March 19, 2015
Adar 28, 5775
Good Things Happen Every Week 
at The Silver Academy

Rachel Zilbering

Assistant Principal


What can I say?  I'm still dreaming of The Earth Harp!


On Friday, March 13th, students from the Silver Academy hosted a musical workshop by William Close.  We were very happy to share the experience with students from Camp Curtain Academy and Education Plus Academy Cyber Charter School. 


The workshop began with Mr. Close talking about his background and the origin of many of his musical instruments.  Next, he put on his drum jacket and gave a super fun performance.  During the student participation portion of the program, Mr. Close played the drum jacket and asked students to change the music into visual art by drawing what they heard.  He also played the flute, a much different instrument than the drum, and asked students to draw this sound.  Students were called to the stage, and it was so interesting to see their different interpretations of the music.  If you would like to watch a portion of the workshop for yourself, click on the YouTube link below. 

If you were at The Forum on March 15th, I don't have to tell you how spectacular the concert was. One of the highlights of the program was a first time performance of "Erev Shoshanim".  


The entire event committee is thankful for the encouragement and support we received. Thank you for being a part of our musical celebration!
William Close Workshop @ The Silver Academy
Watch this video of Wm. Close @ The Silver Academy


 D'var Torah

Nachum Chasan, Head of School

[email protected]


זכור את יום השבת לקדשו                         








סיכום - Summary


  • This Shabbat is one of the few occasions that we read from three Torah scrolls. In the first we read the portion of the week, in the second, the portion for Rosh Chodesh and in the third, that of Shabbat Hachodesh.
  • The Parsha Vayikra, begins the third of the Five Books of Moses.
  • It contains the description of five kinds of sacrifices (קרבנות) to be brought to the sanctuary.
    1. Olah - Burnt offering
    2. Mincha - Meal offering
    3. Shelamim - Peace offering
    4. Hattat - Sin offering
    5. Asham - Guilt offering
  • This Shabbat is also known as Shabbat Hachodesh (שבת החדש) or the Shabbat before the beginning of the Hebrew month of Nisan.




קרבנות  -- Korbanot - Sacrifices

שבת החדש  -- Shabbat Hachodesh - The Sabbath before the month of Nisan


SHABBAT SHALOM  שבת שלום -


Nachum Chasan

Head of School 



Inside the Classroom


Middle School Math - Pi Day!

Mrs. Jane Dalton

Pi day is always a fun day in the Middle School math classes, however, this year it was a true number-lovers delight. The day was exceptionally special because the date, 3-14-15, matches the first 4 decimal places of Pi (3.1415). This will not happen again for another 100 years, in the year 2115! The activities of pi day are far removed from our usual routine. This year we started by watching the video Mathmatical Pi set to the tune of American Pi, and also sang  another song, The Number Pi. All the music kept our spirits high as we completed several activities utilizing the formulas of circles and Pi. The final event of the class was by far the favorite...each student enjoyed his or her own personal pie! 





Kindergarten Judaics

Mrs. Sally Jo Bronner (Morah Sarah)


Kita Gan had the best time learning about Purim!  Our culminating activity was to perform the Purim story for the turning 4's from the ELC, and show them our home made Megillat Esther.  

Our preparations for Pesach/Passover are now well underway.  We are busy learning to sing the Manishtana (4 Questions) and assembling an animated and interactive Haggadah.  We are watching several different versions of the Passover story and are learning to think critically by comparing them to one another. We are also playing with many plague related games: bingo, puzzles, matching games, and darts,   
Now for the big announcement: we have completed our entire Alef-Bet workbook; quite a big accomplishment for Kita Gan! During the past two weeks, Kita Gan has enjoyed going outside for hafsaka (recess). We are all looking forward to Aviv (spring) and more outdoor fun!




Notable Moments

Senator Teplitz 
The Silver Academy

Watch Senator Teplitz's Remarks on the Senate floor honoring The Silver Academy and their 70th Anniversary.

Silver Academy Supports Relay for Life

Quarters do add up! Students, faculty and staff raised $500 during our "Quarters for Cancer" fundraiser. The fundraiser was initiated by Rachel Glick, a Silver Academy alumni, and supported her efforts to raise money for Relay for Life. Donations were made in memory of Marilyn Fox, a long-time volunteer at The Silver Academy, and to honor Kate Carpenter, our kindergarten teacher.

7th-8th Grade Trip to Israel 

This spring our 7th and 8th grade classes will travel to Israel! 
(They are so excited!) Please consider helping us fund our trip by participating in one or more of these fundraisers.
  • Online Donation Fund - Please consider donating to help defray the cost of $4,000 per student.                               Click Here to Donate


School Notes and Reminders     
Ma'ot Chitim and Selling Chometz

Standardized Testing Starts Monday
  • Grades 3-8
  • Bring a snack each day
  • Little or no homework this week (yeah)
  • Be rested and ready
  • Eat a good breakfast

70 Years of Memories

Click Here to See Pictures

 Community News

Discount Tickets for the 3D Movie
at the Whitaker Center

  • Get tickets at the JCC Atrium Desk
  • $8 for JCC members and Annual Campaign Contributors (regular $9.50)
  • We have 50 tickets to sell
  • Click Here for Show Times

Help Support Our School by  
Shopping at Giant
Two easy ways to earn money for our school...
  1. Register your Giant bonus card...Giant gives 1% of money you spend to our school
  2. Buy Giant gift cards at the Silver Academy

Box Tops for Education
Send boxtops to school with your child or drop them off in the office. Each boxtop is worth 10 cents...just think how quickly that can add up!

* Please check the dates on box tops...We cannot submit boxtops that have expired!

Silver Snapshots

William Close Workshop at The Silver Academy



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Dates to Remember

March 23-27
3rd-8th grades
Terra Nova Testing

April 2
Model Seder Programs

April 3, No School
First Seder

April 6-10, No School

Silver Summary is for Grandparents too!