September 24, 2014                                                                                              Elul 29, 5774


Shana Tova U'Metukah - A Happy and Sweet Year!


High Holiday Message from the Head of School


As we approach the High Holiday season, we at the Silver Academy are now in our 70th Anniversary year. From every indication we are off to a fantastic and very productive beginning of our school year. It is our heart felt hope that all our students will grow academically and socially as they prepare to make their mark on our complex and challenging world.


In celebration of this High Holiday, we have performed the many mitzvoth - saying the prayers, doing tzedakah, opening our homes and hearts to family and friends, and the time honored traditions to a new generation of Jews. With these observances, we, at the Silver Academy, lay the foundation for a strong and vibrant Jewish future.


L'Shanah Tovah Tikatevu!!!


Wishing you the very best, on behalf of everyone at the Silver Academy, for a year that is both sweet and good.


Nachum Chasan

Head of School 



Silver Academy's Tashlich Ceremony by the River