February 5, 2015
Shevat 16, 5775

Tickets on Sale Now...
for our 70th Anniversary Concert starring William Close & The Earth Harp Collective! You will not want to miss this unique experience which, in William Close's own words, "combines music, architecture, and sculpture to create new musical experiences."

March 15, 2015

The Forum Auditorium


Good Things Happen Every Week 
at The Silver Academy

Rachel Zilbering

Assistant Principal



Did you know that February is Jewish Disability Awareness Month?  Well until this week, neither did I.  


The Silver Academy follows best practices and promotes "inclusion" which means accommodating special needs students in our mainstream classes.  Unlike many other private schools, we pride ourselves on working with parents, students and other professionals to follow IEP's to the best of our abilities.  We believe that diversity makes us stronger as a learning community and that anyone desiring a Jewish education should receive one.


I will be continuing this theme throughout the month, but I encourage you to start reading from bloggers and authors who are experts in this field. 


Please "Like" Jewish Disability Awareness Month on Facebook and take a look at the attached article which explains the history of the month.


Click Here for Article


 D'var Torah

Nachum Chasan, Head of School



זכור את יום השבת לקדשו                         






סיכום - Summary


  • In the desert, Moses was joined by his father-in-law (חתן) Jethro.
  • Jethro brings Ziporah, the wife (אשת) of Moses, and their children to the Israelite camp.
  • Jethro suggests to Moses that the burden of leadership is too much for one man to bear.
  • He advises Moses to choose people with whom to share the leadership.
  • Moses listens to Jethro and appoints captains to help the Israelites settle disputes.
  • Moses and the Israelites camp at Mount Sinai.
  • Moses ascends the mountain and G-d speaks to him, giving him the Ten Commandments (עשרת הדברות).




חתן  -- Hatan - Father-in-law

אשת - Ashet - wife

עשרת הדברות  -- Esserat Ha Diberot - The Ten



SHABBAT SHALOM  שבת שלום -


Nachum Chasan

Head of School



Inside the Classroom


6th Grade Judaics

Mr. Ellis Rosenberg


Can you believe that it's Tu B'Shvat this week, also known as the New Year of the Trees? Looking out the window at the snow, makes it hard to imagine that we are thinking about planting trees. Since saplings are not available locally at this time of year, the sixth grade class planted lima beans to give us a "taste" of the planting for Tu B'Shvat. We learned that what we celebrate now as the New Year of the Trees was, in days of yore, actually a tax collection deadline.

Another holiday project completed by sixth grade was decorating Tzedakah (charity) boxes on Martin Luther King, Jr., day. Many of these boxes were donated to other classrooms here at school as an incentive to increase our giving of charity to those less fortunate. The sixth grade will be choosing the recipients of our giving. 

Back in the Jewish History classroom, we've been studying some of the similarities and differences between Ashkenazic and Sefardic Jews, and how some of these differences came about. For example, in many Sefardic synagogues, the entire prayer service is recited aloud, in contrast to the Ashkenaic services. What does this have to do with whether the Christians or Muslims were in control? Ask your sixth grader!





Middle School Science Fair

Mrs. Susan Gaughan


The hard work of four months came to fruition on January 22, at our annual Silver Academy Science Fair.  Old Man Winter tried to cancel our science fair but we fought back and held it the following evening! Our seventh and eighth grade students have been working like real scientists as they work their way through the scientific method while completing a science fair project. Each student learned valuable skills as they performed research, formed a hypothesis, planned and carried out an experiment, collected and analyzed their data, and lastly formed a conclusion. Three students received first place awards for their projects, Batsheva Gewirtz, Nina Brodsky, and Dalia Shvartsman. These students will go on and enter their projects in the Capital Area Science and Engineering Fair in March. In addition, Asher Weinstock, Sam Welks, Anthony McVey, Noah Meeder, and Brian Reback received second places for their science fair projects. We are so proud of their accomplishments!  



Nina Brodsky

Does the color of a candle affect its burn rate?




Batsheva Gewirtz

Is the bounce of a tennis ball affected by its temperature?



