Issue: 201
May 14, 2015
In This Issue

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May 15: School Board Elections

May 16: 10 Year Anniversary Celebration

May 20: Early Release

May 22: Professional Learning - No School

May 25: Memorial Day - No School

May 28: School Board Meeting

June 5: After School Activities End

June 7: 8th Grade Graduation

June 10: Last Day of School & End of Year Picnic at Como Park



Learn more about the volunteer opportunities at TCGIS.

Administrative Information
Upcoming Early Release and Long Weekend

This is a friendly reminder that next Wednesday, May 20, there will be an
early release at 12:45pm. Additionally, Friday, May 22, is a Professional Learning Day and Monday, May 25, is Memorial Day. There is no school on either of these days. 
Celebrate Mit Uns and Win Great Raffle Prizes!
Saturday, May 16, 2015 - 10am-3pm

Get pumped for our 10 Year Anniversary Celebration this weekend on Saturday, May 16! Please check out our exciting program and come ready to celebrate! This is a free and public event, so bring your friends and family. Food will also be available for purchase.

Raffle tickets for some incredible prizes ($2 tickets OR $5 tickets) are available in the office Friday and at the event on Saturday at the info tent.
Last Chance To Vote!

School Board elections end tomorrow, Friday, May 15, at 4:45
Please read the written instructions carefully or watch the instructional video to assist you with casting your ballot. 
All ballot materials are available here to print at home, and will also be available outside at drop off and pick up, or in the front office. If you missed the Candidate Bios or the Meet the Candidate event, the Meet the Candidates YouTube video and materials (bios & questions from the event) can be found here as well!

Thanks for voting! 
Annual Family Survey Out Now

It is the end of the school year and that means it is time for the Annual Family Survey! The survey will remain open until Sunday, May 17 at midnight.


The survey is the main tool for school improvement and to provide feedback to the administration and the board. It is especially important to hear from you, the parents, what we are doing well and how we can improve.


Please take a moment to complete the survey. It should take no more than 10 minutes, and it provides very valuable information to the school. Your comments may be shared with the Staff, the Director, the Board, and/or relevant committees as needed for school improvement. Your responses are anonymous and cannot be attributed to you.


Here is the link to the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/TCGIS2015 


If you have any questions, please contact the personnel committee at personnel@tcgis.org.
Transportation Committee Update

The Transportation Committee presented the transportation survey results and a draft version of their recommendations for the 2016 school year to the TCGIS board on Tuesday, May 12. If you missed the presentation, we have posted it here along with another document explaining the potential impact of transportation costs on the TCGIS budget. 


Additionally, the Transportation Committee will be presenting again at the Finance Committee meeting scheduled for Tuesday, May 19 at 6:30 PM. Finance Committee meetings are open to the public and interested parties are encouraged to attend. The Transportation Committee Report is the first item on the agenda.


Finally, the Committee is still interested in public feedback to incorporate into the final report to be presented at the May 28th TCGIS board meeting.  Please send any comments or questions you may have to rhennelly@tcgis.org.
Thank You for Your Support of the Move to Excellence Campaign!

As of today, we have raised almost $22,000 for our outdoor sports court and performance lighting. Many thanks to those who made a gift. We're very thankful for our generous, dedicated, and loyal community! Many thanks also go to PTO for the very generous matching gift of $10,000, which was a big incentive to give.


For those who haven't given already and would like to make a gift, the donor site will be open until end of May. We're very optimistic that we still can reach our goal of raising $30,000. If everyone makes a small gift we can reach our goal of raising $30,000 for sports & performances!

Welcome Back 8th Graders

Slightly jet-lagged but bubbling with excitement, our 8th graders have returned safely to Minnesota and TCGIS. Interested in reading about what they were up to on their Capstone Trip? Click here to get caught up! Click image to enlarge.
Get Your 2014-2015 Yearbook Now

Hold on to the memories of the 2014-2015 school year by buying a yearbook! Yearbooks are $15 and can be purchased in the office. We will collect cash or checks made out to TCGIS. Buy a yearbook today!  Click image to enlarge.  
Congratulations to Our History Day Contestants

Congratulations to Ava Hansen and Lydia White on winning a topical prize at the State History Day Competition on May 2. They won the Civil War History prize for their presentation on the Dred Scott Decision of 1847.  
Children's Drama Festival at TCGIS
Herr Solakhau, Herr Turzynski, and the drama students have been busy! See what they've been up to stating this Friday with the musical "Ritter Rost" by 3A at 8:30am, 9:25am & 2:10pm, followed by the performance on Saturday, May 16 at 2:00pm at the 10 Year Anniversary Celebration.

The Festival will continue until the end of the school year. In the next weeks you may see Narnia & Peter Pan, African & Native-American Stories, Midsummer Night's Dream & Nathan the Wise and many more. Look for the announcements!

The performances are open to the public. TCGIS students and parents are welcome to attend!

Scheduled so far are performances by the 1st grade:
1A - Dornröschen (Sleeping Beauty) on May 28, THU, at 9:30 & 10:25am
1B - Bremer Stadtmusikanten (City Musicians of Bremen) on May 29, FRI, at 9:30 & 10:25am
1C - Die Chinesische Nachtigall (The Chinese Nightingale) on June 1, MON, at 8:35 & 9:30am
Service Learning Group in the Bugle!

The fourth grade service learning group at TCGIS has made the headlines! Click here to read about their super successful fundraiser! 
Click the image to enlarge. 

PTO Announcement


Find out what's going on in the PTO. Click HERE to read more about:

  • PTO 2015-16 Officer Candidates Needed
  • Kaffeeklatsch, Friday, May 15 at 2:30
  • Spring Strudel and Plant Card pick up -- Friday, May 15, 2:30-6pm
  • Maskenball Task Force
  • TCGIS 10th Anniversary -- PTO-sponsored Parrot Show, arts & crafts
  • Calendar of Upcoming Events

For the latest information, be sure to like our Facebook page