Porchias Whole Integrated Self Health
With the recent tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary over shadowing this holiday season, people nationwide are asking the same question, "Why?"
No matter how hard one tries to understand or tries to look for greater spiritual purpose and meaning in this senseless act of killings, it is impossible to come up with any answers that give much comfort or  solace.
Just three days ago, the end of 2012, was dominated by conversations about the auspicious days of 12.12.12, and 12.21.12, representing cycles of completion. 
Are we ready as a society to complete our Shadow cycles of violence?
What repeating Shadow patterns are you ready to complete?
According to the Aztec calendar's 6,625 year cycle, since 1991, we have been in a gradual transition from the Fifth Sun into the Sixth Sun. In the last 20+ years you can see this transition in world consciousness happening through the wide range acceptance of yoga, meditation and vegetarian diet in main stream society.
The Fifth Sun represents the "awake" state of "external" orientation, of looking outside one Self for spiritual guidance, health and wellness, happiness. 
The Sixth Sun represents the "dream" state of "internal" orientation
where one moves into a more internal reference. 
Meditation and dreaming takes place with the eyes closed, and gives one the opportunity to
access one's Heart-Soul Connection for spiritual guidance, one's Body Intelligence for health and wellness guidance and one's Inner Wisdom Guides for aligning inner happiness with outer service to the world
On December 21, 2012, we solidly move into the Sixth Sun and the dying off of old systems and paradigms that no longer serve our needs, our families, our communities and our society.
In what ways can you choose more Light
and be of more Service to others?
  See suggestions below
Blessings & Light To All,
DiaXmas Diannenne Porchia
Porchia's WISH - Whole Integrated Self Health
Passing Performance - Holistic Stress Reduction for Adults & Teens
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Take Action In Many Ways:


Practice love, peace and good will with random acts of kindness daily.


Donate to the Sandy Hook Elementary School Relief Fund.

Started by a former Sandy Hook Elementary student, Ryan Kraft, to gather support for the victims, families, and all others affected locally by the tragic shooting on December 14, 2012.  The funds are directed to the school's PTSA organization.  Ryan Kraft, baby sat for shooter, Adam Lanza when he was 10 years old. 


Support mental health of your family, friends and neighbors. 

Get information from the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry


 Smile every day, laugh, hug, nurture and share fun.   

Here is a fun trailer for Deli Man.  

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