Issue: 223         
November 19, 2015
In This Issue

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TCGIS Online Calendar
 Volunteer at TCGIS!
Take a look at current volunteer opportunities! If you are not yet a volunteer, but are interested in becoming one - please fill out an application here. Vielen Dank!
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Administrative Information
Early Release Wednesday & Thanksgiving Next Week

Please be reminded that next week Wednesday, November 25, is an early release. This means school gets out at 12:45pm and there are no after school activities.

Additionally, there is no school Thursday & Friday (Nov. 26-27) for Thanksgiving, and no school Monday (Nov. 30) for professional learning. See you in December!
Busing Update

Please click here to read an update on busing, including an overview of our policies should a bus get into an accident, as well as some policy reminders. 
Join Us Tomorrow for K-8 Social Hour & Kaffeeklatsch

Join us tomorrow, November 20, for our combined K-8 Social Hour and PTO Kaffeeklatsch!
  • 7:50-8:15am - parents/guardians gather in classrooms to visit with teachers and interns
  • 8:15-8:30am - adults quietly observe Morning Circle
  • 8:30-9:30am - gather in the Commons for coffee and socializing!
We hope to see you there!   
TCGIS/Como Community Partnership

Last week the TCCP had a very positive meeting where we discussed the ongoing partnership between the school and the neighborhood. Some of the neighbors mentioned a lot of great parents and staff working hard make sure things like drop-off and pick-up are running smoothly. And now that the construction is wrapping up, we were all optimistic that things will only get better. We all represent the school when we are coming and going, and we want to be sure to always put our best foot forward. You probably know all this already, but here are a couple of reminders:
  • Please continue to do your best to keep from blocking alleys, driveways and bus stops.
  • Go greener! While you wait for the students to come out of the school, turn the engine off. This will improve our local air quality for the students.
  • We all want a safe neighborhood for children, so be sure to follow posted speed limits and traffic laws.
Lost and Found

It's getting to that time of year where our lost and found grows and grows. We do our best to return items to the rightful owner, but we need your help! Please, please, please write names on every item of clothing your child brings to school. We know replacing lost items can get expensive, so help us to help you! As a reminder, the lost and found is located in the front foyer of the school. If you are missing a jacket or beloved scarf, swing by to see if it is there!
Online Ordering Window for December Lunch, Busing, and Kinderclub
Beginning Saturday, November 14, you can log on to https://tcgis.orderlunches.com to order bus seats, Kinderclub care, and school lunches for the month of December.  All orders must be received by Friday, December 20

Please contact the lunch@tcgis.org or erugglesjohnson@tcgis.org for assistance with online ordering.
School Growth & Access Task Force

The school board is inviting applicants to serve on the School Growth and Access Task Force. The current phase will be focusing on identifying data points, compiling data and presenting models to the board. A fuller description and timeline can be found in the SGA Task Force charter. Please use this application form, or pick one up in the office.

Project Mascot!

We are looking for a mascot to represent TCGIS! A
mascot is any person, animal, or object thought to bring luck, used to represent Twin Cities German Immersion School.

Who can participate:
Any currently enrolled students, 2015-2016 staff, and graduate students of TCGIS.

How to participate:
1. Find or draw a unique mascot that represents TCGIS. Size of original mascot should be minimum 3 inches 3 inches and no larger than 8 inches by 8 inches. (standard paper size folded into a square)

2. Mascot design can be black & white or color.

3. Explain in (200 words or less) why this drawing represents the culture, history, and people of our school. The more detail, the better. Students under 2nd grade can have an adult script their explanation.

4. Submit your mascot idea to the office (Frau Wallace's mailbox) or electronically mwallace@tcgis.org by December 1, 2015.
(For anonymity please include a cover sheet: your name & grade/position)

5. Mascots will be on display in the commons from Dec 2 - Dec 10.
A panel of judges will choose the mascot options of their choice, explain why this mascot aligns with the vision of our school. The judges will deliberate and then vote on one mascot.

Winning mascot idea will be announced on December 11 & in the Elternbrief on December 17.
Join Us for Hour of Code
Tuesday, December 8 from 3:30-5pm.

The Hour of Code is a one-hour introduction to computer science, designed to demystify coding and show that anyone can learn programming basics. Participants will play games and complete puzzles using code. No experience with coding? No problem! Activities are sorted by experience level and interests.

The event is open to K-8 students and their parents. K-3rd grade students must have a parent attending, 4-8th grade students can join us on their own. The event is free, but every participant must RSVP in advance here.

Contact Esther Neu at eneu@tcgis.org for questions or comments. 
You're Invited to a Parent Community Conversation
Sunday, November 22 1:00-3:00pm

Join the School Board Parent Liaison, Christine VeLure Roholt and others in the TCGIS community on Sunday, November 22 from 1-3pm at the Uptown Community Gathering Spaces (3554 Bryant Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55408). Learn about the role of the school board at TCGIS and share your questions and suggestions for the board. Name the challenges and successes you want the board to consider as it relates to the mission, vision and values of the school. Children are welcome to be in the space and a few art activities and board games will be available.

This is the second in a series of 6 parent gatherings that will happen around the Twin Cities in the coming months.

Interested in attending, would like to be part of a future conversation, or have questions? 
Please contact Christine VeLure Roholt at croholt@tcgis.org.
German Literacy in K-1

Interested in practicing German at home? Play AND learn with this website that is great for students and also great for parents who want to learn with their children. Click around for uppercase letters and sounds, lowercase letters and sounds , colors, and numbers.
Box Tops: Not Just on Cereal!

This Thanksgiving please remember to clip those Box Tops and turn them in to school. They really add up! So far this year we have collected over a $1000.00 worth! Thanksgiving is also a great time to collect extra Box Tops from family and friends as you gather for the holiday weekend. Be on the lookout for Box Tops on brands such as Reynolds, Ziploc, Progresso and Green Giant. For a complete list of participating products, go to BTFE.com. Have a great break!
The PTO will be having a meeting December 8, 2015. We will introduce the executive committee and committee chairpersons, explain the different volunteer options, how much work has happened so far, and what is ahead. We are also securing a speaker for this meeting who will provide a talk about a parenting topic.

Thank you for participating in the TCGIS PTO Community Auction & Strudel Sale. It was a big success! If you bought or won an item in the auction, please look for an email with details (pickup, etc.) from the donor in the coming weeks.
If you have any questions, please contact auction co-chairs Becky Deimel & Astrid Knott Johnson at TCGISauction@gmail.com.

Strudel Pick Up Coming Up  
Strudel pickup is on Tuesday, November 243-6 pm in the TCGIS Lobby. If you are not picking up personally, we can also hand the strudel to a carpool parent, a relative or, if your child rides the bus now, we can give her/him the strudel in a bag to take home. Please contact Alex Weeding at Kirschohr@yahoo.com, if you need special pick up arrangements. 

Call for Volunteers for Strudel Pick Up
We are looking for 2 volunteers to help distribute strudel orders on November 242:30-4:00 pm at TCGIS. Job: Pull individual strudel orders together and hand them out to parents and students who ride the bus. Please respond to Alex Weeding at Kirschohr@yahoo.com.