Issue: 198
April 23, 2015
In This Issue

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April 23: Board Meeting

April 24: PTO Game Night

April 26: 8th Grade Departs to Germany

April 26-30: 6th Grade Trip to Biohaus

April 30-May 3: Festival of Nations

May 1: K-8 Social Hour & Kaffeeklatsch

May 4: Maskenball Debriefing

May 4-8: Teacher Appreciation Week

May 4-8: Scholastic Book Fair

May 11: 7th Grade Capstone Meeting

May 15: School Board Elections

May 16: Grand Opening



Learn more about the volunteer opportunities at TCGIS.

Administrative Information
NEW: TCGIS Anniversary & Open House Website
Saturday, May 16, 2015

Check out our new event site for the May 16 Anniversary & Open House festivities! This is just a start--we'll keep updating the site with exciting new information! And please don't forget to register! Also, we're looking for event volunteers to help out for 1-2 hours with set-up, clean-up, and/or taking over shifts at the info table or first aid tent! 

We're looking forward to celebrating with you!
Meet the School Board Candidates
We need your vote! School Board elections are less than a month away. Between now and then we are offering the opportunity for you to "Meet the Candidates." Since a charter school board is the legally responsible entity of the school, your careful consideration and vote matter! Please note - there was an error on Mr. Tobias' candidate bio in the April 16 announcement. We apologize for the error.

There will be a special "Meet the Candidates" meeting held jointly by PTO and the TCGIS School Board on Thursday, April 30 at 6:30pm. Interview questions are now being accepted by tcgispto@gmail.com until Friday, April 24. These will be provided to the candidates at the start of the meeting.
Please Consider Hosting an Intern This Fall!

Create an
Intern Lucia Turnwald and her host siblings skiing 
intercultural experience within your own home by hosting a German-speaking Amity intern. Let your children benefit socially and academically from a native German speaker in your home! Our Amity interns are well educated and dedicated young people who not only increase the German language exposure at the school but also bring freshness, fun, and an intercultural atmosphere to our community. Please consider hosting an intern for the upcoming fall semester. We still need 5 host-families for the fall semester!
If you're interested in hosting an Amity intern, please fill out the online form here. This is only an expression of interest at this time, and not an absolute commitment or promise. For more information please go to the TCGIS website or contact Isabel Vollenweider. Click image to enlarge.  
Board Listening and Information Session

On May 5, 6:30-8:00pm, Board Liaisons Natalie Yaeger and Hunter Goetzman will be hosting the Spring 2015 board listening and information session. The primary objectives of this listening session will be to hear from the community about current board work, as well as provide updates about future board work. More information will be included in next week's Elternbrief.


7th Grade Family Capstone Informational Meeting
Monday, May 11, 7-8pm

It's hard to believe, but it is time to start thinking about the culminating event for our 7th grade TCGIS students! There will be an informational meeting about Capstone 2015-16 on Monday, May 11 at 7-8pm in Room 100. Information will cover the Fall and Spring experiences, costs, as well as a general Q&A session. Please contact Jeff Horton if you have any questions at  jhorton@tcgis.org.
Maskenball Debriefing
Monday, May 4, 7-9pm
Thanks to all of you, Maskenball 2015 netted over $22,800! Come share your thoughts as we meet to discuss this year's successes and challenges, ideas for next year, how the money is spent, etc. Meeting to be held on May 4, 7:00 to 9:00 pm, at Como Park Grill. More details to come. Contact Kelly Huxmann with questions.
Join Us for the K-8 Social Hour and Kaffeeklatsch!
Friday, May 1, 2015

Join us on Friday, May 1 for our combined K-8 Social Hour and PTO Kaffeeklatsch!
  • 7:50-8:15am - parents/guardians gather in classrooms to visit with teachers and interns
  • 8:15-8:30am - adults quietly observe Morning Circle
  • 8:30-9:30am - gather in the Commons for coffee and parent/guardian connection
We hope to see you there! 
Help Shape the TCGIS Volunteer Program

To influence volunteerism at TCGIS in the fall, volunteer in the spring!
  • Sign-up here to attend a focus group with other parents/guardians to share your input on what the TCGIS volunteer program should look like in the future. (Sorry, no childcare available for either focus group session).
    • Friday, April 24, 8:45 - 10:45 a.m. Bagels and coffee will be served.
    • Tuesday, May 5, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Pizza will be served.
  • Can't make it to one of the meetings? We still want to hear from you! Share your thoughts and concerns regarding volunteerism at TCGIS here
  • This spring we are piloting volunteer opportunities so we can evaluate what works and what needs to be tweaked to be successful. Learn more about the new or retooled volunteer opportunities here.
Missed the message about National Volunteer Week? Here it is again. Thank you all past, current, and future volunteers! Please send questions or comments to volunteers@tcgis.org.
GAI Announcement

Waldsee Fest
Join Concordia Language Villages (CLV) on April 26 for Waldsee Fest! Come to the GAI from 1:30-4:30 p.m. to play games and Fußball, get your dance on, and enjoy some Kaffee und Kuchen provided by the GAI! Waldsee counselors will be there to answer any and all questions. This event is free and there will be prizes! Click here to register.

Sign your child up today for the GAI's Summer Language Camps! 

All summer the GAI will host a variety of week-long camps,each with a different fun-filled theme. Let your creativity flow in our Art Camp, plan an experiment in Summer Science Spectacular, perform with puppets in Puppentheater, and much more! Teachers and students will communicate in German and activities will be developed based upon students' language skill levels. Camps will run June 15-August 21 and are open to both beginning German-speakers and bilingual students. Our main camps are geared toward students entering 1st-3rd grades and additional camps for older students entering 4th-6th grades are offered the weeks of July 6 and August 3. Click here to register and view a full listing of themes.


PTO Announcement


Find out what's going on in the PTO. Click HERE to read more about:

  • PTO Game Night -- Friday, April 24
  • PTO Special Meeting: Meet the School Board Candidates--Register now!
  • 2015-16 PTO Officer Candidates and Job Descriptions

For the latest information, be sure to like our Facebook page