Volume 2 | Issue 3
October 2015
Fall events for instruction in TILE.
Workshops for teaching and learning excellence.
How to Design and Teach a Blended Learning Course
October 16 & 23 (both required)
12:00 - 1:30 pm, 1140 LIB

Effective rubrics, micro-teaching and more.
Center for Teaching

Pharmacy Course Focuses on Students

As a pharmacy student nine years ago, Michelle Fravel was not always sure that sitting in an auditorium for hours listening to lectures was the best way to learn and prepare for her professional career. 

Now a University of Iowa Clinical Assistant Professor of Applied Clinical Sciences, Fravel has an opportunity to impact the next generation of students by implementing a case-based, active learning approach in the Pharmacotherapy course series as part of the college's Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) degree. 

"Professor Fravel's course is on the leading edge of active learning for students in our professional program" says Gary Milavetz, Associate Professor and Head of the Division of Applied Clinical Science.

When Fravel began as the course coordinator four years ago, Pharmacotherapy was taught in a traditional large-lecture format:  100-plus students in an auditorium, listening to two-hour lectures. Occasionally clicker questions and case studies were incorporated, but otherwise students weren't asked to actively engage during class time...

Mid-semester Feedback
It's been seven weeks since the start of fall classes and students and instructors are well into the rhythm of the semester.  It's a good time for you and your students to pause and take stock of how classes are going and what adjustments might enhance their learning experience.

A variety of strategies can garner mid-semester feedback from students and classroom observers and provide valuable information not only about what students have learned but also how they are learning. And unlike end-of-the-semester ACE forms, mid-term feedback activities are designed for instructors' use only...

The Center for Teaching has Moved
The ITS Office of Teaching, Learning & Technology's Center for Teaching has moved.
The new location is in University Capitol Centre 2080, which is at the north end of the second floor of UCC, above Hills Bank. 
Please feel free to come visit, borrow a book on teaching and learning from our lending library, join us at workshops scheduled in the large meeting room, and attend our Open House on Tuesday, November 17, 1:00-4:00. 
We are open 8:00am to 5:00pm, Monday-Friday.

Proposals for Innovative Projects Due Oct. 15
The University of Iowa Academic Technologies Advisory Council will accept proposals for the Innovations in Teaching with Technology Awards through Oct. 15.

The goal of the Innovations in Teaching with Technology Awards program is to raise the level of teaching and learning at the UI by supporting significant and innovative instructional technology projects that have potential to directly impact student...

Blended Learning: More than the Sum of its Parts
As Iowa faces the challenge of larger undergraduate enrollments in the future, balancing sustained academic excellence and the effective use of University facilities will become increasingly critical to our institutional success.

Researchers found that students in blended learning conditions performed better than those in face-to-face courses (e.g., Means et al., 2010). Through careful course design and use of teaching technologies...