November 20, 2014
Cheshvan 27, 5775
A Thanksgiving Message

Rachel Zilbering

Assistant Principal


As we look forward to spending Thanksgiving with our families, I wanted to take a minute to reflect upon some of the things that we are grateful for at The Silver Academy. 


We are thankful for...

  • Our students.  Simply put, the students are the reason that we're here. The students put in 110 percent effort every day. We couldn't ask for more!
  • Our teachers who share their love of learning with every lesson taught! 
  • Our parents. Who help with lunch, field trips, homework and more. We are grateful for all you do! 
  • Our office staff for keeping the school operations running smoothly!
  • Such a warm, safe facility here at the Harrisburg Jewish Community Center. The JCC is home to our students, and they love it here!
  • A hot, kosher lunch every day!
  • The Harrisburg Jewish Community in which we all live.  As individuals we have different beliefs and customs but together we are one.
  • Rabbi Silver who started the school 70 years ago!

This list is only a beginning. Be sure to share something you are thankful for with those you care about as you celebrate Thanksgiving.



 D'var Torah

Nachum Chasan, Head of School

[email protected]


זכור את יום השבת לקדשו                         






סיכום - Summary


  • Isaac prays for the barren Rebekah, who gives birth to twins, Esau and Jacob.
  • Easu grows up a hunter and Jacob an upright dweller in tents.
  •  Esau, the elder, sells his birthright (בכרה ) to Jacob for a pot of lentil soup (עדשים).
  •  Rebekah, who favors her younger son Jacob, arranges for him to secure Isaac's coveted blessing.
  • Jacob, disguised as his brother Esau, is able to receive his father Isaac's blessing.
  • Esau is so upset that Jacob had received Isaac's birthright blessing that he wants to kill him.
  • Jacob is forced to flee for his life and goes to live with his uncle Laban.




תולדות  -- Toledot - History 

בכרה  -- Be-cho-rah -- Birthright

עדשים  -- Ad-da-shim - Lentil soup


SHABBAT SHALOM  שבת שלום -



 Inside the Classroom


2nd Grade

Morah Aviva Woodland

The students of Kitah Bet have been enjoying learning Chumash B'reishit using materials from our Tal Am curriculum. Students read Torah from a text which includes Rashi's commentary on Torah. They learn to recognize the main ideas set forth in the verses and have lively discussions in Hebrew.


This year in the virtual classroom of Kitah Bet, we welcomed two new students, Yehudah from Israel and Nurit, a girl who is just learning Hebrew. What a coincidence, as in our own class we have two new students from Israel, Stav and Shaqued, and our newest student Brennen. Bruchim HaBaim, Welcome! 




7th and 8th Grade Spanish

"Senora" Lillian Rappaport


Silver Academy Middle School students recently completed a unit of study on Spanish language and culture.  Among other things, students can now greet you, ask you how you are, tell you what time it is, let you know when their birthday is---all while practicing their Spanish!  Part of the program includes Spanish cooking and, in honor of several students' birthdays, students decided to make sopapillas.  They brought in ingredients (tortillas, butter, honey, cinnamon and vanilla ice cream---what could be better) and spent part of the morning happily munching away at their pre-lunchtime Spanish snack. A good time was had by all!


5th - 8th Grades

Arthur L. Goldberg Memorial Lecture

In 2001, the family of Mr. Goldberg, through the Silver Academy Foundation, established the Arthur L. Goldberg Memorial Fund to honor the memory of this devoted husband and father, mentor of his law partners and associates, and active member of the Jewish community. His philanthropy and generosity improved the lives of people in both the local community and in central Pennsylvania. 


The Steering Committee of this Fund presents an annual program to benefit the Silver Academy and focuses on issues close to the heart of Arthur L. Goldberg. This year's program was presented by Solomon Krevsky, Esquire, founding partner of Clark & Krevsky, LLC, and a graduate of The Silver Academy.  Our students were enlightened by Mr. Krevsky's genuine talk about his experiences as a Civil Rights and Employment Attorney.


A special thanks to Mr. Krevsky for sharing his expertise with our students and to Mr. Morton Spector for facilitating and attending this event.





 70 Years of Memories

Alumni News

One of our alumni, Lillian Aronson, (Yeshiva Academy, 1980) was highlighted in an article in The Philadelphia Inquirer this past week. The article takes an in-depth look at kidney transplants for cats at the University of Pennsylvania veterinary hospital, and Dr. Aronson, as the surgeon who has performed all of the transplants. 

Notes and Reminders

70th Anniversary Concert featuring
William Close & The Earth Harp Collective 
will be unforgettable! 

Save the date - Sunday, March 15!

William Close: The Ultimate Edit. Presented by Sennheiser MOMENTUM.
Watch this video...You will be amazed

Girl Scout Schedule...
 Come Join the Fun!
  • Daisies:  
  • Brownies/Jr:  Nov 24
For more information contact Aviva Woodland, [email protected] or Chastity Cottingham-Frye, [email protected]



Ice Cream on Fridays...Remember your $1
The Student Council will be selling ice cream every Friday for $1. You can bring in your dollar each Friday or bring in $5 or $10 to be added to your account.

Help Support Our School by  
Shopping at Giant
Two easy ways to earn money for our school...
  1. Register your Giant bonus card...Giant gives 1% of money you spend to our school
  2. Buy Giant gift cards at the Silver Academy

Box Tops for Education
Send boxtops to school with your child or drop them off in the office. Each boxtop is worth 10 cents...just think how quickly that can add up!

* Please check the dates on box tops...We cannot submit boxtops that have expired!

 Community News

Conversational Hebrew Class 
with Morah Sarah
Have you ever wanted to say more than "Shalom" in Modern Hebrew? Do you want  to understand what your Silver Academy children are talking about? If so, it's time to join our Conversational Hebrew class. 

If you love to sing, join one of the 
Harrisburg Jewish Choirs!  Sign up now!

Weekly Snapshots
Thank you Veterans!

In the Science Lab

Building a Wampanoag Village

Quick Links

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Visit our Silver Academy Facebook page!


Dates to Remember

Nov 26 - 11:40
Early Dismissal 

Nov  27-28
No School - Thanksgiving

Dec 5 - 1:45 pm
Kabbalat Shabbat

Dec 17, 18 and 19
8:15 am
Candle Lighting

Dec 22 and 23
Candle Lighting

Dec 24-Jan 2
No School
Winter Break

Silver Summary is for Grandparents too!