Welcome to the Silver Summary!
This weekly publication will be emailed every week to all of our subscribers. The Summary will recap the 
week's events at the Silver Academy and inform
readers of upcoming events or dates. 
Happy reading and Shabbat Shalom!
Upcoming Calendar Events

Friday, April 19th
Kabbalat Shabbat Celebration
2:45 PM - 3:30 PM
Mix match dress up day 

Monday, April 29th
Race for Education

Friday, April 26th 
Student Council breakfast and school store blow out
7:15 AM 
May 2nd
Welcome to Kindergarten Program


Thursday, June 13 

Silver Academy Talent Show. Alumni are welcome to  sign up and participate  

We have just received notice that the Silver Academy has two winners in the RAVSAK (JEWISH COMMUNITY DAY SCHOOL NETWORK) Annual Hebrew Poetry Contest. 


This is a contest for the writing of original Hebrew poetry in which many of our students competed against hundreds of their peers at RAVSAK schools worldwide. 


Dahlia Shvartsman won first place in the K-5 nonnative category, and Maor Cohen Kidron won runner-up in the 6-8 native category. 


The winning poems will appear in the summer issue of Ha Yidion Magazine, and will be posted on the RAVSAK's website.


Yasher koach to Dahlia and Maor and all our students that entered Hebrew poems for their outstanding work and dedication to the Hebrew language.


Kol Ha Kavod!!

Moreh Nachum


 D'var Torah


זכור את יום השבת לקדשו                         







הסכום - Summary


  • This double Torah portion begins with the recalling of the deaths Aaron's sons, Nadav and Avihu.
  • Next it describes the rituals for the sin offerings.
  • Kedoshim then continues with ceremonial and moral laws.
  • This portion contains approximately fifty mitzvoth. Here is a cross-section of some of the more important ones:
  1.  Reverence for one's mother and father
  2.  Leaving and edge of one's field cut for the poor
  3.  Not stealing or dealing falsely
  4.  Not putting a stumbling block before the blind
  5.  Not standing idly by the blood of one's neighbor
  6.  Not taking vengeance or bearing a grudge
  7.  Loving one's neighbor


SHABBAT SHALOM  שבת שלום -


Nachum Chasan

Head of School 



Inside the Classroom Kindergarten


It's April, and Kindergarten has been learning about spring. The daffodils and tulips we planted in the fall have bloomed, and we've had a lot of fun looking for other signs of spring. We even took a short walk to Mrs. Carpenter's garden to see what the plants and animals there were up to. Everyone wrote an informational essay about spring, including one opinion and at least three facts. Look for these impressive posters on the bulletin board across from the nurse's office.


Reading has been another exciting focus in our class this month, and students are discovering that they can read all kinds of books all by themselves! Some of our favorites involve wacky animal characters, such as Piggy and Elephant and a very messy little mouse. We are also learning to tell time to the hour and half hour, and everyone is busy writing number stories involving both addition and subtraction. Yes, Kindergarten is almost ready for 1st grade!


A visit from Senator Rob Teplitz


 Inside the Classroom- 6th Grade


In the sixth grade we are continuing to work in  groups. The beginners' group is finishing their 4th book of the "Friends in Hebrew" book. Our last topic in this book was "After School". We learned stories about the activities that Israeli kids take part in and got familiar with new vocabulary. In the conclusion, our students are going to write short stories about their favorite things to do after school and present them for discussion.

The advanced students were working on a very serious topic "Expulsion from Spain" in parallel to the story of Yetziat Mitzraim, or Leaving from Egypt. We read a chapter book in Hebrew about the life of Jewish people in Spain in the Middle Ages, learned a lot of historical facts about converted Jews in Spain, and discussed what helped Jewish people to keep up with their Jewish heritage.

Our last topic for this school year is "What is Homeland". We will learn about Eretz Israel - the Land of Israel and the State of Israel.  

With the coming holiday of Israeli Independence Day, the favorite of all six graders was preparation for the special ceremony in honor of theYom Ha'Azmaut in the school. Students learned the song "Ani noladati  l'shalom" (I was born for peace) and created an amazing dance, which we all enjoyed. 




Alumni Spotlight


Each week, The Silver Summary will feature one alumnus from our rich alumni network. 



Marla (Gras) Friedman 

Baltimore, MD



What years did you attend The Silver Academy?

I attended the Silver Academy from 1983-1994.


Where did you grow up in Harrisburg?

I grew up in uptown Harrisburg, on "Green Street"


Where did you go to school after The Silver Academy?

I went  to the Hebrew Academy of Greater Washington. I graduated from Towson University with a major in Deaf Studies and later earned a Masters of Science Degree from McDaniel College.


Where do you live now? 

I live in Baltimore, Maryland with my husband Kenny and our four children.


What do you do?

  I am a Vocational Rehabilitation supervisor  at Sinai Hospital. 


What was your favorite class at The Silver Academy?



Who was your best friend at The Silver Academy?

I was very close with several of the girls in my grade and a couple of years younger. I am still very close with Faygie Tewner and Jill Flicker. With the help of Facebook, I have been able to stay in touch with Talia Rosen, Talia Fine, Daya Yablon, Yali Reuveni, and many more. Some of my fondest memories were with those ladies and others at the school.


