March 20, 2014 18 Adar II, 5774
זכור את יום השבת לקדשו
SHABBAT PARSHAT SHEMINI - Leviticus 9:1 - 11:47
SHABBAT PARAH - Numbers 19: 1 - 22
הסכום - Summary
- Moses called Aaron and his sons and the elders of Israel and gave them detailed instructions concerning the things they might eat (Jewish Dietary Laws)
- Moses instructs Aaron and his sons Nadav and Avihu concerning offerings for atonement of sins.
- Nadav and Avihu bring unauthorized fire offerings of their own, and G-d punishes them with death.
- This Shabbat is also known as Shabbat Parah and there is a special Torah reading.
- The theme is purification and it provides a connection with the forthcoming festival of Passover, whose theme is one of preparation and purity.
Nachum Chasan
Head of School
A Quiz About Soup
1. According to the Torah, Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for what kind of soup?
Schav - Cholent - Matzah Ball Soup - Lentil Soup
2. Which of these soups originates in Eastern Europe, and is a deep purple color?
Cholent - Borsht - Addes - Purple Hearts Soup
3. Matzah Balls are often described as either...
Sinkers or Floaters - Sweet or Soup - Sacred or Profane -
Cold or Mushy
Click Here for Answers
Third Grade with Ms. Roseman
Third grade has been very busy!! Recently we learned about prepositions and prepositional phrases in our reading series. We made detailed maps and drove a play car through our map. We then wrote detailed stories about where we were going. In conclusion, we highlighted all of the prepositions we used in our stories. Check out our stories and maps on the bulletin board outside the classroom!
How well do you know our faculty and staff?
What teacher grew up in the city (Brooklyn), but
now has grown country roots and loves gardening.
to Rabbi Joseph and Varda Gewirtz on the birth of their grandson!
Their daughter and her husband, Devorah and Rabbi Dani Locker, are happy to welcome their son, David, named after Varda's father z"l.
(Devorah is a proud graduate of the Rabbi David L. Silver Yeshiva Academy.)
Although the family lives in Las Vegas, David is being
March 22
Silver Academy Shabbat, 9:15
at Chisuk Emuna
Mar. 31-April 4
Terra Nova Testing
April 4
Kabbalat Shabbat, 2:45 pm
April 8
Middle School Open House, 7 pm,
see link below
April 10
Model Seder Programs
Middle School Open House!
Tuesday, April 8, 7 pm
Silver Academy Shabbat
at Chisuk Emuna
Saturday, March 22, 9:15 am
All students and parents are invited to attend!
Thank You
to the PTO
for sponsoring the very successful
Purim Seudah on Sunday, and especially the committee who
Vivian First, Holly Engleman and Niema Schertz
Race for Education Update
Race for Education LABELS are due Monday, March 24th... the more labels, the more prizes, so fill up those sheets! Additional label sheets are available if needed, or add additional names on a piece of paper and attach.
New computers in the classrooms if we hit our goal of $10,500...
Girl Scouts Meeting Schedule
* Brownies & Juniors - March 24 & April 7 * Daisies - March 31
The Student Council will be selling ice cream every Friday during lunchtime. The cost is $1.
Our online auction starts Monday,
Help support the Silver Academy and have fun shopping!
There are many unique items, so be sure to check out our online auction.
Community News
Children will have the opportunity to climb aboard their favorite
vehicle, including firetruck, Hershey Kissmobile, ambulance,
police car, construction vehicles, and more!
Women's Megillah Reading
This spring the 8th grade class will travel to Israel. Help us fund our trip with the purchase of Chai Notes.
To download your Chai Note, and for more information,
Clip your boxtops and bring them to school. Last year our school earned almost $350 from this program!
Buy Giant Gift Cards and Support the Silver Academy!
For every $100 in Giant gift cards you purchase,
Shop and support the school at the same time!
Purchase gift cards in the school office or through
Susan Leviton at 608-0190 or gorelev@aol.com
Contribute to the Silver Academy
Make a donation in memory of or in honor of a loved one, birth or for any special occasion.
Celebrating Purim at
the Silver Academy
Making Hamantaschen
Silver Summary is for Grandparents too!
Would your parents like to have a window into their grandchildren's Silver Academy world?
To receive the Silver Summary send their email address HERE