Issue: 143
March 13, 2014
In This Issue
Volunteer Opportunities
Carpool Buddy Sign Up
2014 - 2015 Re-Enrollment
Snow Days Make Up - Early Release
Registration for After School Activities III
Parent Teacher Conferences
State of the School Meeting
School Board Election Announcement
Curtains / Blinds for Classroom Windows
Capstone Benefit Picknick
Sing and Dance Along at TCGIS Aula
Yearbook Ad Sales
Lost & Found
March PTO Meeting
TCGIS Spring Break in Grand Marais
Quick Links
 Volunteer Opportunities

Carpool Buddy Sign Up

TCGIS Online Calendar

March 13: Parent - Teacher Conferences / Board Executive Committee Meeting

March 14: No School / Parent - Teacher Conferences

March 17: Finance Committee Meeting

March 18: Middle School Entrepreneurs Day

March 19: Early Release / 7th & 8th Grades Field Trip


March 20: State of the School Meeting

March 21: Kaffeeklatsch / DSD I Written Exams

March 23: GAI Annual Pork and Sauerkraut Dinner

March 24 - 26: DSD I Oral Exams

March 25: PTO  Executive Meeting

March 26: Davanni's Pizza Party 

March 27: School Board Meeting

 March 28: After School Activities III Registration ends

March 31 - April 4: Spring Break

April 8: PTO Meeting

April 11, 17 & 18: Grade 5 A2 German Exams

April 13: Capstone Benefit Picknick

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Re-Enrollment Form for 2014 - 2015 School Year

Please take a moment to fill out our re-enrollment form for the 2014-2015 school year. Please fill out the form once for every child returning. Click here for the form. Thank you!


Correction - Early Release Update

The Board voted that two of the three remaining "early release" days will become full days of instruction to "recapture" lost learning minutes for canceled school this past winter. 
Early Release Update:
3/19 early release -  stays in place as planned
4/16 early release - cancelled and turned into full school day
5/21 (not 5/14) early release - cancelled and turned into full school day

Drop-Off / Pick-Up Traffic Update

On February 24, 2014, the TCGIS and Como Community Traffic Committee met to discuss and propose a joint plan to improve traffic flow during student drop-off and pick-up times. These ideas were shared with St. Paul Public Works on March 6, 2014. As a result of these meetings, the following changes will begin on April 7, 2014 (the week after spring break).   

1. No parking signs on the even side of Como Ave. (see red spots on map). This decision was made by the City of St. Paul in response to the need to keep students, community members, and drivers safe.

2. TCGIS will change current pick-up and drop-off signs to read "No Parking 7:30-8:30am; 2:30-3:30pm on school days. Additional signs will be placed on the TCGIS side of Van Skyke Ave. and Como Ave. with community approval.

3. Parents that pick-up and drop-off on Van Slyke Ave. will exit on Chatsworth (see blue route on map) to Front Road. Parents that pick-up and drop-off on Como Ave. will exit on Como Ave. to Lexington (see green road on map).

4. TCGIS will go to Student Parliament and inquire about student interest in becoming safety and crossing guards.  

5. TCGIS will employ police officers at strategic times to help guide traffic and establish positive traffic etiquette. 

1. TCGIS and the City of St. Paul will investigate the possibility of a pick-up and drop-off bay on Van Slyke Ave. This would cut into existing TCGIS property.  

2. TCGIS and the City of St. Paul will investigate widening Como Ave. a few feet.

3. The City of St. Paul will study the timing of the light on Como Ave. and Lexington to improve traffic flow.

4. TCGIS and the City of St. Paul will continue talks about future road construction projects and regularly review the traffic plan. 
Registration for After School Activities III is Open!
Forms are due by March 26th

Sign up for session three of after school activities! New classes have been added. All forms are available in the front office and will be posted on the website. Scholarship forms are available upon request. Classes start the week of April 7th.

Parent Teacher Conferences Ground Rules

Parent Teacher Conferences start today. Please be reminded
 that teachers have a very tight time schedule and are trying to serve all parents equally. Classroom teachers provide 20 minutes of time after which they have to switch to the next parent. Specialist teachers have 10 minutes time slots. If a parent is late, this time cannot be extended. A separate appointment needs to be made if the conversation should be continued. 

Thank you!
State of the School Meeting
Thursday, March 20 at 6:30pm, TCGIS Cafeteria

Please join TCGIS for our State of the School, Thursday, March 20 at 6:30pm. The meeting will open with a construction safety update from Welsh Construction and will be followed by information on the progress of our school as well as goals for the future. Baby sitting services will be provided.
School Board Election Announcement
It's Time for School Board Nominations!
This year's school board elections will take place on Friday, May 16th. We will be electing three new members to our nine-member board of directors. Please click here for the full School Board Election Announcement. 

Board nominations and all application paperwork are due on Monday, April 7. The application forms can be found here, can be downloaded from the TCGIS website or picked up from the school office. 


If you have any questions or have suggestions for potential candidates, please contact Michelle Wallace, Governance Committee Chair or any other member of the current board. 


Thank you for your consideration.

Curtains / Blinds for Classroom Windows

The windows of the classrooms will be equipped with curtains or blinds this Spring/early Summer. If you have connections to a professional curtains/blinds store or happen to have a talent for curtain sewing, please contact our Facilities Manager Andy Nesset
Let's Ring in Spring - Capstone Benefit Picknick
Bring your picknick blankets and deck chairs and enjoy an open air festival indoors. 