Anthony McVey

Out of these five materials: deer suede, wool, silk, fleece and budget blackout, which would be the most effective at insulating? 

Noah Meeder

Does the amount of magnets affect how far a magnet is propelled across a thin line?



Brian Reback

Will the head of a Nerf dart affect the range of the dart?



Dalia Shvartsman

How does gravity impact the growth of radish seeds?



Asher Weinstock

How does the temperature of a wire affect its conductivity?



Sam Welks

What is the lightest material that best protects an infant's head from several injuries?

7th-8th Grade Trip to Israel 

This spring our 7th and 8th grade classes will travel to Israel! (They are so excited!) Please consider helping us fund our trip by participating in one or more of these fundraisers.
  • Online Donation Fund - Please consider donating to help defray the cost of $4,000 per student.             Click Here to Donate


School Notes and Reminders

Team Spirit Day is tomorrow! 
Friday, Feb 6
Wear your favorite team jersey or colors! Show your spirit for your favorite football, baseball, soccer, or basketball team! Student Council will be awarding prizes!

Silver Academy Sabbath at Chisuk Emuna
Saturday, Feb 7th


Silver Academy students who are the children of Chisuk Emuna Congregation members and friends will lead parts of the Shabbat morning service and participate along with their parents in special Shabbat programs. During a light luncheon following services, Mrs. Sally Jo Bronner, Kindergarten Judaics teacher, will teach about 10 Hebrew words every person should know. Mrs. Rachel Zilbering, Assistant Principal of the Silver Academy, will be there to meet members of the congregation, and Mrs. Emily Freeburn, a Silver Academy alumna, will lead Junior Congregation.


The luncheon following services is generously sponsored by Silver Academy families, and also marks the 10th anniversary of the yahrtzeit of Holly Engelman's mother, Phyllis Engelman, z'l.




Matanot La' Evyonim - 

Purim Gifts for the Poor

We are participating in a wonderful Purim Mitzvah through donations to the Od Yosef Chai organization. 



Silver Academy Open House
Save the date!
  • Thurs, Feb 19, 5:30-7:00 pm
  • Free babysitting and dinner for students!



Silver Academy Students are Invited to Sing the National Anthem at a 
Hershey Bears Hockey Game!

When: Sunday, March 1, 5:00 pm


Tickets may be purchased through the Giant Center


Click Here for More Information



Girls and Boys Basketball Schedules 
Check the schedule and plan to come and support our basketball teams!

70 Years of Memories

Click Here to See Pictures

 Community News

Discount Tickets for the 3D Movie
at the Whitaker Center

  • Get tickets at the JCC Atrium Desk
  • $8 for JCC members and Annual Campaign Contributors (regular $9.50)
  • We have 50 tickets to sell
  • Click Here for Show Times

Conversational Hebrew Class 
New Session Starting in February! 

Help Support Our School by  
Shopping at Giant
Two easy ways to earn money for our school...
  1. Register your Giant bonus card...Giant gives 1% of money you spend to our school
  2. Buy Giant gift cards at the Silver Academy

Box Tops for Education
Send boxtops to school with your child or drop them off in the office. Each boxtop is worth 10 cents...just think how quickly that can add up!

* Please check the dates on box tops...We cannot submit boxtops that have expired!

Silver Snapshots

Celebrating Tu B'Shvat in Hebrew Classes

A Play in Hebrew

Making Fruit Salad

Tu B'Shavat Seder

Quick Links

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Stay Connected - 
Visit our Silver Academy Facebook page!


Dates to Remember

Feb 5 - 6:45 pm
1st Grade Siddur Celebration

Feb 6 - 1:45 pm
Kabbalat Shabbat

Feb 6
Sport's Team Spirit Dress up Day

Feb 16
No School
(Tentative - Snow Make Up Day)

Feb 19 - 5:30-7:00 pm
Silver Academy Open House

Feb 26
Middle School Trip to Philadelphia

Girl Scout Dates
  • Brownies/Jr: Jan 26 

Silver Summary is for Grandparents too!