November 6, 2014
Cheshvan 13, 5775
Good things happen every week
 at The Silver Academy!

Rachel Zilbering, Assistant Principal

[email protected]



During the last two weeks, Silver Academy students had an opportunity to participate in the democratic process with Student Council elections.  Middle School Students each had the chance to declare candidacy and run for office. Last Friday, a special assembly was held where each candidate gave a speech about their qualifications and plans for the Student Council.  On Tuesday, November 4th (Election Day), our election was held. The Sixth grade class did a superior job of registering student voters and manning the polls. Students from Kindergarten through Eighth Grade all took the election seriously and were excited to participate.   


Congratulations to the incoming officers: Batsheva G. (President),  Noah M. (Vice President),  Dalia S. (Secretary), and Asher W. (Treasurer). We look forward to your leadership!


 D'var Torah

Nachum Chasan, Head of School

[email protected]



זכור את יום השבת לקדשו                         






סיכום - Summary


  • Abraham greets three visiting strangers and shows them hospitality (הכנת אורחים).
  • Abraham intercedes for the city of Sodom, but is unsuccessful.
  • Lot escapes destruction, but his wife turns into a pillar of salt.
  • Isaac is born to Abraham and Sarah.
  • Abraham is tested (נסה) by G-d and asked to sacrifice his beloved son Isaac.
  • G-d causes a ram to appear and orders Abraham to substitute the ram for Isaac.
  • G-d tells Abraham: "Because you have obeyed without questioning, I will bless your children forever. Your descendants will be as numerous as the stars in the sky, and as the sands of the seashore."




הכנסת אורחים  -- Hachnasat Orchim - Hospitality

נסה  -- Neesah - Tested


SHABBAT SHALOM  שבת שלום -



 Inside the Classroom

Kindergarten General Studies

Alison Brandecker


Welcome to Kindergarten! We have been very busy since the beginning of school learning the ins and outs of being part of a Kindergarten class and its daily activities. The students began their "academic career" by learning their letters and making an alphabet book with pictures. Now, they are focused on reading and writing words. Our class list of "everywhere words" is growing weekly!


In math, students have learned about numbers and how to write them. Their vocabulary now includes words like sorting, above, under, and between. Kindergarten will soon learn to make patterns which will tie in with our seasonal studies.


Not all of the learning takes place in our classroom, though. The students love going to gym and science to learn about exercise and other topics like colors. We've even gone beyond our school building to learn about pumpkins and other fall foods at Paulus Farm. What an exciting year it has been so far...I can't wait for all the fun and learning that is going to continue throughout this year!






6th Grade Judaics

Mr. Ellis Rosenberg



 After spending the majority of our classes reviewing and learning for the fall holidays, we are finally "digging" into our history lessons. We recently learned about the Dead  Sea scrolls which were unearthed by a Bedouin shepherd in 1947. Some of the scrolls revealed how a group of Jews, known as the Essenes, lived 2000 years ago. We wrote our own "scrolls" telling about Jewish life in the year 2014 and put them away in "ceramic jars" (Rita's cups) to be found at a future date...maybe a thousand years or so in the future.


We learned how 'Sin'at Chinam' (baseless hatred ) led to the destruction of the Second Temple. We learned how the assassination of the Roman Emperor Nero, which should have afforded the Jews an opportunity to organize their troops, was not taken advantage of by the Jews because the Jews were fighting among themselves. This is what eventually led to the destruction of Jerusalem, the Second Temple, and the fall of Masada.  


Zumba Club

Ms. Sunderland, PE Teacher


It may be hard to believe, but Monday morning is an energetic time for many students, parents, and teachers at The Silver Academy. They start their week at 7:15 am by participating in a  Zumba class, which is a Latin-style, aerobic dance workout to get the muscles moving!  They dance to music such as pop, hip/hop, salsa, Latin, and African. Participants enjoy upbeat music, have fun, and workout at the same time!




A Peek at the Past

Many students, teachers, administrators, and helpers have been a part of  the Silver Academy's history. Click on the link below to see faces from the past!

Check it out...Who can you identify?

 Notes, Reminders and Other Goodies

Grandparents and Special Persons Day is TOMORROW, Nov 7!
Looking forward to spending time with you!

70th Anniversary Concert featuring
William Close & The Earth Harp Collective 
will be unforgettable! 

Save the date - Sunday, March 15!

William Close: The Ultimate Edit. Presented by Sennheiser MOMENTUM.
Watch this video...You will be amazed!

Box Tops for Education
Send boxtops to school with your child or drop them off in the office. Each boxtop is worth 10 cents...just think how quickly that can add up!

* Please check the dates on box tops...We cannot submit boxtops that have expired!

Help Support Our School by  
Shopping at Giant
Two easy ways to earn money for our school...
  1. Register your Giant bonus card...Giant gives 1% of money you spend to our school
  2. Buy Giant gift cards at the Silver Academy

Girl Scout Schedule...
 Come Join the Fun!
  • Daisies:  Nov 17
  • Brownies/Jr:  Nov 10, Nov 24
For more information contact Aviva Woodland, [email protected] or Chastity Cottingham-Frye, [email protected]



Ice Cream on Fridays...Remember your $1
The Student Council will be selling ice cream every Friday for $1. You can bring in your dollar each Friday or bring in $5 or $10 to be added to your account.

 Community News

Conversational Hebrew Class 
with Morah Sarah
Have you ever wanted to say more than "Shalom" in Modern Hebrew? Do you want  to understand what your Silver Academy children are talking about? If so, it's time to join our Conversational Hebrew class. 

If you love to sing, join one of the 
Harrisburg Jewish Choirs!  Sign up now!

   Weekly Snapshots

Pink Out in Support of Everyone
Affected by Breast Cancer      

Student Council Candidate Speeches

Election Day!

Quick Links

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Dates to Remember

November 7
Grandparents & Special Persons Day

November 18
6:30-8:30 pm
Parent-Teacher Conf

November 19
Early Dismissal - 11:40

November 19
Parent-Teacher Conf
1:00-4:00 pm

November 26
Early Dismissal - 11:40

November 27-28
No School - Thanksgiving

Silver Summary is for Grandparents too!