Carol Grillo Gallery
Walter J. Manninen Center for the Arts, 376 Hale Street, Beverly, MA
David Emitt Adams, Smelter, Tintype on found object from the Sonoran Desert, 2012.
This riveting show features artists who take unconventional and innovative approaches to photography by pushing the boundaries of the medium, using alternative or new processes and techniques, integrating photography with other arts or new technologies, or experimenting with scale or frame.
Make the trip to Beverly to see this show!
more info & featured artists >>
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and numerous individual sponsors.