Good Things Happen Every Day
at The Silver Academy
Rachel Zilbering, Principal
The image below came across my news feed this morning with the hashtag "#notjustforkids. It's true, as adults we are the models for our own growth mindset. I challenge all of you to read this list and start asking your children (or anyone for that matter) one of these questions, I am sure you will be surprised with some of the answers!
Shabbat shalom.
Dvar Torah
Nachum Chasan, Dean of Judaic Studies
זכור את יום השבת לקדשו
SHABBAT - March 11th and 12th
The 1st and 2nd of Adar II
HAVDALAH - Saturday, 6:54 PM
PARSHAT - Pekude - Exodus 38:21 - 40:38
סיכום - Summary
- This weeks Torah portion describes the final steps in the building of Israel's first House of Worship
- It contains a description of all the work and materials used in the construction of the tabernacle as well as all the donations by the Israelites.
- Moses and the Israelites celebrate the completion of the Tabernacle by anointing it.
- G-d's presence fills the tabernacle and leads the people throughout their journeys.
- We now have completed the book of Exodus - HASAK HASAK VE NITHAZAK!
Nachum Chasan
Dean of Judaic Studies
Inside the Classroom
Kindergarten General Studies
In January we celebrated the life of the Rev. Dr. King by reading a children's book called Happy Birthday, Martin Luther King. Then for the next six weeks we explored African American history as part of our year-long study of immigration.
We started out in long-ago Africa and heard about some of the people who were captured and brought against their will to America. We listened to a CD by Kim and Reggie Harris called Steal Away: Songs of the Underground Railroad, and pretended that we were escaping to freedom with Harriet Tubman. We read a biography of Abraham Lincoln and learned about his role in ending slavery. Sadly we learned that the end of slavery did not bring true freedom to African Americans. The Jim Crow laws made things really unfair, and when people like Ruby Bridges tried to make things better they met resistance. Rosa Parks, Dr. King, and many others were brave and strong, and they never gave up until America changed the laws so that we truly have "liberty and justice for ALL". The students made posters showing what they learned about African American history. Please stop by to see their projects!
Rabbi Yosef Gewirtz
Jewish holidays are wonderful educational opportunities in Jewish day schools. Because many families celebrate them at home, much that is learned in school can be reinforced within the family. It's almost like a fundraising "matching" campaign, when every dollar raised is matched by another generous donor. Of course it is vitally important for educators to be aware that families vary in the extent and in the ways they celebrate the holidays, and plan for that diversity in their lessons.
On the other hand, time spent on the holiday encroaches on other sectors of the curriculum. The challenge is how to minimize that intrusion. The Middle School's Jewish Literacy Program is currently meeting that challenge through its "flipped education" capability. By combining engaging visuals designed by "Torah Live" with the on line homework capability of ProProfs, the students are learning "Megilat Esther" through brief and entertaining homework assignments. The material is
reviewed and enhanced in school with minimal time taken from other subject areas.
On the drawing board: using this technique to familiarize the students with the Hagada text in order to maximize the time available in class for discussing and understanding the text!
| Screen Shot from the website "Torah Live" |
Getting to Know Our School Families
Check out this week's focus family - The Johnson-Cazier family!
CLICK HERE to learn a little more about this Silver Academy family.
Community News
Inspirational Jewish Women
Through History
Join us for this community wide event as we explore the journey of outstanding Jewish women and listen to our guest speaker and Harrisburg resident, Maly Jackson, share her unique story of inspiration.
- Sunday, April 3, 9:30-11:30
- Tickets and registration will be available soon!
- Breakfast will be served
- Jointly presented by Hadassah and the Jewish Federation's Women's Philanthropy
- For more information, contact Ivy Schneider at 236-9555 x3299
School Notes and Reminders
Remember to Bring Your Change to School
to Support Relay for Life
Our students are partnering with Rachel Glick, a Silver Academy graduate, to raise money for "Change for Change", a Relay for Life fundraiser. Relay for Life supports the American Cancer Society, and Rachel participates to honor the many people in her life who were affected by cancer.
