Winter 2014

A) Editor's Note 
B) From the President 

Editor's Note:


This is my last edition as the SDCFCA newsletter editor so I wanted to thank all you in the industry who have chosen to participate in this 5 year-long rejuvenation of your trade association. As a board member and past president, I've participated in redeveloping recreational, industry and community-support events that should make all you readers proud. You could be proud because your industry has become a force in support of professionalism and scholarship in the floor covering industry and in the general San Diego community.


For you that have been waiting to see our progress before participating, what can I say? Get on the phone to a board member to enlist for a committee or for the board of directors.


Thanks to all you that have made this wild ride back to industry relevance so enjoyable and interesting. What a rush!


Please hit any of these direct web-links to know more about SDCFCA events and issues:



Membership     Board of Directors     Day at the Races


Golf Tournament     Website/Newsletter     San Diego Market  


College Scholarship     Award of Excellence 



Please call your local Board member or go to the association website for all event registration or to voice your opinions on events. In fact, we invite all you readers to check the website regularly for issue and event updates - or to sign up for company or sponsor membership. Your association company membership is now pushing 30 and the Board of Directors has set a 40 company member goal for 2014...vendor sponsors number over 10, and we welcome all trade manufacturers and distributors.


Last, because membership in the World Floor Covering Association goes with your SDCFCA membership, please visit their website for overarching national floor covering industry news and the national flooring events schedule.


Note: The 'History of Our Members' column is absent because of technical difficulties.


                                            Jack Daly, SDCFCA Newsletter Editor




From the President: 


On behalf of the SDCFCA Board of Directors, I would like to wish all a very happy Holiday Season and a very prosperous New Year.


2014 has been a great year for our association and I anticipate a bigger and better year in 2015.



Above: Kyle Sherman & Ken McKillip 
October Golf Championship

The October Golf Championship drew 60 players vying for the golfer of the year and t
he Sid Rubin Perpetual Trophy. Don Pasquill, Sid's Carpet Barn, won the event.

We raised several thousand dollars for our scholarship fund and look forward to pre
senting those scholarships to students of members and member employees.
Last year we gave out $8,000.00 and all  scholarship requests were filled. 




Above: Marcy Lehnerr, Ken & Linda McKillip
Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure 2014

On November 2, the SDCFCA Team participated in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure 5K in Balboa Park. This was our third year as a team and I urge you all to join us next year for such a worthy cause. Thank you Marci Lehnherr for organizing the event.


Speaking of worthy causes, this year the association made a sizable donation to 'Outreach' ... A non-profit charitable effort driven by our member company JW Floors. We invite any SDCFCA member company to notify the board of any non-profit organization they support.  


Our next event will be Surfaces in Las Vegas and I urge all of you to take a few minutes to stop by the WFCA area. The first local event will be our Golf Scramble at Riverwalk Golf Club on Thursday, June 4, 2015. Last year's tournament was oversold and next year will have a limited number of spots. Please contact Mark McDonald and get you foursomes registered early.


I would like to thank or current Members and Sponsors for their support this year. It is that time of year again that we are asking for renewal of current Members and Sponsors. We are also asking for new members and sponsors to join our association. If you have any questions or wish to become a member or sponsor, please contact me or Don Melucci. Our contact information is listed on our website Many thanks to Ashley Conner, Executive Director, for maintaining and upgrading the site.


Our next board meeting will be Thursday, January 15, 2015. We have several board members leaving and are looking for people who can spend a couple hours a month as a board member. Please call me or any current board member if you have questions regarding SDCFCA board member responsibilities.


Best Regards:

Ken McKillip, 2014 SDCFCA President



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