Issue: 154
May 29, 2014
In This Issue
Move to Excellence 2014
Second Chance Book Sale
End of School Picnic - Volunteers Wanted!
TCGIS @ German Fest
Power School Announcement
TCGIS Children Theater Festival
Support Our Intern Vanessa
Middle School Chaperones
Chaperones for 1A Zoo Visit
TCGIS Band Announcement
Return Books to Library
8th Grade Graduation Celebration
Singers Wanted!
GAI Announcement
Volunteer Opportunities
Quick Links

Carpool Buddy Sign Up

TCGIS Online Calendar


 May 28 - June 10: TCGIS Children Theater Festival
May 30: Second Chance Book Sale / Last Library Day
June 2-7: Move to Excellence 2014 Campaign
June 3: PTO Meeting
June 4: 1st Grade Field Trip to the Bakken Museum / Middle School Service Day
June 6: TCGIS Band Concert
June 8: 8th Grade Graduation Celebration
June 12: End of Year Picnic
June 14/15: GAI's Deutsche Tage
June 21/22: German Fest
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Move to Excellence 2014 Starts Next Week!
Help build a better playground!

Starting Monday, June 2, our spring fundraiser,
"Move to Excellence 2014", will begin. 
You will receive daily emails to learn more about this fun project. Moreover, you will get the chance to watch our brand new school video, view our long term playground plan and equipment, and consider supporting the campaign. Our goal is to raise $25,000 for new playground equipment.
Second Chance Book Sale
Friday, May 30 from 2:30-5:30pm

It's not too late to buy some great German Language children's books for your whole family to enjoy this summer. The library will be holding a second chance used book sale on the gently used materials we still have remaining from our earlier sale. The sale will be this Friday from 2:30 until 5:30 in the Cafeteria. All proceeds go towards the new library.


End of Year School Picnic - Volunteers Wanted!
June 12 at Como Park


This year's picnic will be held on June 12 from 11:30am to 1:30pm at Como Park. Click here for more information about the schedule, dishes to bring, and return slip. 


We need lots of hands to help out with logistics and activities. Please sing up here for the different volunteer stations.

TCGIS @ German Fest
Saturday, June 21

Dear TCGIS Families,

The summer break is around the corner and it is time to plan some fun weekend activities. This year for the first time the German Fest will take place at the historic Schmidt Brewery on the weekend of June 21/22. The event organization invited TCGIS to participate in the festivities with performances and volunteering. We'd like to welcome you to join us on June 21 to celebrate the German heritage with dances, songs, and brats and beer at the German Fest. 



Blumenkranz Performance on June 21

Meet Blumenkranz Dance Troupe Jr & Sr on stage at the German Fest Saturday, June 21 from 11:00am to 12:30pm. 


Singers wanted for student choir

Herr Solakhau would like to assemble a student choir for the German Fest. Students from grades 2 - 8 are welcome to participate. We'll sing German songs, including traditional songs, modern songs, and rap songs. The repertoire will include many songs the students are already familiar with. Commitment is 3-4 rehearsals between June 13 and June 20, and the performance on the day of German Fest, on June 21. Please sign up here if your child is interested in participating in the choir.


Support TCGIS while volunteering at the German Fest

The German Fest organization will match every volunteer hour with $10 to the organization of your choice (hopefully TCGIS!) Possible areas of volunteering include:

  • helping on tours
  • selling beer / pop & water
  • selling merchandise / wristbands
  • helping at the volunteer table

Please sign up here if you're interested in volunteering. 


If you have any questions about Blumenkranz or the choir, please contact Valentin Solakhau. For questions about volunteering, contact Isabel Vollenweider.


For more information about the event, please visit the German Fest website at www.germanfestmn.org.
Power School Announcement 

Teachers are working on report cards. Please note that current grades and comments will not be displayed in the online Powerschool Parent Portal from May 23 to June 11. Report cards will be sent home with students on Wednesday, June 11 - the day before the annual end of year picnic. 


TCGIS Children Theater Festival

Starting with a stunning performance of "Alice in Wonderland" by 7th & 8th graders (May 14), the students of 1B followed with their dramatic talents in the German fairy tale "Frau Holle" on May 15, and on May 16, the 5th & 6th entertained wonderfully with "Klatschgeschichten aus der ganzen Welt".

BUT this is not the end of the story, and we have more performances and perhaps more surprises in store!

