This weekly publication will be emailed every week to our subscribers. The Summary will recap the week's events at the Silver Academy and inform readers of upcoming events or dates. 
Happy reading and Shabbat Shalom!


Dvar Torah


זכור את יום השבת לקדשו                         








הסכום- Summary


  • Simchat Torah marks the completion of the Torah-reading cycle, which concludes with the final parts of Deuteronomy. The reading of the story of creation from Genesis marks the renewed cycle of the year ahead.
  • Origin of the universe and the human race - creation of the world in seven days.
  • Freedom of choice - Adam and Eve eat of the forbidden fruit and are expelled from the Garden of Eden.
  • Cain and Abel - G-d accepts Abel's sincere offering. Cain becomes jealous and kills his brother Abel. Cain learns of his punishment, which is to wander the earth.


Hag Samach!

SHABBAT SHALOM  שבת שלום -



Nachum Chasan

Head of School





Ganeinu in the Sukkah
Ganeinu holding torahs they 
made for Simchat Torah

This week in honor of sukkot the

Ganeinu class built their own the classroom! Usually a sukkah is built outside, but we kept ours indoors for learning purposes and because it is made out of cardboard tubes and large sheets of paper. We painted the walls, because it is a mitzvah to decorate the sukkah. We even hung paper fruit and paper chains from the bamboo shade that serves as our schach (roof). We are ready to celebrate!





7th Grade Language Arts with Mr. Hart


Seventh graders are currently learning about writing "how-to" information. The most recent application is a journaling assignment entitled "How to Make a Jelly Sandwich." Easy you say? How about if you are tasked with writing these sandwich-making procedures for someone who does not even know what a sandwich is? Not so easy! Students are getting hands-on experience in class this week to see if their procedures are actually workable (or if their instructions are simply a mess). This assignment is practice for a writing project due in a few weeks based on Treasure Island: Long John Silver's Guide to Being a Pirate. Shiver me timbers! -- Mr. Hart  



Sept 25

Early Dismissal, 11:40, Hoshanah Rabbah
Sept 26 & 27

School Closed, Shemini Atzeret,  Simchas Torah
Sept 29

Josh Klein 5K - 8:30 at JCC (see link below)
October 4

Kabbalat Shabbat, 2:45
October 14

Columbus Day - School Closed  / Teacher In-Service
11:00 - Fun on the Farm  (see Announcement below)

September Menu                   Nurse Notes                    Josh Klein 5K

Attention All Students in Grades 3-8
Do you like to sing? Would you like to be in the spotlight with other Jewish kids?  Then the
Harrisburg Jewish Youth Choir
is for you!
Click here for --->  Information and Registration

Join Us for 
Columbus Day Fun on the Farm! 
Where:  Ashcombe Farms, Mechanicsburg 
When:  October 14th at 11:00  
What:  Fall Activities and more
Kid Stuff Books are Available!
  • Books are filled with coupons for local businesses!
  • Get your Kid Stuff Book at the school office!
  • $25 per book - Hundreds of $$ in savings!
Target Offers Easy School Fundraiser
Vote for the Silver Academy at
We receive $1 for every vote!  
You can vote one time each week.
Click HERE to vote!




Buy Giant Scrip and Support the Silver Academy!


 For every $100 in Giant gift cards you purchase,
our school receives $5! 
Shop and support the school at the same time!

Purchase scrip gift cards in the school office or through Susan Leviton
at 608-0190 or [email protected]
                 Ice Cream on Fridays!
The Student Council will be selling ice cream every Friday during lunchtime beginning in October. The cost is $1.

Join our Girl Scout Troop!


Daisies - girls in Kindergarten & 1st Grade 
           Brownies - 2nd & 3rd Grades 
                         Juniors - 4th & 5th Grades 
Next Meeting Dates:  
           Brownies and Juniors, Oct 7
                      Daisies, Sept 30
For more information contact: 
Aviva Woodland at 
[email protected]  

Chastity Cottingham-Frye at  [email protected]




Bring in Your Box Tops! 


