May 28, 2015
Sivan 10, 5775
Good Things Happen Every Week 
at The Silver Academy

Rachel Zilbering

Assistant Principal 


It is hard to believe that summer is almost here and that this is my last weekly column for The Silver Summary. The year has flown by partly due to all of the support I was given during my first year here at our wonderful school.  

So what are some of the highlights for me? 
  • Watching nervous and excited students arrive on the first day of school
  • Throwing bread into the Susquehanna River (or maybe just the grass) for Tashlich
  • Having a blast at Hershey Park for Sukkot
  • Observing emerging writers at the first grade writing celebration 
  • Student council elections
  • Celebrating Chanukah with dancing and singing in the JCC
  • Dancing to "Shake it Off" (the Chanukah version) at our Celebration of Learning
  • Working on mitzvah projects during Bring a Friend to School Day 
  • Science Fair!
  • Lots and lots of winter weather
  • Kitah Aleph's Siddur Celebration
  • Glee Club singing their hearts out at the open house
  • The Purim Seudah on a very snowy day
  • Model Seders
  • The 7th and 8th Grade Israel trip, which deserves way more than a bullet point
  • Lag B'Omer Field Day and especially the teacher tug-of-war
  • The Celebration of Learning and singing songs from "Matilda"
I wish everyone a relaxing and enjoyable summer.  See you in August, but hopefully sooner. 


 D'var Torah

Nachum Chasan, Head of School

[email protected]


זכור את יום השבת לקדשו                         






סיכום - Summary


  • This weeks Torah portion continues with a description of the Tabernacle and the duties of the Levite families.
  • They were responsible for carrying the holy objects from one encampment place to the next.
  • When the Tabernacle was taken down, the Levite families were to transfer the curtains, tapestries and the frames, to six covered wagons.
  • The most sacred objects, like the Ark and the Menorah were carried by certain Levites on their shoulders from one encampment to the other.
  • We are also informed of the laws relating to the Nazirites, who were dedicated to the Service of G-d and took upon themselves religious obligations beyond those required of the Israelites.
  • The portion ends with the Priestly Benediction.
  • This Priestly Benediction of fifteen words has been recited among our people for several thousand years. It is as meaningful today as when it was first spoken by Aaron and his sons.


SHABBAT SHALOM  שבת שלום -


Nachum Chasan

Head of School



Inside and Outside the Classroom


1st Grade Language Arts

Mrs. Brandy Hurley


First grade students have been turning their writings into published books throughout the year. They each have quite a collection of original works! Last week the young writers hosted a story time for the Kindergarten students. The younger students enjoyed seeing the illustrations and hearing the first graders read their own stories. Tomorrow the activity will be reversed; Kindergarten students will have an opportunity to read their stories to the visiting first graders. Both classes have become confident authors with improved writing skills. This has been a wonderful sharing activity for both grades!




Cultural Studies

Mrs. Lillian Rappaport


It's been quite the eclectic year for our 7th and 8th graders!  We started the year with la clase de espanol, continued with our in-depth unit on the Holocaust and its lessons et maintenant, en fin, nous etudions le francais!  After having chosen some very unique French names, the students are learning how to greet one another, count, recite days of the week, months of the year--all en francais!  We'll round off the year with some French cooking - omelettes, baguettes, croissants et chocolate.  Nous amusons bien dans la classe de francais - we're having a great time in French class!




7th-8th Grade Science

Dr. Katherine Baker


Our young scientists in 7th and 8th grades recently learned how to make a potato-powered volcano. Although they did enjoy seeing their "volcanoes" bubble over, they were actually studying chemical reactions, and more particularly, the chemistry of cells. One of the 8th grade students, Batsheva G., made and edited a video of her class conducting the experiment. You can watch the video by clicking on this link:


Potato-Powered Volcano Video




School Notes and Reminders     

Silver Academy Annual Meeting
June 8 - 7:30 pm at the JCC

Silver Academy Tribute Cards

Available for birthdays, condolences and all of life's milestones 

Purchase at the office
1 card for $4 or 5 cards for $15

Thank you for supporting The Silver Academy!


70 Years of Memories

Click Here to See Pictures

 Community News

 A Musical Showcase
The Third Annual Jewish Federation Fundraiser
Presented by Marina Cherepinsky
June 7 - 1:00

Performances by students from the greater Harrisburg area, including Silver Academy's own Elle Beck, Mikel Garner, Ben Yodfat, and Sarah Weinstein

Offered by Susquehanna Township 
Directed by Marina Cherepinsky
for Grade 2-9
Broadway Fun Camp - June 15-19
American Idol Wannabe Camp - June 22-26

Help Support Our School by  
Shopping at Giant
Two easy ways to earn money for our school...
  1. Register your Giant bonus card...Giant gives 1% of money you spend to our school
  2. Buy Giant gift cards at the Silver Academy

Box Tops for Education
Send boxtops to school with your child or drop them off in the office. Each boxtop is worth 10 cents...just think how quickly that can add up!

* Please check the dates on box tops...We cannot submit boxtops that have expired!

Silver Snapshots

Student Performances at the
Celebration of Learning

Quick Links

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Dates to Remember

June 2, 6:45

Girl Scout Bridging Ceremony t the JCC


June 8
Race for Education and End of Year Celebration at Green Hills

June 9, 7:00 pm
Eighth Grade Graduation

June 9, 11:40
Early Dismissal - 
Last day of school for students

June 10
Faculty In-Service

Silver Summary is for Grandparents too!