March 12, 2015
Adar 21, 5775
70th Anniversary Concert Update

William Close & The Earth Harp Collective 
Are Coming this Sunday!

March 15 at The Forum Auditorium

Good Things Happen Every Week 
at The Silver Academy

Rachel Zilbering

Assistant Principal


The culmination of many hours of work by some very dedicated volunteers will finally come to fruition this Sunday with the Earth Harp Concert, which celebrates the 70th Anniversary of The Silver Academy. Over the past few months, I have personally been working on many aspects of the concert and cannot wait to sit back and experience the unique Earth Harp.


For our Silver Summary readers, I would like to publicly thank the chairs of our event: Myra Sacks and Shari Dym.  Simply put, without Myra and Shari's leadership and expertise, this event would not have come together.  

The aspect of the event planning that I have enjoyed the most has been talking to all of our Silver Academy families and friends.  Just yesterday I was speaking with someone whose children attended The Yeshiva in the 1950's!  It gave me such joy to connect with all of you near and far.  I have spoken and emailed with so many of you, I hope to get the chance to meet you in person on Sunday.   



 D'var Torah

Nachum Chasan, Head of School


זכור את יום השבת לקדשו                         







סיכום - Summary 

  • This Shabbat we have a double Torah portion
  • The commandment to observe the Shabbat is repeated.
  • Moses asks the Israelites to donate gifts of gold, silver, copper (נחשת) and precious stones (אבני שהם) to be used for building the tabernacle.
  • Moses appoints Bezalel and Oholiab to oversee the sanctuary construction.
  • Moses and the Israelites celebrate the completion of the Tabernacle by anointing it.
  • We now have finished the book of Exodus - HAZAK HAZAK VENITHAZAK!! (חזק חזק ונתחזק)




נחשת  -- Nehoshet - Copper

אבני שהם  -- Avnai Shoham - Precious stones

חזק חזק ונתחזק  -- Hazak Hazzak Venithazak - May we go from strength to strength!


SHABBAT SHALOM  שבת שלום -


Nachum Chasan

Head of School




Inside the Classroom



Mrs. Tammy Reid (Morah Tamara)


This week we finally got to finish learning about Purim. Our final project was to create a version of shloach manot (gift baskets of goodies that are traditionally given on Purim day). I call this project "Shalach Magnets."  The children created a hamantasch shaped basket which we filled with brachah (blessing) cards featuring pictures of goodies.  Each card has pictures of a food group and shows the brachah that should be made on these foods. They are backed with magnets...stick them to your fridge and b'tayavon (enjoy your meal.) 





First Grade General Studies

Mrs. Brandy Hurley


Finally a break in the weather! Now that temperatures are warming up we have decided to take a trip around the world! In first grade, we are reading Cinderella stories from around the world! As we read each version of Cinderella, we are also learning about the countries where they originated. This week we visited Egypt and China. Along the way, we will also be visiting Russia and Mexico, just to name a few! By the end of our trip, each student will have their own book full of facts about various countries. Over the next few weeks, we will also be writing our own fairy tales. They will be using these stories in computer class for a special project. Keep an eye on our bulletin board  for updates on our travels!  




3rd-5th Grade Hebrew
Morah Alla Fligelman

Although we have had many cancellations and adjustments due to the weather, the Jewish month of Adar is here and we are happy. In the 3rd-5th grade Hebrew classes, students learned about the customs of Purim and reading Megilat Ester. Each grade demonstrated their understanding through a fun performance. The third grade students each learned several psukim (sentences) from the Megilah. Then they performed and video taped a special puppet show, "The Story of Megilat Ester in Our Class". The fourth grade discussed actions of the characters in the story of Megilat Ester, giving different solutions to their problems. We all enjoyed their presentation of the play, "Decisions in the Story of Megilah", last Friday. Finally, the fifth grade read the original text of Megilat Ester. They are currently working diligently to create an imovie of the Purim Shpil. Both the third grade and fifth grade videos will be available for your enjoyment soon...check the homework wiki. 