Clip your boxtops and bring them to school. Last year our school earned almost $350 from this program!


Each week, we will feature one alumnus from our rich alumni network.

Ari Wassner


Which years did you attend The Silver Academy?  1982-1992

Where did you grow up?  I grew up in Hershey and commuted to school in Harrisburg from kindergarten through eighth grade.

Where did you go to school after The Silver Academy?  I graduated from Hershey High School in 1996, Haverford College in 2000, and Harvard Medical School in 2005.

Where are you now?  I live in Newton, Massachusetts (a suburb of Boston) with my wife Dalia and our children Aviv (4) and Keila (2).


What do you do?  I am a pediatric endocrinologist at Boston Children's Hospital in Boston, MA.  I take care of children with hormone disorders (like diabetes and thyroid problems), as well as doing research on thyroid disease in children and adults.


What was your favorite class at The Silver Academy?  Science class with Mrs. Fendrich.  Aside from the fact that she was a wonderful teacher, at the time she kept two pet chinchillas in the classroom (Winky and Blinky) that we sometimes got to play with if we finished our work early.


Who was your best friend at The Silver Academy?  Dan Bartash, and we are still in touch.

What is your current favorite food and what was your favorite lunch at The Silver Academy?  My favorite food now is probably steak.  As a kid, I was a terribly picky eater and almost never ate the lunch Mr. Lowy made at school.  This wasn't because I didn't like the food, I just wouldn't try it; in fact, there was a long span when I brought a grapefruit for lunch every day. These days I have a more varied diet, but I have sometimes thought back and regretted perhaps seeming ungrateful for the time and care Mr. Lowy invested in cooking for us all those years.


What was your favorite memory from The Silver Academy?  Probably the most memorable experience was our class trip to Israel in the winter of 1992, when I was in eighth grade. The amusing part of the trip was that we got snowed in (really) in Jerusalem on the day we were supposed to fly home. We managed to get rebooked on Sabena, a Belgian airline, which meant we got to spend an overnight layover in a hotel in Brussels.  I still have a deck of cards with the Sabena logo from that flight.  As for the Israel trip itself, we stayed for several days in Jerusalem's Old City, climbed Masada, hiked Mt. Arbel in the Galilee, and spent Shabbat in Tzfat. Although I had been to Israel before, this trip was really a capstone experience.  It was a chance to see Israel with the friends and classmates I had known since kindergarten, before we graduated and went off to different high schools and paths in life. I particularly remember waking up each morning and walking together through the Jewish Quarter of the Old City from the Sephardic Center, past the Cardo and the arch of the Hurva synagogue, to one of the yeshivot near the Western Wall. It was a powerful experience for a bunch of kids from central Pennsylvania to walk into a yeshiva half a world away, put on tallit and tefillin, and daven shacharit overlooking the kotel; it was an odd mix of feeling far away and close to home.  When I have visited Jerusalem since then (most recently with my wife and our son), going back to that part of the Old City brings back clear memories of those mornings and the feeling our class shared on that trip. 


What was your favorite thing to do at the JCC?  I loved to go bowling after school in the JCC basement.  I took bowling lessons there for several years and was sad when I heard that the the bowling alley closed.


Who was your biggest role model in Harrisburg?  It's hard not to sound trite saying this, but of course my biggest role models are my parents.  Although living in Hershey made driving my sister and me to school in Harrisburg far from convenient, the fact that they made this commute every day was evidence of the critical importance they placed on Jewish education for their children. It is obvious to me that if not for their investment and that of the Academy in my education, I would not be the person or the Jew that I am. This fact has certainly shaped my thinking as my wife and I plan the Jewish education of our own children.


Contribute to the Silver Academy
 Make a donation in memory of or in honor of a
loved one, birth or 
for any special occasion.


Silver Snapshots 
Celebrating Sukkot 
at Hershey Park and at School

Silver Summary is for Grandparents too!

Would your parents like to have a window into their grandchildren's Silver Academy world?


To receive the Silver Summary send their email address  HERE