November 6, 2014
Announcing Sunday's Sagan Speaker; Plus, Military Atheists Tonight!
Sagan Day This Sunday: Announcing Our Speaker!

On the second Sunday of each month we meet for Humanist Haven, a nonreligious gathering to celebrate life's joys and reflect on its challenges, hosted in the Clubhouse at The Grove by YHC. 

This Sunday we'll be celebrating Carl Sagan Day, and we're thrilled to announce that Jacob J. Erickson is our guest speaker! Erickson is an Instructor of Religion at St. Olaf College, a PhD candidate at Drew University in Theological and Philosophical Studies, and a graduate of Yale Divinity School. He will talk about how the legacy of Sagan's evocation to wonder at our shared fragility in the cosmos might be viewed as a resource for addressing the immense weight of our contemporary ecological crises.

What: "Reflections from Starstuff: Ecology, Wonder, and Shared Fragility" with Jacob J. Erickson
When: Sunday, November 9, 1 PM (with refreshments to follow) 
Where: Clubhouse at The Grove (760 Chapel St., New Haven) 
Who: Open to the public!
Atheists in Foxholes: Special Event TONIGHT!
With Veterans Day just around the corner, join us tonight for a discussion with some of the leading experts on nontheists in the military. Want a preview of the conversation before tonight? Check out our Executive Director's interviews with them here and here.
What: "Atheists in Foxholes: Challenges and Changes for Humanists in the U.S. Military" with Jason Torpy and Jason Heap, and an introduction from Patrick Weil 
When: Thursday, November 6, 7 PM
Where: Linsly-Chittenden Hall 101 (63 High Street, New Haven) 
Who: Open to the public!
A reception will follow at 9 PM, hosted by the Open Party at Yale Divinity School in the RSV Room - S200. 
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Other Announcements

Be sure to check out our November newsletter for more events happening this month, and sign up at the bottom of this message for monthly updates.

One event not in November's newsletter: On Thursday, November 20, YHC is a sponsor of the Trans* Day of Remembrance Vigil at 6 PM at Yale's Battell Chapel, and YHC's Executive Director is participating in the service. Before the vigil is a rally at 5 PM at Amistad Memorial. You can learn more about these events, and the entire slate of Trans*/gender Awareness Week events, at
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