September 10, 2015
Elul 26, 5775

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Facebook page will soon be retired. 
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 "The Silver Academy", by clicking on this link:

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Good Things Happen Every Day at 
The Silver Academy!
Rachel Zilbering, Principal

This Sunday night marks the beginning of the new year on the Jewish calendar better known as Rosh Hashanah.  Although we have only been in school for 11 days, our students are already well prepared to be active participants.  Ask questions of your students and encourage them to ask questions of you.  

Each year at Rosh Hashanah we are presented with a question: Do we want next year to be a repetition of the last year or do we want to make a change?  Being at The Silver Academy for a little over a year, I reflect on this question nearly every day.  I am always looking for ways to make the educational experience more engaging, relevant and challenging.  Each day is a day to be better.  
From everyone at The Silver Academy, I wish you a happy, healthy and sweet new year.  L'Shanah Tova Tikatevu -  May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year. 
 D'var Torah
Nachum Chasan, Dean of Judaic Studies
זכור את יום השבת לקדשו
SHABBAT -  September  11th AND 12th
CANDLE LIGHTING, 1st night Rosh Hashanah - 6:59 pm
CANDLE LIGHTING, 2nd night Rosh Hashanah - not before 8:00 pm, from an existing flame
HAVDALAH - 8:03 pm
PARSHAT - NITZAVIM  - Deuteronomy 29:9 30:20

סיכום - Summary 
  • This weeks Torah portion continues with Moses' third farewell address to Israel.
  • Moses points out that all of Israel is gathered together for the completion of their Covenant with G-d.
  • It is a Covenant which is binding upon every one of them, men, women, and children alike.
  • But Moses, having led Israel for four decades, knows that they are capable of straying from G-d's teachings, and he foretells that they will break from the Covenant in the future.
  • Moses tells the Israelites to "Choose life, therefore, that you and your children may live, by obeying His commandments." 
SHABBAT SHALOM  שבת שלום -

Inside the Classroom
Second Grade General Studies
Mrs.  Brandy Hurley

Second grade superheroes have started this year with a ZIP! POP! ZAP! POW! We began with a study of literary genres. Together, we explored the characteristics of various genres. Students have been putting their super powers to good use determining the genres of their favorite books. They will be using this knowledge to complete a yearlong book challenge. The challenge is to read at least 40 books from assorted genres. Students will be responsible for keeping track of the books they read and writing in a reading response journal throughout the year. You can learn more about their challenge by clicking on the link below. Second grade superheroes are up for the challenge... perhaps you would like to join them!

Third Grade Judaic Studies
Mr. Ellis Rosenberg

Kitah gimel has hit the ground running! We have begun to study and review the laws and customs of Rosh HaShanah, including the sounding of the Shofar. We have a few budding Ba'alei Tokayah (those who sound the shofar) in the third grade! We have learned how Hashem taught us the importance of the Mitzvah of Bikur Cholim (visiting the sick) and how Avraham taught us the importance of the Mitzvah of Hachnasat Orchim (welcoming guests), all in the first chapter of our studies in Chumash. We have also learned many mitzvot in our studies of the weekly Torah portion, including how to be kind to animals as well as to people.   Wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year!

School Notes and Reminders

Ice Cream on Fridays...Remember your $1
The Student Council will be selling ice cream every Friday for $1. You can bring in your dollar each Friday or bring in $5 or $10 to be added to your account.

Sukkot at Hershey Park - Thursday, October 1
Mark your calendar!

Come join us as we interact with other Jewish families from surrounding communities and states to experience Jewish life through music, food and entertainment.


Registration Forms are Due Sept 11


Click Here for More Information



to Rabbi and Varda Gewirtz, and their family on 3 recent happy occasions!
  • Sarah Gewirtz married Baruch Lewinson of Elizabeth, NJ, on August 9th in Lakewood, NJ
  • Avi Gewirtz married Ayala Raskas of Baltimore, Maryland, on August 23rd in Baltimore
  • Moshe and Yael (Gewirtz) Chait had a little boy on August 5th.  He was named David after Varda Gewirtz's father. The Chaits live in Queens, NY.
May we all continue to share happy occasions.
Community News

Harmony Walk: Unity in Diversity
A Celebration of Cooperation among 
Religions in the Harrisburg Area

  • Sunday, September 20, 
    2:00 pm
  • Begins in front of Wesley Union AME Zion Church, 2219 North 5th Street

The Walk will bring together people of many faiths in harmony and peace.

The Harmony Walk route includes stops in front of Christian, Jewish, and Islamic houses of worship. At each stop, a religious leader will share words about the value of unity among religions. A bus will be provided for individuals with difficulty walking.

The event is held in conjunction with the United Nations International Day of Peace.

A Peek at the Past

Taschlich 2006
Can you spot any familiar faces?
Silver Snapshots

Kindergarten and Ganeinu Join Together to Make 
Honey Cookies for a Rosh Hashanah Party

It's a Sister Thing

Sixth Grade Math Class

Quick Links

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Dates to Remember

September 10, 
6:45-8:00 pm
Back to School Night

September 10, am
Tashlich Ceremony

September 14-15
No School
Rosh Hashanah

September 22
11:40 Dismissal
Erev Yom Kippur

September 23
No School - Yom Kippur

September 27
JCC/Silver Academy event at Monkey Joe's

Sept 28-29
No School - Sukkot

Silver Summary is for Grandparents too!