What was your favorite school lunch?

Mr. Lowy's baked chicken and Sloppy Joe


How many times were you sent to the principal's office?

 At least once for being in a fight (I was defending someone in a younger grade), but I am sure more times since I was on Student Council.


What was your favorite memory and/or do you have any funny stories about The Silver Academy?

There are so many wonderful memories, but our trip to Israel was the best!


What was your favorite thing to do at the JCC? 

Play basketball with friends and watch TV as soon as the bell rang (usually Saved by the Bell and General Hospital).


Who was your role model in Harrisburg?

I had a lot of great teachers who I learned from including: Rabbi Gewirtz, Mrs. Nussbaum, Mrs. Kellogg (just kidding), Mrs. Feinberg, Mrs. Heit, and Mrs. Gold (just to name a few), but to answer the question, Lynn Wuestner. I was extremely close with her and she was a wonderful role model. I remember telling her that I hated one of my "best" friends. Her response to me was that hate was a very strong word that I should not use. To this day, I try not to use this word. 

Car Safety Information 

Do you know what age your child needs to be for a rear-facing car seat?


Do you know how old your child needs to be in order to fit in a booster seat?


Do you know what age your child should be when they can sit in the front seat of a vehicle?


Seat belts save lives.  This is a proven fact.  Our children are our most precious cargo when they are in our cars.  They need to be properly secured every time they sit in a car.  This is the Pennsylvania State Law and here are some critical facts about it:



(Act 53, 1983/Act 22, 1993/ Act 229, 2002)


Child Safety Seats and Boosters

  • All drivers operating a passenger car, Class I and Class II truck, classic motor vehicle, antique motor vehicle or motor home shall securely fasten infants and children under 8 years of age in an approved child restraint/booster when riding anywhere in the motor vehicle, including the cargo area. The seat may be in any seating position equipped with a seat belt in the vehicle. (However, for maximum protection, a back seat is preferable.)
  • All drivers transporting children under 4 years of age are responsible to securely restrain those children in an approved child passenger restraint system. (Primary Law)
  • All drivers transporting children 4 years of age or older but under 8 years of age are responsible to securely restrain those children in a seat belt system and an appropriately fitting child booster seat. (Secondary Law)


  • All drivers of a passenger car, Class I truck, Class II truck or motor home transporting  children 8 years of age or older but under 18 years of age are responsible to securely restrain those children in a seat belt system when riding anywhere in the vehicle. (Secondary Law)
  • Each driver and front seat occupant of a passenger car, Class I truck, Class II truck or motor home operated in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, shall wear a properly adjusted and fastened seat belt system. (Secondary Law)

NOTE: NHTSA recommends that children 12 and under ride buckled up in a rear seat - small children should ride in a rear seat in child safety seats approved for their height, weight, physical development, and behavioral needs. Infants in rear facing child safety seats should NEVER ride in the front seat of a vehicle with a passenger side air bag.


There are fines associated with these laws if it is broken.  So, please, for the safety of our kids, please buckle up each and every time you get behind the wheel.


For more information, please visit the Traffic Safety Information Center at http://www.justdrivepa.org.




Source: Just Drive PA website

Contribute to the Silver Academy  
Make a donation in memory of or in
honor of a loved one, birth 
for any special occasion.

We're looking for a few good girls! Now forming at the Silver Academy for the upcoming school year: A multi-level Girl Scout troop that includes Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors (girls entering grades K-5) If you think your daughter would like to join, or for more details contact: 
Chastity Cottingham-Frye at [email protected] or 695-483 or Morah Aviva at [email protected]

Presented by 2012 Grinspoon Steinhardt Award Winner
 Rabbi Joseph Gewirtz
jesna 2013 logo

Sunday May 19th, 3:00-4:00pm EST
"Teaching Chumash with Power Point" 


Join other Grinspoon Steinhardt award winners as we learn from Rabbi Joseph Gewirtz about how to use Power Point in order to make chumash more interesting for our students! Rabbi Gewirtz has been teaching and mentoring for many years and is currently teaching Judaic studies at The Silver Academy in central Pennsylvania. 

Included in the webinar will be example slides of 
  • Color coding for shoresh, prefix and suffix.
  • Text boxes which clarify Rashi's problem and solution.
  • Pictures and cartoons with dialogue and images which make the ideas clearer to students and increase retention.


Email Bara Levitt at [email protected] to register and receive further details

Yom Hazikaron Ceremony

Silver Summary is for Grandparents too!
Would your parents like to have a 
window into their grandchildren's 
Silver Academy world?


To receive the Silver Summary send
their email address  HERE
Earn money for the PTO while you do your online shopping!
Enter Yeshiva Academy, Harrisburg PA as your school

Shop through this website and the Silver Academy students will benefit!   

Dear Parents,
In the wake of the bombings that occurred in Boston on Monday, I found myself struggling with how to explain it to my own children.  Here are some links to some articles you might like to share with your children in order to help them understand what and why the bombings happened. 



On Fridays the student council will be selling
ice cream for $1