Our Mission
Protect and Advocate for Parents' Rights to Guide the Education of Their Children.

November Newsletter, 2015
Parents Losing Legal Rights to Direct the Health Care of Their Children
The Truth About Well-Care Visits for Adolescents
Way to go! Parents' Rights in Education salutes Oregon parents, guardians and students who are savvy in noticing school content, activities and discussions which do not belong in the classroom. 
Case in point:  In an October 23, 2015 news story, a 6th grade Art class in the Eugene, Oregon, Bethel School District, a teacher had a classrooom discussion regarding a "Genderbread Person" poster.  Her   discussion included matters around gender identity, sex, attraction, orientation and expression.  Despite school Principal Erika Case's claim that this "Genderbread Person" was solely for purposes of instructing teachers, the evidence below reveals a much broader effort (statewide) to bring this concept into Oregon public schools.  

Evidence: 1. Oregon Adolescent Sexuality Conference (ASC) "2015 Replacement Effort" featured youth "teaching" about the "Genderbread Person"; 2. At the 2014 ASC, youth keynote speaker Mason Bennett-Ponsford a 17-year-old non-binary transgender youth from Olympia, Washington refers to herself as a "they" and addressed issues around "gender fluidity"; 3. Document distributed at the 2014 ASC titled "Dry Humping Saves Lives" included a picture and explanation of a "Gender Gummy Bear".
Remember: You can make a difference!
Families across the state of Oregon (and nation) are taking a stand against state, national and international decisions and policies which act outside their mandates, exploit and overly-sexualize children, put minors' health and safety at great risk and promote gender confusion. 

Oregon News

Parents Losing Legal Rights to Direct the Health Care of Their Children

As more and more school-based health centers are funded by the legislature, parents are losing their ability to safely monitor and direct the health care of their children.  Many school districts are under the illusion that they can tailor their proposed clinic to reflect the community's wishes. It is true, the establishment of a school-based health centers (SBHC) is totally voluntary, although evidence reveals a serious lack of transparency and parental involvement in the process.  However, if the district wishes to be funded by the Oregon Health Authority (OHA), the clinic must meet the minimum required standards for certification as set forth by the SBHC State Program Office (OAR 333-028-0220).  Funding is the carrot and funding is the club to force communities and school districts into standardized school-based health care as defined by the state.  Many of these "minimum requirements" usurp parents and infringe on their legal rights.

The Truth about Well-Care Visits for Adolescents

Have you noticed who is missing in much of the literature for a school-based health center? The answer is a simple one...the parents.  The Oregon Health Authority (OHA), Oregon Department of Education (ODE) and public health departments extoll the virtues of school-based health centers (SBHCs), tout their contribution to student achievement while marketing their convenience for busy parents and guardians.   While also employing strategies that remove the parent from the health care decisions of their child.

In our September newsletter we introduced you to the Patient Centered Primary Care Institute  (PCPCI) and their program, 'Enhancing Adolescent Well-Visits'.  PCPCI develops online modules and webinars to teach providers how to separate the child from the parent through "well-care visits".  An intentional  wedge between the parent-child relationship is also evidenced in the Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services and their program, 'Paving the Road to Good Health, Strategies for Increasing Medicaid Adolescent Well-Care Visits'.  The seeming goal of both of these entities is to hand over to your minor child the decision-making process as it relates to your child's health care.  While well-care visits may begin earlier, the stated age is 12.  Parents are often unaware these visits even take place nor are they informed about what messages or referrals their child is given during a visit to their school district's SBHC.

 Did You Know?

In 2015 the legislature passed House Bill 2177 in which every Oregon resident was automatically registered to vote whether they wanted to be or not.  Prior to the passage of this bill, if your 17 year old child accessed a CCare Provider (a Medicaid provider for contraceptive care), the organization was required by law to provide your child with a voter registration card...in Spanish or English. The passage of the National Voter Registration Act in 2012 made this a requirement for all Medicaid providers.                          
National News




Quick Hits

Call to Action 
What can YOU do?
With respectful resolve, ask for hardcopy evidence and expect any sex education and health care policy decisions, materials and programs adopted at your child's school district be substantiated by scientific evidence based on reality.

Based on scientific fact or waging war on reality?  
Superintendents, school board members, legislators, health care professionals, educators, parents and guardians must be ever vigilant not to succumb to intimidating and bullying tactics intent on pressuring and forcing their hand.  In schools across the country students are urged not to be bullies - yet, all too often adults are not standing up to bullies themselves. Why is this?

Minors are counting on adults to protect them from the confusing, destructive and unscientific messages that claim a person can "change" their gender. 
It is genetically impossible.
It doesn't matter what your thoughts are about homosexuality, gender identity or gender expression. The bottom-line issue is that the whole concept of being able to change one's gender from male to female or from female to male is illegitimate and "forcing" people to believe a lie.

For the sake of the healthy development of children, we must always base our decisions and actions on reality and not allow children to become pawns in some aggressive social experiment based on a false and dangerous premise.

"[O]ur constitution long ago rejected any notion that a child is a mere creature of the State and, on the contrary, asserted that parents have the right coupled with the high duty to recognize and prepare [their children] for additional obligations."
    Troxel v. Granville (2000)
Need Support? 

Parents' Rights in Education has been receiving a growing number of requests from communities around the state to speak and provide information and insights into how to best protect their parental rights and the rights of their children.


Please feel free to contact us, we are here to help you!