Issue: 217    
October 8, 2015
In This Issue

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TCGIS Online Calendar
 Volunteer at TCGIS!
Take a look at current volunteer opportunities! If you are not yet a volunteer, but are interested in becoming one - please fill out an application here. Vielen Dank!
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Administrative Information
Reminder: Early Release, MEA, No After School Activities Next Week

This is a friendly reminder that next week there are no after school activities all week. Next Wednesday, October 14, is an early release Wednesday. This means that school gets out at 12:45pm. Thursday and Friday of next week, October 15 & 16, are MEA weekend, and there is no school on either day. Enjoy your long weekend! 
Make Your Bus Donation Today!

THANK you to those who have already made their donations/pledges for the North & South bus for September & October. This is greatly appreciated!

Bus donations help offset transportation cost to maintain high quality curriculum and instruction in classrooms for all students. High community participation in busing donations financially supports current busing and makes busing expansion viable to better serve the TCGIS community.
 If you have not had a chance to make your pledge, please take a moment to do so.  Here is the link with the instructions.

Please click here to read an important update for Novemeber. Thank you for your continued support! 
Herbstfest This Saturday!

Join us on October 10 from 11am-2pm at TCGIS for Herbstfest! There will be German food, bouncy houses, and a fun time had by all. Please contact Tina Haarbusch with any questions. We can't wait to see you there! 
Payment for Kinderclub Due Today

Payments for September/October 2015 due TODAY, Thursday 10/8!
Just a reminder that the grace period for payments for monthly invoices ends today, Thursday, October 8. Any invoices not paid in full by the end of the day will accrue a $25 late fee. Checks may be handed in to the main office or to Kinderclub Aftercare staff at our pick-up station. Requests for FSA Dependant Care Receipts should be emailed to the Kinderclub Director.

Sign-up for Full-day Care on October 15 & 16 due TODAY, Thursday 10/8!
Please click on this link to sign your child up for full- or half-day care on these no-school days. Any requests made after the October 8 deadline should be emailed directly to the Kinderclub Director.
Parent Teacher Conferences In Early November

Mark your calendars! Parent teacher conferences are scheduled for Thursday and Friday, November 5 & 6. They will be from 4pm-7:30pm on Thursday, and 8:10am-3:10pm on Friday (there is no school this day). More information, such as how to sign up, will come out in next week's Elternbrief.
Martinstag Celebration at the Landmark Center
Sunday, November 8 4pm-6pm

Join us on November 8 from 4pm-6pm at the Landmark Center in St. Paul to celebrate one of the most famous German holidays, Martinstag! TCGIS will feature many young singers, dancers, actors and musicians performing traditional and more recent German songs about St. Martin and lanterns, some scenes about St. Martin and a lot of dances. Curious to know more about St. Martin and Martinstag? Click here to learn more! We hope to see you on November 8!  
Scholastic Book Fair Coming in November

Be on the lookout for the Scholastic Book Fair! This year's fair will be from November 2-6. More detailed information will come in later Elternbriefs. Did you know the book fair supports our school? We earn more books for TCGIS through the books that are purchased at the book fair!
You're Invited to a Parent Community Conversation
Wednesday, October 21, 4:00-6:00 pm at Rhondo Community Library

Come share your thoughts, questions, and suggestions with others in the TCGIS community and the School Board Parent Liaison, Christine VeLure Roholt.  
This is the first in a series of 6 gatherings that will happen around the Twin Cities in the coming months.

Interested in attending, would like to be part of a future conversation, or have questions? 
Please contact Christine VeLure Roholt.  
Fall 6th Grade Potluck

Back by popular demand!
Parents and siblings of 6th graders, as well as Middle School teachers and interns, are welcome to attend the Fall 6th Grade Potluck Breakfast on Tuesday, October 13 at 8:15 am! The event will be in Frau Schmitt's classroom (319). Mingle with teachers, interns and students while noshing on a wide variety of delicious breakfast items! We would like to make this a zero-waste event, so please bring your own plates, cups and cutlery if you can. Sign up here to bring food and help out at the event. Looking forward to seeing everyone there! 
We Need Your Cereal Boxes!

Please bring in your cereal boxes and round oatmeal boxes! Frau Lenburg will be needing them next week to make lanterns with the K-3rd graders for the annual Martinstag celebration. TCGIS celebrates Martinstag
this year on Sunday, November 8 at the Landmark Center in St. Paul.  
Empty boxes can be given to Frau Lenburg in the morning at drop-off or sent to the classroom with your student. If you are interested in helping further with the lanterns, look for a Doodle sign-up in your email from your EK (Elternkontakt).
A Day at the Nobel Conference

This week, fifteen 7th and 8th graders experienced a day at the Nobel Conference on the beautiful Gustavus Adolphus College Campus and learned about the controversies and findings in the interdisciplinary field of addiction. 
The TCGIS Special Education Advisory Committee Needs You!
SEAC leadership will be chosen at our next meeting, October 19. If you have any interest serving as the Chair, Secretary or Parent-at-Large member of the committee, please submit an application to SEAC@tcgis.org by Friday, October 16.

If you have any questions or comments, please send them to SEAC@tcgis.org.
Teachers! We are still looking for one classroom teacher to join us. If you are interested, please contact Susan Nixon or Beki Cook at SEAC@tcgis.org.
Did You Know?

Box Tops for education will donate up to $20,000 to our school each year! All that is required from us is that we collect the Box Top labels on packages we already buy and send them to school. Easy peasy!
Every one of us has the opportunity to make a difference for our school by just asking family, friends and coworkers to save their Box Tops instead of throwing them in the garbage. Please, help save the Box Tops!
Tip From Our Literary Specialist, Gesa Zinn
Looking for some German practice at home? Check out www.kika.de! It has reading and listening materials (and much more!) for various age groups. Find materials from "Das Sandmännchen" to "Die Biene Maja", and "Löwenzahn", to "Die Abenteuer von Jacob und Josefine in Hong Kong" and "Wissen macht Ah"! There are both archived materials and live programs. Enjoy!
PTO Community Auction - Now Open for Your Donations
The TCGIS PTO Community Auction is the largest PTO fundraising event for this year and will be open for bids November 4-11, 2015. Please help strengthen the TCGIS community by hosting an event or donating an item. The submission sites for  Great Gatherings,  Teacher Treasures & Admin Adventures, and  Personal Pieces are now open to register your donations. Submission deadline is October 23.
Questions? Contact Becky Deimel and Astrid Knott Johnson at TCGISAuction@gmail.com.

Fall Strudel Sale Going On Now - click here for more information!