Issue: 235                     
March 3, 2016 
In This Issue

Quick Links
TCGIS Online Calendar
 Volunteer at TCGIS!
Take a look at current volunteer opportunities! If you are not yet a volunteer, but are interested in becoming one - please fill out an application here. Vielen Dank!
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Administrative Information
Second Semester Reminders from Admin Staff

As we start the second semester of our 2015-2016 school year, we wanted to take a moment to go over a few gentle reminders as we enter spring. Please click here for information about Kinderlub, bus changes, looping, pick-up and drop-off procedures and safety, and our ordering system Order Lunches. This is an important communication and we appreciate you taking the time to read it. 
Parent Teacher Conferences - Sign Up Opens TONIGHT at 7pm

Quickly approaching are the spring parent teacher conferences! These take place on Thursday, March 17 from 4:00-7:30pm and Friday, March 18 from 8:00am-3:30pm. The sign up for these conferences will begin TONIGHT, Thursday, March 3 at 7pm. The sign up will close on Monday, March 14 at 7pm. The master password for this year is fruehling2016. *You will not be able to sign up until 7pm this evening.

Before you log in, we suggest that you have the following information:
        1. A list of all the teachers you would like to see. The online conference system will not tell you the names of your children's teachers.  
        2. The times you would like to have conferences. The system will tell you the available slots for all teachers. If the teachers you wish to see are not available, contact them to schedule an alternative time for a conference.  

For further information, please find the attached parent letter, parent overview, and parent userguide.    
Call for After School Activities Instructors

The final session of after school activities will be starting soon! If you would like to offer a class please fill out the attached form and hand it in to the office. Session three of after school activities will start Monday, April 4, the Monday after spring break. If you have any questions about teaching a class, please email Lauren Kalish at lkalish@tcgis.org.
Hexentanz on April 29

Grab your calendars or smartphones and save the date! Join us on April 29 for our first ever Hexentanz hosted by PTO and TCGIS! This event will be both for kids and adults. More information coming soon.  
Special Eduction Workshop for Parents

Do you ever look at your child's IEP and wonder what the heck it all really means and how it helps your kid? But then, you don't even know enough to know which questions to ask and who can answer them? The SEAC has partnered with Great River School to bring the experts from PACER to TCGIS for a workshop to help you understand what all of those abbreviations, percentages, benchmarks and goals in your child's IEP actually mean.

The FREE two-hour workshop will allow you to look at your child's evaluation report and IEP, and see how the two work together to provide services to help your child succeed.
Join us Monday, March 14 from 6:30-8:30pm in the school cafeteria. Bring your child's latest evaluation report and IEP.

Please RSVP here so that we can tell PACER how many will attend.  
TCGIS Sommercamp

We are so excited to publish the details and registration materials for the launch of TCGIS summer programming! Click here to read about Sommercamp 2016 and to register for camps offered July 11 - 29, 2016. If you have any questions, please contact Emily Ruggles Johnson.  

Registration for GAI camps for younger children (K-2) is also now available! TCGIS families may register at the GAI member rate through March 31st.
Host an Intern!

Now is the time to apply to become a host family for the next school year. Options are available for short-term hosting, Fall semester, Spring semester or for full-year arrangements. Hosting a TCGIS intern from Germany, Austria or Switzerland can be a valuable experience for your family and expand the horizons of your children forever!  
Click here to find out more about our intern program! Have any questions? Contact Tina Haarbusch. Already sold and excited to host? Click here to sign up byApril 30, 2015!
Kinderstube Registration for 2016-2017 Open Now!

Kinderstube is a German Immersion Preschool program of the Germanic American Institute, for children ages 3 - 5 years old. We offer many different schedule option, part time as well as full time care, at two convenient Metro Locations. Please schedule a tour, if you are interested in learning more about our program by calling: 651-353-5147 or email the director Babett Larimer at blarimer@gai-mn.org. We would love to meet you and your child!

We are currently accepting new registrations for the upcoming 2016-2017 school year. For more information or 2016/17 Registration forms, please visit our website at www.kinderstubepreschool.orgYou can also find us on Facebook to check out all the fun activities, field trips, art projects or outdoor activities we do each day! 
If you wish to submit a registration for a new students for the upcoming 2016-2017 school year, please complete a registration package and mail to: 

301 Summit Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55102 

We hope to meet you soon at one of our tours!
Dankesch�n from the Interns!

Our awesome group of interns this year wanted to say a huge thank you to all of those who have contributed to the intern snack station! They are really appreciative of the generosity and kindness from the parent community. Vielen Dank! 
GAI Announcement

Eastern European Egg Decorating 
Saturday, March 12 from 2-5pm, $20 GAI members; $25 non-members - Recommended ages 14+

Just in time for Easter, come to the GAI for this interactive workshop on the art of Pysanky. Learn about traditional motifs, coloring, and patterns, used for centuries throughout Central and Eastern Europe. Participants will learn how to apply wax using traditional tools, dye eggs in a succession of colors to create multi-colored eggs, and how to remove wax to reveal the final colors. While this craft may be more difficult for little Kinder, it's a great activity to bond with your artistic teen or with a group of friends. Register online at www.gai-mn.org/pysanky.
Pork Roast & Sauerkraut Dinner
Saturday, March 19 - $15 for Adults, $12 for Seniors, $6 for Children
1st Seating 4:30pm-5:30pm; 2nd Seating 6:30pm-7:30pm
Come celebrate one of our longest standing traditions, our annual Pork Roast & Sauerkraut Dinner!  Enjoy family-sized portions of pork and as much of our secret-recipe sauerkraut as you can eat. You'll want to break out your Dirndl and Lederhosen for this event and bring the family to listen to the musical stylings of Dale Grove on accordion and shop vendors on the second floor. Register today at www.gai-mn.org/sauerkraut or by calling 651-222-7027.

PTO Announcements

Meeting on March 8th

The March 8th PTO meeting will have a fun ice-breaker before committee reports and a call for officers for the 2016-17 school year. Click here for the agenda and here for the minutes from the last meeting.
To help us with meeting set-up, please register in advance if you plan to attend. If you need FREE PTO-sponsored child care during the meeting, you must register in advance. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact PTO President Elizabeth Tobias at tcgispto@gmail.com.

Davanni's Pizza Night
Love pizza? Mark your calendar, because the Spring TCGIS Davanni's Pizza Night will be Tuesday, March 15 at the Roseville location (1905 Perimeter Drive, just west of Rosedale). A portion of your eat-in or carry-out purchase benefits TCGIS! A red flier for the event, which ensures your purchase benefits TCGIS, will be sent home shortly before the event. *IMPORTANT: Please make sure to bring the flier with you (they will be handed out to students a few days prior to the event), as the Roseville location does not allow the PTO to hand out fliers during the event. Hope to see you there!

The PTO will be co-sponsoring the Hexentanz event on April 29. Please look out for volunteer opportunities in the next few weeks. If you have any questions, please contact us at tcgispto@gmail.com.