Episcopal Diocese of West Texas  
March, 2015


During a veterinary mission to Honduras, a DWTX team noticed that women with at-risk pregnancies living in rural areas had to ride a bus for hours to reach a hospital. The vet team raised funds, and in 2009 a state-of-the-art birthing center was completed.  Medical students staff the facility, and for years St. David's (San Antonio) has made up Mommy Kits (packages of cloth diapers and pins, booties and hats, baby clothes, blankets, and soft toys) to give the impoverished young mothers.

With the supply of Mommy Kits dwindling, Council in Action embraced the diocesan theme (Called to Serve) in a practical way, determined to put together 500 Mommy Kits.  By the close of Council 350 complete kits had been put together with more items remaining, which should exceed our goal of 500.  Additionally, $3000 has been donated for kits, and contributions of funds and baby items continue to be received.

Right Rev. Sirs, WE ARE A MISSIONS DIOCESE, ready and eager to serve.

from Patricia Perea, St. Andrew's, Canyon Lake  

We had a total of 16 individuals going on this trip including persons from St. Francis by the Lake, St. Andrew's in Seguin, Emmanuel in San Angelo, St Mark's in San Marcos, and St. Anthony de Padua in San Antonio. In addition, we had our Manos Pray-ers Powerhouse led by Libby Templeton from St. Francis following our journey day by day and praying for us along the way.

After 14 years of work, dedication, generous donations, and constant prayers, we have been able to plant and build a church in Nueva Esperanza, Danli. In addition, we have built a vocational center and work in various social areas with the purpose of empowering the members of the community and helping them be self-sufficient. This year, in addition to working in Nueva Esperanza, we decided to work in two other villages called Ojo de Agua and San Lorenzo. We worked side by side with the members of our sister church Manos de Dios in many ministries.

Manos to Go has become an outreach effort for the Manos de Dios Church as they help surrounding villages. This year we worked with our Honduran partners in San Lorenzo, a small village about 40 miles from Danli. We held a vision clinic as well as a VBS session.

15 new scholarship students were selected who not only had a high academic index (92% or higher) but also demonstrated a strong eagerness to do well in school as well as a financial need. Three of our students graduated from high school in November 2014 and, hopefully, will be starting college this spring. This year we will have a record total of 50 students in the Manos Scholarship Program including 43 in grades 7-12 and 7 students in college.

In an effort to encourage and inspire students to read and discuss books with their peers we started a new book club called Club Aventura. We had our first two sessions with 10 students who applied to be part of the Club Aventura. It was a wonderful experience to see these students so excited about the idea of reading and sharing their thoughts. The students will take turns leading the weekly discussions. After they have a few paper books under their belt, we will introduce the XO Tablets with dozens of books in English and Spanish already downloaded on them.

As we see our students graduate from high school and college we have noticed that they are at a disadvantage compared to other students who might have been more fortunate to learn English. Given this situation, in March 2014 we started an ESL program for our scholarship students. We have a class of 16 students who meet on Saturdays for three hours led by a local Honduran teacher. During our trip this year we conducted an Intercambio/Exchange session with all of our ESL students as well as our Manos team. We had a great time with all kinds of activities encouraging our students to practice their English with the Manos team and also having our students help the team with their Spanish. It was a wonderful way to make connections and strengthen those relationships between students and team members.

The construction team worked on a project in the Instituto Danli, a high school across the street from the Manos de Dios Church. The school has let us use one of their classrooms to run a school supply store and a cafeteria. Both of these small businesses have helped raise funds for the church as part of the self-sustainability plan that has been encouraged by the Diocese of Honduras. The construction team worked together with our church youth group to build a store front at the Instituto Danli to run the "Papeler�a Manos" or school supply store. Everybody seemed to enjoy building something together for the well-being of the community.

We held a shoe clinic at the Manos de Dios Church and were able to fit 250 pairs of shoes with shoes donated by the Buckner Foundation. 

For many years, we offered sewing courses for the ladies in the community with the vision that one day they would start a micro-enterprise. That day has come and Confecciones Manos de Dios is up and thriving. The ladies are making beautiful bags in various designs. The profits of the sales are split among the women who call themselves "socias" or partners. In addition, the funds are used to buy materials and to pay for the upkeep of the sewing machines. Please contact the Manos team if you are interested in purchasing one of these beautiful one of a kind bags. All of the proceeds from the sale of these bags will go to Confecciones Manos de Dios to help support the women's families and their community.

