Issue: 178
November 13, 2014
In This Issue
Today is Give to the Max Day
Thank you ZFA!
National History Day
St. Martin's Day
T-Shirts for Sale
Green Team Rocks the Cafeteria
WE Day
European Christmas Market
PTO Announcement
GAI Announcement
Volunteer Opportunities!

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Nov 12-13: PTO Craft & Bake Sale

Nov 13: MN Give to the Max Day

Nov 19: Early Release Day / School Board Annual Retreat 2

Nov 20: School Board Meeting

Nov 21: PTO Kaffeeklatsch

Nov 24-25: NO After-school Activities

Nov 26-28: Thanksgiving Break - NO School


If you are a current volunteer or would like to become one, please visit our volunteer page, read the instructions and fill out the online application.
Click HERE!

Administrative Information
Today is Give to the Max Day!

A big THANK YOU to everyone who made a gift on today's Give to the Max day. Your contribution is very much appreciated and will help us sustain our Amity program. 

For those of you who haven't donated yet, there is still time to make your contribution until midnight! Together we can meet the match of $17,500 and reach our goal of $35,000. 

Go to TCGIS' GiveMN page and make your gift for Give to the Max Day 14!


Thank you for spreading the spark of giving! 

Thank You German Department of Schools Abroad !

Each year the German Department of Schools Abroad (ZFA) provides learning materials to TCGIS. On November 7, the German books have been officially handed over to the school. TCGIS is very thankful for the German government's continues support of TCGIS academic achievements, which also includes two paid teachers from Germany. We are looking forward to a fruitful collaboration in the future. Thank you!

National History Day with Catie Jacobs & the 6th Graders!

During her student-teaching last year Catie Jacobs came across National History Day. Inspired by the idea, she thought that this would be a wonderful project for our 6th graders. 


National History Day is a national program with a theme every year. This year's theme is "Leadership and Legacy". National History Day inspires children through exciting competitions and transforms teaching through project-based curriculum and instruction, in-depth research and self-directed learning. 


Catie attended an all-day workshop on History Day to familiarize herself with the project. At the end of October, a representative of the Minnesota Historical Society visited the 6th graders to present History Day as a Kick Off. All 6th graders will work on a project. The project has to be tied into Minnesota history. There will be a display at the school at the end of February. The regional competition will follow on March 14. 


National History Day is a long process but the students will have something great to present by the end of February. Click here to learn more about National History Day.

Thank You for Celebrating St. Martin's Day With Us!

Thanks to everyone who made it down to the Landmark Center to kick off the holiday season of giving! The second grade students put on a fabulous play and the community enjoyed signing and dancing from all grade levels and our student band! The evening ended with a lantern parade around the building. It was wonderful to see so many parents, grandparents and families from our TCGIS community!



T-Shirts for Sale!
Interested in buying a TCGIS T-shirt? 

Head over to the office and take a look at our spirit wear! Choose from multiple different colors for either a t-shirt or a v-neck style shirt. Youth and adult t-shirts cost $12 and the v-necks cost $14.50. Unfortunately we cannot accept credit cards, but we do accept cash or checks made out to TCGIS. Stop by today and proudly represent our school by wearing a t-shirt!
Green Team Rocks the Cafeteria!

Thanks to the great recycling efforts of the school's Green Team, our Green Team parent volunteers, and Andy Nesset, our Facility Manager, our daily Cafeteria garbage is minimized to one small bag!
WE Day

On Wednesday, TCGIS students from the 8th grade and 4th grade student mentorship program joined 18,000 other student leaders from around the state at the Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul. Students spent the day learning about servant leadership skills and serving others. The student mentors finished the day back at TCGIS reflecting on what they learned and where they want to help lead TCGIS in the local and global community!


European Christmas Market
November 28-30

Experiencing a Christmas Market is one of the highlights of the Holiday season in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, and in other European countries. Do you want to feel Christmasy or winterwonderlandy all for free? Visit the European Christmas Market and enjoy glühwein & other delicacies. For more information click here


PTO Announcement


2014 TCGIS Winter Strudel Sale - NOW OPEN

The Winter Strudel Sale 2014 runs from now through Saturday, November 22nd at 10 pm.


Strudel is a type of layered filo pastry with a filling that is usually sweet but savory is also common. This pastry is mostly associated with Austrian cuisine but it became popular throughout the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Strudel makes a tasty holiday gift for teachers, neighbors, family, and friends! It is also a delicious meal to serve to guests.


We are offering 10 different types of strudel this time, both savory and sweet, all made by Ruhland's Strudel Haus. For more details about your strudel options and to place your order, visit the auction website HEREStrudels will be available for pick-up at TCGIS on Thursday, December 11, starting at 3:15 pm. If you have any questions, please contact Alexandra Weeding at Kirschohr@yahoo.com.



Be sure to like the TCGIS PTO page on Facebook!

GAI Announcement

Holiday Open Haus and Nikolaustag: Saturday & Sunday, December 6 & 7, 2014
Join us for a taste of traditional Germanic Weihnachtsmärkte at the GAI's annual Holiday Open Haus and Nikolaustag. This year, the Open Haus is expanded to two days and will include both indoor vendors, outdoor food and drink huts with holiday favorites, historic Haus tours on Saturday and visits with St. Nikolaus on Sunday.

It's Christmas Dinner at the GAI with traditional beef Rouladen, Haussuppe, red cabbage, Spätzle, and dessert. After dinner the Twin Cities Männerchor will lead a community sing-along.
Volunteer Opportunities!

Every week, TCGIS offers diverse opportunities to volunteer. Right now we have the following openings:
  • Performing Arts Volunteers
  • Library Volunteers
  • Green Team Volunteers
Please check out our Volunteer Opportunity Directory here

If you are a current volunteer or would like to become one, please visit our volunteer page on the website, read the instructions and fill out the online application. 

If you need assistance with the application or have any questions, please contact Isabel at ivollenweider@tcgis.orgThank you!