December 19, 2013                                                                       16 Tevet, 5774 




זכור את יום השבת לקדשו                         






הסכום - Summary

  • Joseph and his brothers had lived peacefully in Egypt.
  • They and all their generation died.
  • A new Pharaoh arose and said, "The Israelites are too numerous, they have too much power in our kingdom!"
  • Pharaoh orders all Israelite male children be drowned.
  • Amram and Jochebed, of the Tribe of Levi, had a baby son and they hid him in a basket at the edge of the Nile River.
  • There he was found by Pharaoh's daughter, who called him Moses (the one drawn out of water).
  • Moses grows up in Pharaoh's palace.
  • Moses kills an Egyptian taskmaster who was beating an Israelite slave.
  • Moses escaped from Pharaoh to the land of Midian. There he tended the flocks of Jethro.
  • G-d speaks to Moses out of a burning bush and tells him that he and his brother Aaron will liberate the Israelites from Egyptian slavery.
  • Pharaoh imposes hard labor upon the Israelites.


 SHABBAT SHALOM  שבת שלום -


Nachum Chasan

Head of School 







Who was the best business 
woman in the Torah?






First Grade with Mrs. Hurley



      This month, first grade has been exploring different habitats. They are learning about the plants and animals of each habitat. We are half way through our journey. So far, we have explored forest, rain forest, the desert and grasslands. Next, we will cover wetlands, oceans and the arctic. Throughout this unit, students are writing a lot of nonfiction. We are learning how to put facts into our own words for expository writing.  




Fourth Grade with Mr. Rosenberg


     Wow!! Chanukah has come and gone already. In addition to reviewing the laws and customs in preparation for Chanukah, we also learned that when the Maccabees defeated the Syrian-Greeks to re-dedicate the Beit Hamikdash, it was probably the first battle ever fought for religious freedom.
     In our Konei Olam program, we have continued to "visit" such places as Paris and London in our effort to emphasize the importance of good Midot, or characteristics.
     In Chumash, we're learning how Isaac favored Esau and Rebecca favored Jacob, and why that turned into a disaster.
     Enjoy the winter break!!


Spanish Club was awesome...

Gracias Mrs. Leiferman for teaching our students!

            How well do you know our faculty/staff?

This week's mystery person has quite a bit of experience 
at our school:
  • 20+ years of teaching
  • Past president of the PTO
  • Past member of the Board

and one more hint...this person hiked in Iceland during the summer


Who is this??? 
Dec 20
1:45, Kabbalat Shabbat
Dec 24
11:40, Early Dismissal, Winter Break
Dec 25-Jan 1

No School, Winter Break
Jan 2

School Resumes

Jan 10

1:45, Kabbalat Shabbat
Jan 20

Bring a Friend Day, Mitzvah Day
Jan 22

6:45 pm, Science Fair

JCC Middle School

This spring the 8th grade class will travel to Israel. Help us fund our trip with the purchase of Chai Notes.

To download your Chai Note,
and for more information,


                      Invite Your Friends to Our School for
 Bring a Friend to School Day        

Monday, January 20  -  8:00 am-12:30 pm       
Lots of Fun Activities!         

Return of the Kipot

Help...All of our school kipot are missing! 
  • Kipot Amnesty day is Monday, December 23
  • Return all of the school's kipot that you have at your home by Dec 23
  • The person who returns the most kipot will win an awesome prize!


Girl Scouts Meeting Schedule


  • Tea & Cookies Program
    Saturday, Jan. 11, 6:30-7:30
  • Brownies & Juniors, Jan. 13
  • Daisies,  Jan. 20


                    Ice Cream on Fridays...
Remember your $1
The Student Council will be selling ice cream every Friday during lunchtime. The cost is $1.

The Silver Academy Open House 2014

Meet our faculty and learn about our Dual Curriculum, Clubs, Financial Aid, and more!

2014 Annual Campaign - The Silver Academy
Watch Our Video
Support the 
2014 Annual Campaign
We have raised $80,000 from our $140,000 goal. Please consider a gift to our campaign which funds school scholarships.

Each week, we will feature one alumnus from our rich alumni network.


Ethan DeBroff 


Which years did you attend The Silver Academy?  I attended the Silver Academy from Ganenu to 7th grade (1999-2008) 

Where did you grow up in?  I lived in Lower Paxton Township for 6 years but moved to Susquehanna Township in 2001 where I spent most of my childhood.

Where did you go to school after The Silver Academy?  I attended Susquehanna Township for 8th grade and high school.


Where are you now?  Currently I am a freshman at the University of Pittsburgh.


What do you do?  I am planning to study communications.   


What was your favorite class at The Silver Academy?  I loved Mrs. Gaughan's Science class (and still do).


Who was your best friend at The Silver Academy?  I'd have to say my twin brother Jake.


What is your current favorite food and what was your favorite lunch at The Silver Academy?  Now I love a good steak. In school I liked it all-Norman's tuna, the hot dogs and the vegetable soup.


How many times were you sent to the principal's office?  I was never really sent to the principal's office, but it always seemed like I got in trouble in Morah Chani's class.


What was your favorite memory and/or do you have any funny stories about The Silver Academy?  I used to love Sukkot at Hersheypark.  A memory that still makes me laugh is when I hid in the closet at the start of Morah Chani's class, hoping to not get caught, but the plan didn't work. 


What is your favorite sports team?  I am a big Pittsburgh sports fan-Steelers, Penguins and Pirates. I also love the 76ers.


What was your favorite activity at the JCC?  I loved playing basketball there, whether it was for the Yeshiva middle school team, the JCC, or the men's league.


Who was your biggest role model in Harrisburg?  I'd say my parents and my Uncle Bert. They are definitely people I try to emulate.  






Bring in Your Box Tops! 


Clip your boxtops and bring them to school. Last year our school earned almost $350 from this program!




 Buy Giant Gift Cards and Support the Silver Academy!

For every $100 in Giant gift cards you purchase, 
our school 
receives $5!  
Shop and support the school at the same time!  
Purchase gift cards in the school office or through 
Susan Leviton at 608-0190 or

Contribute to the Silver Academy
 Make a donation in memory of or in honor of a 
loved one, birth or for any special occasion.


Silver Snapshots 

On Jan 20, Students Will
Donate their Hair to "Wigs for Kids"

7th Grade Playing a Geometry Game


Silver Summary is for Grandparents too!

Would your parents like to have a window into their grandchildren's Silver Academy world?


To receive the Silver Summary send their email address  HERE