Volume 3 | Issue 2
February 2016
Spring events for instruction in TILE.

March 25 & April 1, 2:00-4:30pm
134 Trowbridge Hall

Workshops for teaching and learning excellence.

February 11, 11:30 - 1:30pm
2070E University Capitol Centre

Micro-teaching, student engagement and more.

Readers responses and insights about teaching.

Center for Teaching
Liberal Education: It's a Value Proposition
The value of a liberal arts and science education has been much in the public discourse these last few years. Political and economic forces--some might say agendas--have shaped that discourse, as they have for at least the last century, particularly in the United States. But before assuming a shared understanding of what constitutes liberal education, perhaps we should pose that as an essential question.
In the past, Center for Teaching workshops have done just that, invited participants to jot down their own definitions of liberal education. And while the variety of answers can be fascinating, they almost always revolve around three notions that together describe an educated person as...

Developing Critical Thinking Through Peer Review
Peer review is a critical component of the life of the mind and an effective teaching strategy for nurturing students' critical thinking skills. In our newest video for The Extraordinary Teaching Project, Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences Art Bettis describes how he uses peer review to help his students improve their writing skills, enhance critical thinking and evaluation skills, and gain a deeper understanding of the course topic. Research studies, including some conducted at The University of Iowa, have identified key strategies for designing effective peer review assignments... 

Digital Tools Inspire New Classroom Innovation and Collaboration
Each year on the Thursday before the start of spring classes, the Center for Teaching hosts the 4CAST conference (Campus Academic Strategies & Technologies) to provide UI faculty and lecturers an opportunity to share and explore new and effective teaching technologies. This year's event focused on new ways to implement digital tools into teaching across disciplinary boundaries. Brandeis University Vice Provost and University Librarian John Unsworth kicked off the day with a keynote address, "Bridging Art & Science:  STEAM Education in a Digital World...  

Turning a Mirror onto Ourselves: Reflecting on Teaching
Many of us start the semester inspired by the idea that our courses can help students broaden their perspectives and use their new skills and understandings to reshape the world for the better.  As we dive into the middle weeks of the semester, it's easy to lose some of that enthusiasm in a deluge of email and stacks of ungraded homework. Instead of relegating reflection on teaching to the busy period of preparation before the start of the semester, or to the day that the ACE Online results arrive, many instructors find it emotionally rewarding to take time throughout the semester to explore their teaching practices by...