September 22, 2016
Elul 19, 5776
Good Things Happen Every Day 
at The Silver Academy
Rachel Zilbering, Principal

This is an exciting year for the 7th and 8th grade classes as they prepare to take a trip to Israel this spring!  This educational trip is truly a rite of passage for our students.  From the time they enrolled here at The Silver Academy,  our students have learned Judaic history, studied Israeli culture and Hebrew language. This once-in-a-lifetime trip is the opportunity for our students to walk in the footsteps of our forefathers and tie all of their Judaic studies together.

This past Sunday, our parents had a very successful fundraiser with a screening of the film, The Prime Ministers - Soldiers and Peacemakers.  We want to thank everyone involved with the event and especially our sponsors and advertisers for their financial support. This was just one of many preparations for our students as they look forward to their special journey.

Shabbat shalom. 

Student D'var Torah
by Erin Brodsky, 7th Grade


Imagine this. You forgot your snack at home. You were really hungry during snack time and lunch was still two hours away. So you asked your friend, Bob, if you could have his delicious bag of mini Oreos. He fortunately agreed. You then gave Bob a handful of Oreos in return. So you went out for recess while you were eating, and Bob reached into your bag of Oreos. You quickly flinched and took the bag away from him. He seemed very offended, but you were shocked. Hadn't you already given him plenty?

In this week's parsha, Ki Tavo, the Torah explains the Mitzva of Bikurim, bringing the first fruits of one's field to Jerusalem as a symbol of thanks to Hashem.

"וְהָיָה כִּי תָבוֹא אֶל הָאָרֶץ אֲשֶׁר הֹ' אֱ-לֹיקךָ נֹתֵן לְךָ נַחֲלָה וִירִשְׁתָּהּ וְיָשַׁבְתָּ בָּהּ: וְלָקַחְתָּ מֵרֵאשִׁית | כָּל פְּרִי הָאֲדָמָה אֲשֶׁר תָּבִיא מֵאַרְצְךָ אֲשֶׁר הֹ' אֱ-לֹיקךָ נֹתֵן לָךְ וְשַׂמְתָּ בַטֶּנֶא וְהָלַכְתָּ אֶל הַמָּקוֹם אֲשֶׁר יִבְחַר הֹ' אֱ-לֹיקךָ לְשַׁכֵּן שְׁמוֹ שָׁם:"

"And it will be, when you come into the land which the Lord, your God, gives you for an inheritance, and you possess it and settle in it.

AND you shall take of the first of all the fruit of the ground, which you will bring from your land, which the Lord, your God, is giving you. And you shall put [them] into a basket and go to the place which the Lord, your God, will choose to have His Name dwell there."

The Ohr Hachaim, from 18th century Morocco commentary, has a problem with the second Pasuk. Why does it say "וְלָקַחְתָּ", "AND you will take from the first fruits"? Since it's a new verse, why does it start off with "and"?

He answers that it is an addition to the first verse and the actual mitzva starts in the first verse. It explains that you must, emotionally, prepare for the mitzvah before actually doing it. We must prepare for the Mitzva Bikkurim by being aware that Hashem gave us the land of Israel as a gift. This way, you will feel gratitude when you bring the Bikkurim offering to the Bait Hamikdash.

I have a problem with this. Why must you emotionally prepare for this mitzvah if the whole mitzva is about gratitude itself? Obviously while you are doing this mitzvah you are feeling gratitude! The answer is that the preparation of the mitzvah makes the gratitude much greater!

Back to the Oreos! You had a generous friend who gave you his snack and was offended when you did not give him more Oreos, as he wanted. You simply did not prepare for the mitzvah of giving him some back in return. Since you didn't prepare as much as you should have, you didn't feel enough gratitude to give him what he really deserved. The lesson of this is, that if you prepare for ANYTHING you do, you will always find a way to do it better! Good Shabbos!

Inside the Classroom
2nd Grade Judaic Studies
Morah Alla (Mrs. Fligelman)

Second grade is very happy to welcome two new students to our class...Chava-Malka and C'nai. Bruchot habaot la'kitah shelanu!

If you walk down the hallways in the Silver Academy, there is a good chance that you will hear the delightful sound of 2nd graders singing Rosh Hashanah songs. They are busy preparing and learning about this meaningful holiday. Each day, after morning services, the shofar is sounded as a reminder of the three things we must do in preparation for Rosh Hashanah: Teshuva, Tfila, and Tzedaka. These are all very broad topics, so in this young grade, students focus on analyzing situations and saying "sorry" to each other as a part of T'shuva. One of the students' favorite activities is working in groups and writing short skits in Hebrew, and of course, they love performing them. 
Another favorite holiday activity is learning how to sound the shofar. Students learned that the Torah describes Rosh Hashanah as "Yom Trua", or "Day of Blowing the Shofar". As second grade studied Tfila, every student wrote a personal prayer for the new year, and they are having fun trying to do many good deeds during the school day as Tzedaka.

