February 12, 2015
Shevat 23, 5775
70th Anniversary Concert Update

William Close & The Earth Harp Collective 
Are Coming Soon!

March 15 at The Forum Auditorium


Purchase Tickets Now! Click Here



Ushers Needed

 Silver Academy Alumni and Parents, we are in need of concert ushers. Please consider volunteering!  Interested?  Contact Ann Rosenberg at roseyae@verizon.net

Good Things Happen Every Week 
at The Silver Academy

Rachel Zilbering

Assistant Principal


100 Days at The Silver Academy


It's official, we are past the 100 day mark at The Silver Academy for the 2014-2015 school year!  Day to day, as an administrator and as a parent, it's easy to get wrapped up in the small details and lose track of the big picture.  So I want to highlight a few achievements that have taken place over the course of the year.  
  • Ganienu can sing the alef-bet and the first paragraph of birkat hamazon!
  • Kindergarteners are starting to read books!
  • First grade students are reading and writing in Hebrew and English!
  • Second grade students are writing realistic fiction stories!
  • Third grade students have learned their multiplication tables!
  • Fourth grade students can read Rashi script!
  • Fifth grade students are analyzing literature at a higher level! 
  • Sixth grade students are looking at cultural similarities and differences between Jews around the world!
  • Seventh grade students completed their first science fair project! 
  • Eighth grade students can solve multi-step algebraic equations!

Keep up the good work kids, you're doing a great job! 


 D'var Torah

Nachum Chasan, Head of School



זכור את יום השבת לקדשו                         







סיכום - Summary

  • When Moses ascended Mount Sinai (הר סיני) he remained there for forty days and forty nights
  • G-d gave Moses a set of rules and regulations by which Israel was to live and be holy.
  • Both a variety of civil and criminal laws were presented, including treatment of slaves, crimes of murder, personal injuries, damages through neglect or stealing, offenses against others through lying, idolatry, oppression, unfair business practices, and unjust conduct of judges.
  • Rules are presented for the Shabbat, the Sabbatical Year, Passover, Shavuot, and Sukkot.
  • Israelites are reminded to be sensitive to the needs of strangers.
  • Commandments to observe the Jewish Dietary laws.
  • A second Torah portion is read for Shabbat Shekalim.
  • A Census was to be taken, every adult Israelite was required to contribute a half-shekel (מחצית השקל) toward the maintenance of the sanctuary.




הר סיני  -- Har Sinai - Mount Sinai

מחצית השקל  -- Mahatzeet Ha Shekel - A half-shekel  



SHABBAT SHALOM  שבת שלום -

Nachum Chasan

Head of School 


Inside the Classroom


1st Grade Judaics

Morah Aviva Woodland


Last Thursday evening, Kitah Alef reached an important milestone, as they received their first Hebrew Siddurim at their Siddur Celebration. Several community Rabbis as well as parents, grandparents, siblings and friends enjoyed their songs and presentation of the play in Hebrew, "Choni, HaMa'Agail" (Choni, the circlemaker).  In the play, Choni planted charuvim (carob trees) throughout Israel just as his saba (grandfather) had. Charuvim do not bear fruit until 70 years after they are planted. There was no rain and the villagers said "B'vakasha t'tpalel LaGeshem (Please daven for rain)". Choni had a special connection to Hashem. He drew a circle in the dust and stood in it saying, "I will not move from this circle. Please, we need geshem". Finally there was rain for a blessing, not too light and not too strong. The sun was hot and Choni fell asleep and slept for 70 years! When he opened his eyes and saw the charuvim he had planted, he recognized the gift Hashem had given him...his long life had availed him to see the fruit of his labor. It is the hope of the Silver Academy that our Kitah Alef will have a strong connection to Hashem through davening as they daven with their Siddurim.





5th Grade Language Arts

Mr. Glenn Hart

If you walk into the 5th Grade classroom during Language Arts, you may think you've stepped onto the set of a Quentin Tarantino movie from several years back. Why do the students have cards with words written on them displayed on their foreheads? Well, actually they are playing a word game called "Foreheads." Players sit in a circle and secretly write a four-letter word on a card. That card is passed, face down, to the player on their right. Players then put the card they've just received, without peeking, onto their own forehead. Every player can see all the words except the one on his or her forehead. Players in the circle take turns saying a four-letter word made up of letters that are on the cards on other people's foreheads. By noting which letters are mentioned that do not occur in any of the words on other people's foreheads, a player can gradually figure out what word is on their own forehead. On their turn, players can guess the word on their forehead. If the guess is correct, that player wins the round; if incorrect, the player stays in the game but cannot make any more guesses during that round. This game combines vocabulary work with a bit of strategy, and it is a lot of fun! -- Mr. Hart 


7th-8th Grade Trip to Israel 

This spring our 7th and 8th grade classes will travel to Israel! 
(They are so excited!) Please consider helping us fund our trip by participating in one or more of these fundraisers.
  • Online Donation Fund - Please consider donating to help defray the cost of $4,000 per student.                               Click Here to Donate


School Notes and Reminders

Come Out and Support our JCC Basketball Teams...Championship Games are Tonight!

We are very proud that some of our middle school students will be playing in the CPBL (Central Pennsylvania Basketball League) Championship at the JCC this evening! 
  • Girls championship game against Harrisburg Academy is at 5:45 pm
  • Boys championship game against Carlisle Christian Academy is at 7:00 pm
Good luck to the Harrisburg JCC team!

Matanot La' Evyonim - 

Purim Gifts for the Poor

We are participating in a wonderful Purim Mitzvah through donations to the Od Yosef Chai organization. 



Silver Academy Open House
Next Week - Mark Your Calendar!
  • Thurs, Feb 19, 5:30-7:00 pm
  • Free babysitting and dinner for students!



Silver Academy Students are Invited to Sing the National Anthem at a 
Hershey Bears Hockey Game!

When: Sunday, March 1, 5:00 pm


Tickets may be purchased through the Giant Center


Click Here for More Information



70 Years of Memories

Click Here to See Pictures

 Community News

March 1, 11:00-1:00
at the JCC

Discount Tickets for the 3D Movie
at the Whitaker Center

  • Get tickets at the JCC Atrium Desk
  • $8 for JCC members and Annual Campaign Contributors (regular $9.50)
  • We have 50 tickets to sell
  • Click Here for Show Times

Conversational Hebrew Class 
New Session Starting in February! 

Help Support Our School by  
Shopping at Giant
Two easy ways to earn money for our school...
  1. Register your Giant bonus card...Giant gives 1% of money you spend to our school
  2. Buy Giant gift cards at the Silver Academy

Box Tops for Education
Send boxtops to school with your child or drop them off in the office. Each boxtop is worth 10 cents...just think how quickly that can add up!

* Please check the dates on box tops...We cannot submit boxtops that have expired!

Silver Snapshots

100 Day Celebration
What will we look like when we are 100 years old?  

Second Grade Reading with Kindergarten

Practicing Sign Language


Quick Links

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Stay Connected - 
Visit our Silver Academy Facebook page!


Dates to Remember

Feb 12 - Tonight!
Championship Basketball Games
*5:45 - JCC Girls vs Hsb Academy
*7:00 - JCC Boys vs Carlisle Christian

Feb 16
No School

Feb 19 - 5:30-7:00 pm
Silver Academy Open House

Feb 26
Middle School Trip to Philadelphia

Girl Scout Dates
  • Brownies/Jr: Jan 26 

Silver Summary is for Grandparents too!