Our baking micro-enterprise has been running for several years. They sell baked goods to the local schools and other churches in the community. This year we offered a baking workshop to expand the line of products. Some of the baked goods included empanadas of chocolate, mango, coconut, and cinnamon apple and some salty options like bean, onion, and jalape�o peppers. The last day they prepared delicious empanadas and cupcakes for over 200 people attending the scholarship ceremony.

If you'd like to make a contribution to any of these wonderful ministries, please send a check to St. Francis by the Lake Episcopal Church, PO Box 2031, Canyon Lake, TX  78133.  Write "Honduras Manos" on the memo line.

from Randy Melton, Messiah, Gonzales

Imana  Ishemwe! Imana Ishemwe!!  Congratulations to our beloved adopted Ugandan daughter in love, Irankunda Mary, whom we have been sponsoring through school for almost 10 years. Beautiful Mary has graduated from Makerere University in Kampala with a degree in social work. 


Of course, this was all happened because of my old friend, (the first bishop of the diocese of Muhabura) the late Bishop Ernest Shalita, whose dream was to educate as many young people as possible. Mary, you are the result of exactly what he envisioned! And I am so very happy for you and for your family.

And thank you to those who continue to sponsor the education of these children, especially those at Church of the Messiah in Gonzales and St. John's in Sonora, and others throughout the country who are connected to what we do. Thank you to St. Michael and All Angels in South Bend for helping to initiate this ministry extended across the ocean in the first place. Most of all, I'd like to thank my wife Karen, who has been responsible for raising literally thousands of dollars over the years on behalf of these children. Through the power of prayer, the children remain connected to her on a spiritual level that can never be broken.

                                 KIDS FOUNDATION IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE

Greetings from the Kids Foundation of Coatepec, Mexico.  The six and one-half years since we began in the fall of 2008 have passed very quickly. In that time, we have been able to help over 900 children with the support of the Diocese of West Texas.


Every week, family members of children in need of dental or medical help come to me seeking assistance. The government health care programs here in Mexico provide very minimal health care for very poor families. Dental care is extremely difficult to get and usually only provides extraction for problem teeth...even permanent teeth in young children. It is very common for children to grow up with no dental care at all.   The importance of good dental hygiene is not taught in the schools, and many parents are not aware of how to care for their children's teeth. Many children have medical problems that the government programs simply do not cover.


The Kids Foundation is a small organization, but with God's help we are able to offer care to many children in the poorest areas of Coatepec and surrounding villages. We always let these families know that this is a gift from God from Christian people who donate to help the children of Coatepec. The families of the children who are helped are often amazed that someone cares about their children.


We always include teaching on dental care or proper care of the medical condition the child has when we talk with the parents. Most are very receptive and eager to do whatever they can to benefit the health of their children.


The Kids Foundation is blessed to have several excellent doctors and dentists who see our kids regularly. Some offer discounted rates and some services at no cost. Each of these doctors is especially gifted in working with kids and families, and the kids adore them. Dr. Gloria Rivas is the dentist who sees most of our kids.  Dr. Irma Salgado is a pediatric specialist who sees kids with special dental needs. Dr. Ivan Garcia is a root canal specialist, very talented in working with children. He has been extremely kind to the Kids Foundation. Dr. Jania Alva and Dr. Maria Ester Soler are extremely good pediatricians, and the kids adore them. Each of these doctors has expressed how thankful they are to be able to help the children we bring to them. I believe God has provided each of these specific doctors to work with our kids.


The yearly support given by the Diocese of West Texas makes this work done by the Kids Foundation possible. I thank God for your caring and support. I appreciate your help more than I can express.


God bless you all.


