Post Auction Sale
Even though the PRC 2012 Benefit Auction is over, you can still support the PRC and build your photography collection! We are offering remaining auction lots for sale at the minimum bid price.
For pieces available on our website, the sale is through November 9.
For pieces available through ArtNet, the sale is through November 21.
Lou Jones, Lot 27.
All work is available for purchase at the minimum bid price (no online bidding). In some cases, artists have lowered the price to encourage sales. Your purchase of this work not only supports the PRC and contributes to the bottom line of this year's auction, but in many cases a portion of the sale price (up to 50%) directly supports the artists as well.
View and purchase the photographs for sale >>
Photoshop Editing with Experts
Tuesday, November 6, 2012, 6:00 - 9:00 pm (25 minute sessions)
PRC Gallery, 832 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston
$50 General Public | $45 Members per 25 minute session
Experts: Dominic Chavez, Julie Kukharenko, Neal Rantoul, Sylvia Stagg Giuliano, Peter Vanderwarker
Call the PRC at 617-975-0600 to register for a specific time and expert.
Many slots still open.
Learn Adobe Photoshop from the experts! You will meet with one of five instructors who are accomplished photographers and experts in using Photoshop to manage, enhance, and fix digital photographic images. Using one of your images, the instructor will quickly assess what needs to be done to make the most stunning file and show you exactly what steps are necessary. Depending on the solutions most appropriate for your image, you will learn tools such as neutralizing color casts, increasing contrast and saturation, sharpening, black and white conversion, scratch and noise reduction, local retouching, and other tools buried in the recesses of Photoshop.
Each Photoshop session is 25 minutes long with the expert of your choice. Reservations are based on a first come, first served policy. Please bring three files to the workshop on a portable drive.
We will be following election coverage online!
more info about the experts >>
Nurturing Your Network With New Media
Seminar with Suzanne McDonald
Wednesday, November 7, 2012, 7pm, Reception immediately following
BU College of General Studies, Room 527
871 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston
Registration Required: Free for ASPP & PRC members | $10 General Public
Everyone has access to the same new media tools, but not everyone knows how to use them efficiently and effectively. Don't be overwhelmed or intimidated by the variety of new media tools when promoting your photography. At this evening seminar, Boston Globe journalist-turned new media guru Suzanne McDonald will reveal a practical strategy that she uses for her Content and Social Media business-and for clients-to consistently develop new solid leads and relationships. Be sure to take detailed notes at this seminar as you will be given specific techniques that you can implement as soon as you get home!
Please join us for a reception immediately following the seminar. Light appetizers + cash bar.
more info >>
Portrait Night at the PRC Wednesday, October 31, 2012, 6 - 8 pm
832 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston
Open to all photographers and photo enthusiasts interested in portrait photography.
One presenter slot is still available! Audience members without work are also encouraged to participate, no reservations needed, but must bring their curiosity and open-mindedness. Everyone is welcome to bring refreshments.
Rania Matar
Girls in Between: Portraits of Identity PRC Gallery, 832 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston
With her camera Rania Matar poignantly captures the elusive and mysterious moment in a female's life when she is both a child and an emerging woman. The girls in Matar's photographs, from both the United States and Lebanon, simultaneously hide and expose themselves, exhibiting a dual vulnerability and ferocity completely unique to the female transition from girl to woman. This show features work from Matar's highly acclaimed project A Girl and Her Room as well as never-before-seen work from Matar's new project L'Enfant-Femme.
Rania Matar, Izzy, Brookline, from A Girl and Her Room, 2011. more info >> |
Nancy Grace Horton: Being 13
PRC Members' Gallery, 832 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston
 In this exhibition, Nancy Grace Horton explores her stepdaughter's navigation through the often monumental year of being 13. With Zoe as her muse, Horton captures priceless moments in the world of a girl who is leaving a part of herself behind while learning to embrace who she is becoming--Zoe expresses a variety of states peculiar to girls in their early teens: defiance, playfulness, embarrassment, youthfulness, boredom, and independence. Horton's enchanting photographs clearly depict her subject's blossoming sense of selfhood while also revealing the artist's deep affection for and fascination with her subject. Nancy Grace Horton, UNH Hotel, from Being 13, 2009. more info >> |
The Space in Between
Daniel Feldman, Stefanie Klavens, and Lynn Saville
November 15, 2012 - January 19, 2013
Opening Reception: Thursday, November 15, 2012, 6:00 - 8:00 pm
PRC Gallery, 832 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston
Stefanie Klavens, Diamond Crest, C-print, 2011.
The Space in Between features artwork that focuses on societal built environments in urban settings. The images capture supposedly empty or vacant scenes in public spaces where humans are present without being pictured. The very absence of human subjects forces the viewer to contemplate the space in between these human-made structures. While firmly rooted in the 21st century, these photographs also portray a timeless feel, as if the artists froze the frame at the initial moment of abandonment, preserving a particular constructed expression of culture for generations to come.
more info >>
Unconventional Inventions
Innovative, unusual, and alternative approaches to photography A PRC satellite exhibition at Endicott College  |
John Hirsch, Camera, Tintype, 2011.
The Photographic Resource Center at Boston University (PRC) is partnering with Endicott College School of Visual and Performing Arts in this exciting call for entries and exhibition. We seek submissions from photographers and other artists who are working in or with photography while also expanding upon the expressive abilities of the medium. Entry fee: $25.00 for PRC Members If you are not currently a PRC member, you may join the PRC while paying the entry fee online. Jurors: Francine Weiss, PRC Curator & Loupe Editor Howard Yezerski, Director, Howard Yezerski Gallery Christopher James, Director of MFA Program in Photography and Photography Department Chair at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University Deadline: Monday, December 3, 2012, 11:59 pm For complete details and submission guidelines >> |
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and numerous individual sponsors.