Lastly, (as there are no Jewish holidays without special food on the table), students are learning about the foods we serve at Rosh Hashanah and what they symbolize.
Have a very sweet year, Shana Tova u'metukah!

3rd, 4th & 5th grades Language Arts
Mrs. Jessica Wenzelberger
This year in third, forth, and fifth grade, we are incorporating more technology into our language arts program. We have started using a website called Spelling City to take tests in school and complete assignments at home. The best part about the homework is that it does not look like work at all! The students get to play games daily to help learn their words for the week. From an educator's point of view, Spelling City is a wonderful resource because it truly helps differentiate spelling instruction. Students have unique word lists and take their own spelling test on the computer each Friday. Now, spelling is more fun for all of the students and is tailored to meet their individual needs!

School Notes and Reminders

Grandparents and Special Person Day

Grandparents and Special Persons Day is only 1 week away! 
  • Friday, September 30th from 1:45 to 3:30 pm
  • All guests must RSVP prior to the event
  • RSVP to Jackie Rubin by Friday, September 23rd,via e-mail at  [email protected] or 717-238-8775




Please consider growing and donating your hair if you have 
8 inches to spare!

  • On Monday, January 16th, we will host a hair-cutting ceremony to benefit the American Cancer Society� and HairUWear�. 
  • Students, parents, and teachers who have 8 inches of hair to spare can participate in our hair-cutting ceremony. This is a fun and meaningful event that takes place during our Mitzvah Day/Bring a Friend to School Day.
  • Start growing your hair now, so you'll have plenty to donate in January!
  • For more information, please contact Jackie Rubin at [email protected].

Register your Giant card! Our school earns $$ everytime you shopt at Giant...It's sooo easy to help!

ICE CREAM ON FRIDAYS...Remember your $1

The Silver Academy will be selling ice cream every Friday for $1. Bring in your dollar each Friday or bring in $5 or $10 to be added to your account. Proceeds support the 7th-8th grade Israel trip.

Challah With a Twist 
Offers Weekly Order and Delivery To Students and Teachers
  • Order your challah at this website:
  • Place your order by Thursday.
  • Challah will be delivered to our school on Fridays for students to bring home.
  • Send check to school, payable to Challah with a Twist
  • Questions? Please call Varda Gewirtz at 717-919-1358.
"Challah With a Twist", (a.k.a. Varda Challah), has been providing home baked challah for the Harrisburg community for over 20 years.

Ongoing Fundraisers

Boxtops 4 Education
Clip  BoxTops 4 Education symbols on General Mills, Pillsbury, Betty Crocker, Nestle Juicy Juice, Progresso soups and others. Each is worth 10� and can be redeemed by The Silver Academy for cash! Please visit the Box Tops 4 Education website for more details.

Giant Gift Cards
Purchase these dollar for dollar in the school's office, and then spend them the same as cash. The Silver Academy earns 5% - that's $50 earned for every $1,000 sold!  You may also purchase by calling Susan at 717-608-0190.

This is how it works...Download the free Shoparoo App on your phone and use the code VuG13074. You will then complete a profile and pick The Rabbi David L. Silver Yeshiva Academy. Then after you complete a shopping trip, take a picture of the receipt using the camera on your phone with the app open. It is that easy! Once a year, Shoparoo sends the school a check from the percentages! 

 Silver Snapshots

6th- 8th grades attended a lecture by Linda Schwab, Holocaust survivor, at Penn State University's Harrisburg campus. Following the lecture, Mrs. Schwab held a private question/answer session with our students. 

Quick Links

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Visit our Silver Academy Facebook page!



Sept 30, 1:30
Grandparents/Special Persons Day

Sept 30, 2:30
Kabbalat Shabbat

Oct 3-4 - No School
Rosh Hashanah

Oct 10 - No School
Columbus Day

Oct 11, 11:40 
Early Dismissal

Oct 12 - No School
Yom Kippur

Oct 17 - 18
No School

Oct 20, 5:00 pm
Pizza in the Hut

Oct 24-25 - No School
Shemini Atzeret - Simchat Torah

Life and Legacy


Silver Summary is for Grandparents too!