Charlotte Swindull

Coatepec, Veracruz, Mexico



The Rev. Nancy Springer (St. John's, McAllen, nspringer@stjohns-mcallen.org) announces three new mission trips.  Team members are needed for all three. Please contact designated persons (below) if you are called to serve on any or all of these:


July 5-11: Surgical Mission

We need general surgeons, CRNAs, anesthesiologists, OR nurses and  technicians, recovery room nurses, circulating nurses, and non-medical support people.   We will work at a hospital in Chichicastenango.  If you are interested, please contact Jim Chase jchasern@sbcglobal.net.  The cost for the trip is $1300 per person (a definite cost will be available in the next few weeks).  Full payment, a copy of your medical license, and a copy of your passport must be received by May 15, 2015. 


August 2-8: Construction Mission

We build cinder block houses for widows and install ONIL stoves in homes in the indigenous Mayan region of Guatemala.  We need folks with and without construction experience.  For more information, contact Lorena Rojas lorirm@me.com.  The estimated cost for the trip is $1300 per person (a more definite cost and commitment deadlines will be available as the trip draws closer). 


November 1-7: Medical Dental Mission

We provide dental and basic medical care for people in the indigenous Mayan regions of Guatemala, setting up temporary clinics in churches and schools.  We need dentists, dental assistants, doctors, nurses, and non-medical people.  If you are interested please contact Lorena Rojas lorirm@me.com or Jim Chase jchasern@sbcglobal.net.  The estimated cost for the trip is $1300 per person (a more definite cost and commitment deadlines will be available as the trip draws closer).



World Water Day 2015: March 22  

How will you mark this day?  

Water is at the core of sustainable development. Water resources, and the range of services they provide, underpin poverty reduction, economic growth and environmental sustainability. From food and energy security to human and environmental health, water contributes to improvements in social well-being and inclusive growth, affecting the livelihoods of billions.  See more at: http://www.unwater.org/worldwaterday/learn/en/#sthash.sZMPyhUl.dpuf

SAVE THE DATE:  April 16, 3rd Annual Honduras Night at Beto's, 5:30 - 9:00, 8142 Broadway, San Antonio.  Raffle tickets can be purchased at the diocese (or call 888/824-5387 for other locations) with great prizes - 55" HD TV, 3 day waterfront getaway, $500 VISA card.

There are THREE components to world mission:  GOING, GIVING, PRAYING.  
You know about GOING AND GIVING, but did you know that Virtual Mission is a group of PRAY-ERS who participate in team trips by attending team meetings, reading the team devotional books, staying connected with the team as they go, and PRAYING daily for the team?  If you'd like to be part of Virtual Mission, contact Libby Templeton for more information (ltempleton254@gmail.com).  

Apr. 21-May 5 Uganda Helen & Garry Schnelzer Threads of Blessing 
May 16-22HondurasBill Campaigne & Valerie KirkVeterinary & public health
June 21-28  Belize  Spencer Stocker, (St. Thomas, SA) Team Leader
20 youth, 5 sponsors 
Mahogany Heights - English literacy program; Holy Cross Anglican School - VBS, math & science tutoring, repairs 
July 5-11GuatemalaJorge & Lorena Rojas, Team Leaders
Nancy Springer
Surgical mission (St. John's, McAllen)
July 6-11 San Antonio Glenn Meschko (St. Luke's, SA), Team Leader & Organizer; Youth of the diocese Mission City Missions, sponsored by St. Luke's, San Antonio 
July 11-24UgandaEric Fenton (Christ Church, SA) Team Leader, Richard Wallace, Michael BehanBand & Bible mission
July (TBA)KenyaSam Regonini, Kaitlin Reed, Gavin Rogers, Team LeadersYouth team VBS
July 14-22Croix des Bouquets, HaitiYouth, Mary Hayden
15 youth with adults
VBS, painting of children's home facilities
August (TBA)UgandaMarthe Curry, Team Leader
Kaitlin Reed, John Hill
Micro enterprise for men
August 2-8GuatemalaJorge & Lorena Rojas, Team Leaders, Nancy SpringerConstruction mission (St. John's, McAllen)
November 1-7GuatemalaJorge & Lorena Rojas, Team Leaders, Nancy SpringerMedical/dental mission (St. John's, McAllen)
(You may give to specific designations or "Where Most Needed.")
Or make checks payable to DWTX and note "MISSIONS" on the 
memo line.  Mail to DWTX, PO Box 6885, San Antonio, TX  78209.

Or call Betty Chumney 888/210-824-5387.


Episcopal Diocese of West Texas World Mission