- Our School's Goal - $118 (hopefully more:)
- Fundraiser will take place March 14 - 18
- Students bring their "spare change" to school, which will be collected during homeroom
Mishloach Manot Cards
What is better than a basket of goodies on Purim day?
A little relaxation with your festivities!
Help your friends unwind as they celebrate with the hottest trend- adult coloring pages- in our exclusive 2016 Purim postcard.
- Cost: $1 per card
- To purchase cards, call the school office 717-238-8775
- Proceeds benefit the Silver Academy PTO.
As we prepare for the joyous celebration of Purim, we remember that there are those who cannot afford to celebrate in a festive way. One of the four Mitzvot of Purim is "Gifts for the Poor" (Matanot La'evyonim). We have the opportunity to fulfill this Tzedakah in an unusually meaningful way through the organization, Od Yosef Chai, Inc.
Silver Academy Shabbat
at Kesher Israel
Saturday, March 19
- 9:00 am - Morning service led by Rabbi Akiva Males
- 10:30 am - Junior Congregation led by Tammy Reid
- 11:45 - Luncheon (Those who are attending other synagogues that morning are welcome)
- RSVP Shari Dym, [email protected], by March 11
Girl Scout News
Join us at our Cookie Booth!
Support our troop!
- Sundays, March 13 & 20, 11 am - 3 pm
- In front of Pet Valu, (next to the Giant on Linglestown Road)
Upcoming Girl Scout Meetings:
Daisies Meeting: 3/14 & 3/28
Brownies, Juniors & Cadettes: 3/21
Offers Weekly Order and Delivery To Students and Teachers
- Order your challah at this website:
- Place your order by Thursday.
- Challah will be delivered to our school on Fridays for students to bring home.
- Send check to school, payable to Challah with a Twist
- Questions? Please call Varda Gewirtz at 717-919-1358.
| "Challah With a Twist", (a.k.a. Varda Challah), has been providing home baked challah for the Harrisburg community for over 20 years. |
Ice Cream on Fridays...Remember your $1
The Student Council will be selling ice cream every Friday for $1. You can bring in your dollar each Friday or bring in $5 or $10 to be added to your account. |
Ongoing Fundraisers
| Boxtops 4 Education
Clip BoxTops 4 Education symbols on General Mills, Pillsbury, Betty Crocker, Nestle Juicy Juice, Progresso soups and others. Each is worth 10� and can be redeemed by The Silver Academy for cash! Please visit the Box Tops 4 Education website for more details.
| Giant A+ School Rewards The Giant A+ School Rewards program provides the opportunity to designate The Silver Academy as the beneficiary of 1% of all your purchases made through your Giant bonus card - no extra cost to you. To enroll, please visit the Giant A+ School Rewards Program website to register your bonus card number...Use The Silver Academy's registration number: 21305.
| Giant Gift Cards Purchase these dollar for dollar in the school's office, and then spend them the same as cash. The Silver Academy earns 5% - that's $50 earned for every $1,000 sold! You may also purchase by calling Susan at 717-608-0190.
| Shoporoo
This is how it works...Download the free Shoparoo App on your phone and use the code VuG13074. You will then complete a profile and pick The Rabbi David L. Silver Yeshiva Academy. Then after you complete a shopping trip, take a picture of the receipt using the camera on your phone with the app open. It is that easy! Once a year, Shoparoo sends the school a check from the percentages!
Finally, if you are unable to scan the receipts and want us to take care of them, send your receipts to Bonni Roseman at school and she will take care of them for you!
Silver Snapshots
Mensch Award Recipients for March
Rosh Chodesh Project -
Making Spice Boxes for Student Havdalah Kits
Silver Summary is for Grandparents too!