Please join us for the third annual Capstone Benefit Event on Sunday, April 13th from 2:00- 5:00pm in the Aula of TCGIS.
Our fantastic TCGIS teachers, students, their families and other members of the TCGIS community have come together to provide an afternoon of musical entertainment ranging from classic to rock while you and your family can enjoy a cup of coffee, delicious cake and more.

In March of 2013 the first graduating class of TCGIS went to Germany for a two week Capstone Experience. The Capstone provided students with the opportunity to integrate and apply what they've learned during their time at TCGIS and experience Germany first hand. It is the culmination of the education at TCGIS and is planned for all 8th grade classes at TCGIS. All proceeds from this event will go directly to the Capstone Fund and support our German Exchange program.

Our program features:
* Dance performance by Blumenkranz
* TCGIS band 
* TCGIS strings students
* GDB (German Dad Band)
* Performances by TCGIS parents, students and their sinlings
* Performances by TCGIS teachers Scot Stevenson, Hunter Goetzman, Margret Sims and Thomas Wegener
* German story time
* Children's games
* "Flohmarkt" with Arts and Crafts 
* Cakes, coffee, kids' drinks ... 

Hope to see you there. Don't miss it!!! 

Please contact Sylvia Oxenham or Gina Vader if you have any questions or are interested in participating in the program.

Thank you,
The Capstone Committee
Sing and Dance Along is Postponed to May
The exact date will follow!

Herbert & Nancy from the Vienna Community Arts and Valentin Solakhau with Blumenkranz invite family and friends to greet the spring with song and dance. Proceeds will support Herr Solakhau's programs and projects at Vienna Community Arts. 

For more details, please call Herbert & Nancy at 651-773-9525.
Yearbook Update

Help! Pictures Needed!
We are still in need of pictures for our school yearbook. Any photos are greatly appreciated. Help us make this the best book yet! Photos can be emailed to mkalda@tcgis.org

Support the 8th Grade Capstone Trip!

Want to promote your business? Want to honor your 2014 TCGIS graduate? Want to recognize your favorite teacher? The possibilities are endless! 


If you are interested, please contact yearbook editor, Mason Helmel, or click here for the form. Checks can be made payable to TCGIS and dropped off at the main office. 


Ad rates: 

1 Page: $125

1/2 Page: $70

1/4 Page: $40 

All profits go to the 8th Grade Capstone Fund! 
Lost & Found
Check out Lost & Found by March 27

Please check Lost & Found for lost caps, gloves, shoes etc. by March 27. On March 28 everything left will be removed and donated. The Lost & Found is located on the first floor at the Van Slyke Ave entrance.
Please Join Us for the Following PTO Events

March 21: Kaffeeklatsch at Black Bear Crossings, 2:30 pm


March 25: PTO Executive Meeting in PTO Room above Aula, 3:30 pm


March 26: Davanni's Pizza Party at the Roseville location (1905 W Perimeter Dr, Roseville 55113), 4:00-8:00 pm

Davanni's donates a portion of their sales to TCGIS on this designated evening. Be social and join other TCGIS families at the restaurant, or take home for a quiet night in. A "ticket" will be sent home with your child on the day before the event; you may also pick up one at the event. Hand in your "ticket" when ordering, so Davanni's employees are sure to count your purchase as part of the TCGIS PTO fundraiser!


April 8: PTO Meeting, 6:30-8:00 pm

Topics include: Hosting Interns & Foreign Exchange Students and a presentation by the TCGIS Teachers' Union


Be sure to follow us on Facebook!

7th Annual TCGIS Spring Break in Grand Marais
March 28 - April 6

Stay at EastBaySuites right on Lake Superior in your own condo with a kitchen for just $99/night for a 1 or 2 BR and $129/night for a 3 BR. The suites are starting to fill up, so call soon and ask for the TCGIS discount.  

Lutsen Ski is 25 minutes away and there are many trails for Nordic, snowshoeing, or hiking depending on the weather. TCGIS families often gather for a spontaneous potluck dinner in the common space.  

Questions?  Contact Chris Weimholt.

Library Book Sales Volunteers  

The library has an annual book sale on Friday, May 16. This is also the day of the PTO Plant Sale and the School Board Elections. Blaine Strobe appreciates help setting up, during, and after the Book Sale. Sign up for helping out with the Library Book Sales.



Book Fair Volunteers

Michelle Wallace is looking for volunteers helping out with the Book Fair coming up in April (Monday, April 7 to Friday, April 11). Sign up for helping out with the Book Fair.
Recycling Volunteers

The TCGIS Green Team has started a more comprehensive recycling program. Our crew collects recyclable items from the school and cafeteria every Monday after school. The work is far from glamorous, but we're working hard to live our mission of global citizenship.

How you can help: We have some recyclable materials that cannot be recycled in St. Paul. If anyone has some room in their trunk and room in their Minneapolis recycling bins, we have bags of milk cartons and yogurt containers that could easily be picked up and placed in their household recycling bins. Sign up to become a Recycling Volunteer.

Drop-Off / Pick-Up Help

Morning: 7:45 - 8:15: for/with Michelle Wallace on VanSlyke

Duty includes: greeting students, and supervising their entrance from the cars to the door. 

Sign up for helping out with drop off.


Afternoon: 3:10 - 3:30: for/with Michelle Wallace on VanSlyke 

Duty includes: watching for carpool(s) and/or family pick up. Collecting the student(s) from the class line and delivering the student(s) to the carpool.

Sign up for helping out with pick up.