Welcome to the Silver Summary!
This weekly publication will be emailed every week to all of our subscribers. The Summary will recap the 
week's events at the Silver Academy and inform
readers of upcoming events or dates. 
Happy reading and Shabbat Shalom!
Upcoming Calendar Events

Friday, January 18th
Kabbalat Shabbat 1:45pm
Everyone welcome! 

Monday, January 21st
Bring a Friend to School Day

Wednesday, January 23rd
Middle School Science Fair
6:45 PM
Science Fair
Saturday Night, February 9th
Silver Academy Havdallah 
7:00 PM- 9:00 PM

Dvar Torah



זכור את יום השבת לקדשו                         






SHABBAT PARSHAT --  BO -  (Exodus 10:1 - 13:16)



הסכום - Summary


  • Moses and Aaron continue to plead with Pharaoh to let the Israelites go free.
  • Pharaoh's hart was still hardened and he continues to refuse.
  • The Egyptians are punished with the last three of the Ten Plagues - locusts, darkness, and the death of their firstborn.
  • Terrified, Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron and he finally lets the Israelites go.
  • The Israelites proclaim that each year, on the evening of the fourteenth day of the first month, a festival lasting seven days will be observed to recall their freedom from Egyptian bondage.
  • Matzah (unleavened bread) is to be eaten during the seven day festival of Passover


SHABBAT SHALOM  שבת שלום -


Nachum Chasan

Head of School 




Alumni Spotlight
Each week, The Silver Summary will feature one alumnus from our rich alumni network.


Janet (Tull) Foreman
Harrisburg, PA


Which years did you attend The Silver Academy?
In the mid 1960's.
Where are you from and where did you grow up? 
I grew up in Uptown on Green Street - just inside the city line.
What school did you attend after The Silver Academy?
Camp Curtin, William Penn, Hospital of the University of Pa School of Nursing, University of Maryland, BSN,  MS in Nursing, Penn State Hershey Medical Center-  School Nurse Practitioner Program.
Where do you reside now? 
I never got of Dodge- still in HBG.
What do you do? 
semi retired- currently working part time  as  Director, Care Management- SkarlatosZonarich LLC. I am a client advocate for the elderly and individuals with disabilities,working  with our elder care attorney..
What was your favorite class at The Silver Academy? 
I am going to answer Elkie Koplovitz, may she rest in peace, was one of my favorite teachers. We became friends as adults and I cherished that friendship. Ekie was Principal when my children, Mitchell and Richard went to Yeshiva.  She asked if she could tell them about the many times I would knock on her door and then run down the hall and hide.  She agreed to keep that a secret.
I liked Mar Dimont too, although he was a tough cookie. We had many fine teachers, one or two were characters.  Mrs. Shapiro, may she rest in peace, excelled as an English teacher. She set the bar for high standards in that subject. 


Who was your best friend?
Ivy Sherman Charnoff. We remain close friends to this day. We had a wonderful class of students.
What was your favorite school lunch? 
I was not a fan of the food. I remember bits of jello and other food stuffs clinging to the ceiling in the cafeteria.
How many times were you sent to the principals office?
It was a rare occurrence, although I was rather spirited!!! In those days my parents, may they rest in peace, would had grounded me forever if I shamed them with poor behavior. 


What was your favorite thing to do at the JCC? 
Hang out in the lobby with my friends.
Who was your biggest role model in Harrisburg? 
1. Elkie Kplovitz was totally dedicated in her 50 years at Yeshiva.  In retirement, she continued to educate students by volunteering at the Harrisburg School District,reading  to children.  
2.   I did not realize how moderate and forward thinking Rabbi Silver, may he rest in Peace, was as an Orthodox Rabbi.  He was an icon and ahead of his time in creating Yeshiva, The Jewish Home,etc.

Inside the Classroom- 1st Grade


 The cold weather has been the perfect setting for our Polar Regions Unit. We have been discovering many interesting facts about the Arctic and Antarctica and the animals that live there. After researching both regions, we compared them to see how they are alike and how they are different. We also learned the difference between facts and opinions. Everyone chose their favorite animal from the Polar Regions and wrote several facts about it. Our favorite part of this unit has been PENGUINS! Together we read many fiction and nonfiction books about penguins. On the smartboard, we watched several clips about them and how they live. After reading the true story about Pierre the penguin, we became interested in him and the people who helped him. This led us to a great website where we could watch penguins live at the California Academy of Sciences. During our visit to the website, we were able to see a live show where the trainers were working with the penguins and answering guests' questions.




Inside the Classroom- 3rd Grade


     Third grade Judaics class has covered a lot of ground since we've last connected. In our Chumash class, we watched as Hashem and Avraham were "negotiating" as Avraham tried to intervene  and keep the cities of Sodom and Amorah from being destroyed. Avraham "talked Hashem" into agreeing that even if there were only ten righteous people left in the cities, that Hashem would not destroy the cities.  However, Hashem ultimately destroyed the cities, with the exception of Avraham's nephew Lot and his daughters, because there were not even ten righteous  people left in the cities. Lot's wife disregarded the warning not to turn back and watch the destruction, so she was turned into a pillar of salt. It is said the the pillar can be seen even today.
     Currently we are learning how Avraham, in an effort to protect his own life while he and Sarah lived in Gerar, claimed that Sarah was his sister.
      In preparation each month for the Shabbat Mevarchim, the prayer said in anticipation of the new month of the Jewish calander,we are learning a little about what makes each month special.
       In parashat hashavuah, the weekly Torah portion, in addition to our workbooks, we are learning some extra details about the portion. For example, the Torah portion this week is Bo. If we use the numerical equivalent of the name of the porion, it tells us that the final three plagues are mentioned in the portion. Looking forward to our next chat.
 Shabbat Shalom, 
 Mr. Rosenberg 



Dear anonymous chocolate benefactor,

Thank you for the bags of chocolate that you so generously placed in the teachers' room. We are all enjoying it.  More importantly, we are touched by your thoughtfulness and by the gratitude you expressed through the messages artfully written on the bags.  It is gratifying  to know that our efforts for your wonderful children are appreciated!  May G-d bless you and all the parents of our school with true nachas from our children!

The staff and teachers of the Silver Academy


Contribute to the Silver Academy
Make a donation in memory of or in
honor of a loved one, birth 
for any special occasion.


Thank you to our volunteers who helped at the 2013 Annual Campaign Phone-a-thon.  We have set a goal to raise $160,000 for scholarships this year. To help us reach this goal and volunteer please contact Stuart Gasner   


Silver Summary is for Grandparents too!
Would your parents like to have a 
window into their grandchildren's 
Silver Academy world?


To receive the Silver Summary send
their email address  HERE
Earn money for the PTO while you do your online shopping!
Enter Yeshiva Academy, Harrisburg PA as your school

Shop through this website and the Silver Academy students will benefit!

Attention parents!  Flu season is now in full swing and I want to just remind you to practice good hand washing techniques so your children will learn from your example.  Once again, the best way to stay healthy is to wash hands frequently.  Please read the following article from KidsHealth and share with your family.  As the side note states, 22 million school days were lost last year due to the common cold!

Why washing your hands is so important



On Fridays the student council will be selling
ice cream for $1