In the next weeks you can enjoy the following plays:
  • May 28 & 29 - "Frozen" by 2B at 9am & 1pm  
  • May 30 - "Dornröschen" (= Sleeping Beauty) by 1A at 9:30am & 1:15pm  
  • June 2 - "Emil und die Detektive" after a book by Erich Kästner by 4B at 8:40pm & 2:10pm  
  • June 5 - "König Drosselbart" by 4A at 9:30am & 2:10pm  
  • June 6 - "Aschenputtel" (= Cinderella) by 1C at 8:40am & 1:15pm  
  • June 9 - "Official Prequel to Pippi Longstocking" by 3B at 8:40pm & 11:20am  
  • June 10 - "Heinzelmännchen" by 3A at 8:40am & 1:15pm  
Please check the emails from your classroom teachers for more information.
Join us for the performances - You won't be disappointed! 
Support Our Intern Vanessa on her MS Fundraising Ride!

Dear TCGIS Community,

I'm very excited and proud to announce that I'm participating in the MS Bike Ride 2014! I'm inviting you to join the movement by making a contribution to support my efforts.

The National MS Society is committed to building a movement by and for people with MS that will bring us closer to a world free of this disease. Donations collected for Bike MS continuously fund research for a cure, while also providing services and support for those currently living with MS.

The MS bike ride gives me the unique chance to support the mission of the National MS Society and 
to participate in an American fund raising event. Moreover, it gives me an opportunity to share my experience with my students here and back in Germany and helps me to gather even more information for an authentic report about my stay in the US.

I would be greatly appreciative if you could support my ride with a donation. Please click here for donations, then click on my name and then "Donate to Vanessa". 

For event details, please click

Thank you!
Vanessa Döpke
Middle School Service Day Chaperones
Thursday, June 4

For the Middle School Service Day on June 4, we're looking for chaperones who'd like to accompany our middle schoolers on their service day at Second Harvest Heartland (Golden Valley). Grade-blended students will help package food for MN's hungry at 2nd Harvest, this is a great social interaction and service learning opportunity for our Middle school. We will need a total of 20 chaperones to make it happen. Please sign up here for chaperoning.
Chaperones for 1A  Zoo Visit
June 12, 8:15-11:30am

Frau Krug is looking for parent chaperones accompanying her and her students (1A) on their field trip to Como Zoo on June 12. There will be a slideshow at 8:15 am in the classroom. Around 9:15 am everybody will leave for the Zoo. The Zoo visit will be followed by the end of year picnic starting at 11:30 am at Como Park. Please sign up here

TCGIS Band Concert Announcement
Instrument Petting Zoo Wrap Up 
Last week, all 4th grade students had the opportunity to try out different band instruments at the "instrument petting zoo" during school. Click here for more information about instruments and the TCGIS Band.
TCGIS Band Concert
The TCGIS band will be performing a short concert on Friday, June 6, 6:30pm in the Aula. Your welcome to join and support our TCGIS Band with your applause.
Return Books to Library
All materials are due back into the library by Friday, June 6

Please be advised that the last day for library checkout will be Friday, May 30. All materials are due back into the library by Friday, June 6th. Those with materials still out at the end of the school year will be charged $20 per item still out. The library will be reopened as soon as possible after the move, but we have to have everything returned in order to best set up for next year.

Thanks for your cooperation!
8th Grade Graduation Celebration
June 8, 2-5pm at TCGIS

Dear 8th Grade Families and Friends, 

Please join us for the 8th Grade Graduation Celebration on June 8, 2-5pm. In order to help us plan the event, please RSVP your and your guests attendance. You're welcome to bring a total of 10 guests.
Singers Wanted!

We are assembling a Family Choir to celebrate German Days at the GAI on June 15. Commitment is 4-5 rehearsals and the performance. We welcome all - it's intergenerational! No auditions necessary. Call Herbert or Nancy at 651-773-9525, or email

GAI Announcement
Polka & Pils Classes & Dance Party
Kick up your heels and get in touch with your inner Polkameister with 3 polka classes at the GAI on May 21, 28, and June 4, leading up to our Polka & Pils Dance Party at the Klub Haus on Thursday, June 12. Register for classes here and get more details on the dance party with The Brass Barn Polka Band on the GAI website.
The GAI's Deutsche Tage
Join us June 14-15 for the Great GERMAN Get-Together at the GAI. Saturday kicks things off with our 5K Lederhosenlauf and Bicyclists' Biergarten. Sunday is Family Day with kid-friendly activities. Click here for more details about this free annual celebration of German culture and cuisine.