September 17, 2015
Tishri 4, 5776
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Message 
From The Silver Academy
Nachum Chasan
Dean of Judaic Studies
Pencils, notebooks, Smart Boards, apples, 
and .... Shofars! That's what's been happening at the Silver Academy as students get back to school and prepare for Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year.  With the first few weeks of school behind us and with Yom Kippur and the rest of the new academic year ahead, we take these  days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur to reflect on where we are as a school and the unique contribution we bring to Jewish Education and the future of our people.
It is incumbent upon us to seize the moment at the beginning of this New Year and focus on what is at the heart of the Silver Academy. In partnership with parents, we strive to build an extraordinary learning community that prepares students from different backgrounds and with different points of view to collectively shape Jewish life for the 21st century. We work tirelessly to ensure that our students will graduate from the Silver Academy fluent in Hebrew and Jewish texts; inspired by the arts and humanities; capable learners with mastery in general studies and experienced in critical analysis, collaborative problem solving, and integrative thinking. We hope to raise a cadre of young people who are articulate with ideas and opinions, respectful of divergent thinking, and willing and able to lead in partnership with others. This is a vision for education that is behind what we do at the Silver Academy. In stories that our graduates share with us, they look back and point to our school as the place from which they learned how to learn, and they understand why they studied what was placed front and center.
Here at the Silver Academy, we respect the differences between disciplines and understand the importance of differentiation. However, we also look for many to bring disparate things together, with a particular focus on finding ways to amalgamate the Jewish and general learning. Our integrated curriculum reinforces the idea that we are both committed Jews and citizens of the broader world. Our teachers - comfortable with math and Mishnah, literacy and liturgy - model a holistic way of being in the world.  This distinctive approach is what makes the experiences of our students so powerful.
All of us at the Silver Academy wish you a "G'mer Hatimah Tovah" (May you be inscribed and sealed in the Book of Life for a good year)!

We Need Pictures from the 1960's!

Attention:  We are looking for pictures of Silver Academy students from the 1960's for the bulletin board at the JCC. If you have any original photos that you can share, we will scan and return the original. Please email Gail Rebuck if you can help:  [email protected]


School Notes and Reminders

Ice Cream on Fridays...Remember your $1
The Student Council will be selling ice cream every Friday for $1. You can bring in your dollar each Friday or bring in $5 or $10 to be added to your account.

Sukkot at Hershey Park - Thursday, October 1
Mark your calendar!

Come join us as we interact with other Jewish families from surrounding communities and states to experience Jewish life through music, food and entertainment.


Registration Forms are Due Sept 11


Click Here for More Information


Community News

Harmony Walk: Unity in Diversity
A Celebration of Cooperation among 
Religions in the Harrisburg Area

  • Sunday, September 20, 
    2:00 pm
  • Begins in front of Wesley Union AME Zion Church, 2219 North 5th Street

The Walk will bring together people of many faiths in harmony and peace.

The Harmony Walk route includes stops in front of Christian, Jewish, and Islamic houses of worship. At each stop, a religious leader will share words about the value of unity among religions. A bus will be provided for individuals with difficulty walking.

The event is held in conjunction with the United Nations International Day of Peace.

Silver Snapshots

Tashlich Ceremony at the Susquehanna River

Second Grade Baking Challah

More Shofar Experts in Training

Quick Links

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Dates to Remember

September 18-19
Shabbat Shuvah
Candle Lighting, 6:51 pm
Havdalah, 7:51 pm

September 22
11:40 Dismissal
Erev Yom Kippur

September 23
No School - Yom Kippur

September 27
JCC/Silver Academy event at Monkey Joe's

Sept 28-29
No School - Sukkot

Silver Summary is for Grandparents too!