Kudos to Kids

Silver Academy Students Earn Awards at The Junior Academy of Science Fair

On Wednesday, February 18, our seventh and eighth graders participated in the regional competition of the Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science Fair (PJAS). The fair was held here, at the Silver Academy, after the school day ended. Our students presented their science fair projects in the form of a speech while utilizing a power point presentation. Following each presentation, members of the panel of judges asked the student questions about his/her project. Batsheva Gewirtz and Dalia Shvartsman received first place awards for their projects. Asher Weinstock, Nina Brodsky, and Tony McVey were awarded second place awards. Sam Welks, Noah Meeder, and Brian Reback received third place awards for their projects. Batsheva and Dalia will now go on to compete at the state level in May at Penn State University. We are all very proud of the students for their achievements!


JCC Swim Team Members!

  Fourteen Silver Academy students participated this past weekend in the JCC Middle Atlantic Swim League Championships. Bringing home medals were:  
Yaakov Reid, Boys 6 and under: 2nd place, 25 yd backstroke; 2nd place, 25 yd butterfly; 3rd place, 25 yd freestyle
Elle Beck, Girls 6 and under:  2nd place, 25 yd backstroke; 2nd place, 25 yd freestyle
Brian Dym, Boys 9/10:  1st place, 50 yd freestyle; 1st place, 50 yd backstroke; 1st place, 50 yd breaststroke; 3rd place, 50 yd butterfly           
Sam Welks, Boys 11/12:   1st place, 100 Individual Medley; 1st place, 50 yd freestyle; 1st place, 100 yd freestyle; 1st place, 50 yd breaststroke

Also participating and adding points to the overall Harrisburg JCC team score were: Michael Beck, Jonah Turk-Geller, Meyer Leiferman, Orit Leiferman, Leah Merwin, Sarah Merwin, Alana Reid, Abbie Schertz, Sophie Swidler, and Ben Yodfat. Way to go swimmers!

Student Artist Honored!

Congratulations to Shachar Bluth on earning 3rd place in the Youth Wildlife Art Contest, sponsored by the Pa. State Game Commission. Youth in grades 6-12 could participate by depicting a Pennsylvania endangered species in its natural habitat. Shachar's colored-pencil drawing of the Blackpoll Warbler, along with the other winning pictures, will be on display at the Pa. Game Commission Office on Elmerton Avenue during the month of March. You may want to stop by and take a look at the beautiful artwork!


7th-8th Grade Trip to Israel 

This spring our 7th and 8th grade classes will travel to Israel! 
(They are so excited!) Please consider helping us fund our trip by participating in one or more of these fundraisers.
  • Online Donation Fund - Please consider donating to help defray the cost of $4,000 per student.                               Click Here to Donate


SchoolNotes      School Notes and Reminders     

Create Your Own 
Superhero Day is Tomorrow!

Friday, March 13

Come dressed up in your own superhero costume.
Be creative and have fun!

70 Years of Memories

Click Here to See Pictures

 Community News

Discount Tickets for the 3D Movie
at the Whitaker Center

  • Get tickets at the JCC Atrium Desk
  • $8 for JCC members and Annual Campaign Contributors (regular $9.50)
  • We have 50 tickets to sell
  • Click Here for Show Times

Help Support Our School by  
Shopping at Giant
Two easy ways to earn money for our school...
  1. Register your Giant bonus card...Giant gives 1% of money you spend to our school
  2. Buy Giant gift cards at the Silver Academy

Box Tops for Education
Send boxtops to school with your child or drop them off in the office. Each boxtop is worth 10 cents...just think how quickly that can add up!

* Please check the dates on box tops...We cannot submit boxtops that have expired!

Silver Snapshots

Purim at The Silver Academy
A weather delay could not stop the fun!


Quick Links

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Dates to Remember

March 13 , 2:45 pm
Kabbalat Shabbat

March 19, 6:45 pm
2nd Grade Chumash Celebration

March 23-27
3rd-8th grades
Terra Nova Testing

April 2
Model Seder Programs

April 3, No School
First Seder

April 6-10, No School

Silver Summary is for Grandparents too!