Issue: 142
February 27, 2014
In This Issue
Volunteer Opportunities
Carpool Buddy Sign Up
Article Headline
Carnival Of Cultures 2014
Re-Enrollment Form For The 2014-2015 School Year
Middle School Information Night
Instructors Needed
7th & 8th Grade Field Trip
Grade 5 A2 German Exams
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Yearbook Ad Sales
Middle School Parliament Announcement
Black & White Maskenball
PTO Annual Retreat
TCGIS Spring Break in Grand Marais
GAI Spring Culture Series
2014 GAI Summer Camps
Quick Links
 Volunteer Opportunities

Carpool Buddy Sign Up

TCGIS Online Calendar

Feb 27: School Board Meeting in TCGIS Cafeteria


Feb 28: Carnival of Cultures


March 6: Middle School Information Night


March 8: PTO Annual Retreat

March 11: PTO Monthly Meeting
March 19: 7th & 8th Grades Field Trip


March 20: State of the School Meeting

April 11, 17 & 18: Grade 5 A2 German Exams
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Thank you, PTO!

Many thanks to the PTO for the organization of the Black & White Maskenball! The Aula looked very beautiful and so grown up with the professional decoration, the disco ball, and the white & black projections. The signature drinks were delicious and invited to rock the dance floor to the white & black themed songs. Thank you, PTO, for a legendary evening! 
Panorama Picture of the Maskenball Aula
School Board Meeting
Thursday, Feb 27 at 6:30pm, TCGIS Cafeteria

The School Board invites the community to join the Board meeting discussing: 
  • Middle school curriculum configuration
  • Class size policy (this only regards "collapsing" sections in the middle school, and not overall sizes)
  • Cold/snow make up days

Any community member wishing to speak on these issues, or any other issue of concern is welcome to do so in the Open Forum section at the start of the Board meeting.

Carnival of Cultures 2014 on February 28
Building Bridges Between Cultures!

The Carnival of Cultures is already on Friday next week! 

We are thrilled that we are able to celebrate our cultural diversity at the Carnival of Cultures for the 4th time, and we are very excited that TCGIS students will share their artistic talents in our Aula this year! 


ATTENTION: There is a typo in the flyer that concerns the 3rd grade. We are very sorry for this confusion.


6:30pm: part I: Kindergarten - 2nd grade (NOT 3rd grade)

7:10pm: intermission and artwork show 

7:30pm: part II: 3rd grade - 8th grade


The Cafeteria will be open for refreshments starting at 6pm. 7th & 8th graders will provide snacks and drinks for a small donations. We encourage you to stop by and to treat yourself with goodies. All profits go to the Capstone Fund.


At 6:15pm and 7:15pm respectively, student performers are asked to check in with their classroom teacher in the Aula. 


Parking: Take in consideration that we have VERY limited parking possibilities. Parking is available at Como Park and Black Bear Crossing. Please look at this as an opportunity to take a little walk with your family from your parking site to TCGIS.


We're looking forward to seeing you on Friday, Feb. 28!

For more information about the logistics of the Carnival, please click here.
Re-Enrollment Form for 2014-2015 School Year

Please take a moment to fill out our re-enrollment form for the 2014-2015 school year. Please fill out the form once for every child returning. Click here for the form. Thank you!


Middle School Information Night
Thursday, March 6

Twin Cities German Immersion School is looking forward to meeting with future and current middle school parents to discuss the excellent education we offer in our middle school program.
Thursday, March 6 
5:30-6:30 pm = 4th Grade Parents and Students are invited to learn about how the middle school is structured and some of the exciting learning opportunities middle school students have at TCGIS
6:30-8 pm = All future Parents and Students in Grades 5-8 will have a chance to hear a presentation on the full middle school program, ask questions and engage in future plans/brainstorming for ongoing school improvement at TCGIS.
We look forward to seeing you all there!
Thanks, PTO, for the Cool TCGIS Tees! 
Instructors Needed!
Teach an After School Activity

It's that time of year again! If you would like to offer a class please fill out this form and hand it in to the office. Session three of After School Activities will be starting the week of April 7. If you have any questions about teaching a class, please email Molly at mkalda@tcgis.org

7th & 8th Grades Field Trip
March 19, 10am

The Grades 7 and 8 are going on an exciting field trip attending a concert of the
German Band TonbandgerätLyrics and other related contents will be covered in German Humanities classes. Field trip forms will be send out to parents at the beginning of next week. Please save the date.

Date: March 19, Time: 10am
Venue: Spring Lake High School 

For more information please
 contact Herr Wegener.
Grade 5 A2 German Exams
April 11, 17 & 18

Please mark the following 5 A2 German exam dates in your calendar:

April 11: Written part (reading comprehension, listening comprehension, written essay)
April 16/17: Oral exams

For any questions or concerns please contact Thomas Wegener or Tanja Schmitt.
Remember to Sign-Up for Parent-Teacher Conferences
Evening Conferences on Thursday, March 13 - from 4:00 to 7:30pm  
Day Conferences on Friday, March 14 - from 8:10am to 3:30pm

Click here to sign up. If you need assistance, please contact Stefanie Berres

Yearbook Update

Help! Pictures Needed!

We are still in need of pictures for our school yearbook. Any photos are greatly appreciated. Help us make this the best book yet! Photos can be emailed to mkalda@tcgis.org

Support the 8th Grade Capstone Trip!

Want to promote your business? Want to honor your 2014 TCGIS graduate? Want to recognize your favorite teacher? The possibilities are endless! 


If you are interested, please contact yearbook editor, Mason Helmel, or click here for the form. Checks can be made payable to TCGIS and dropped off at the main office. 


Ad rates: 

1 Page:  $125

1/2 Page: $70

1/4 Page: $40 

All profits go to the 8th Grade Capstone Fund! 
Middle School Parliament Announcement

The middle school parliament is currently working on raising awareness about us and what we do. The finishing touches are being applied to our Study Hall project. The parliament is asking middle school students for ideas for our next project. WE appreciate the students' involvement!


Maskenball Announcement

Thank you to all who donated their time and money to make Maskenball 2014 a huge success! We hope you enjoyed the wonderful evening of socializing, dancing, and sipping signature Black & White cocktails that the PTO hosted for the community. We also hope you enjoy attending the many community-building auction events that we put together for you.


Gross proceeds from the auction were over $14k. We are still working on final numbers for the party.


Como neighbors even congratulated the PTO on our successful auction fundraiser on their Facebook page, and also said that the event was not "intrusive at all, at least not on the Van Slyke side." Thank you to all those who attended the party for being so respectful of the neighbors during the evening.


Leah Steiner-Suter (KC teacher) was the winner of the staff raffle. Her prize is a relaxing spa day at Brian Graham Salon (a $130 value).


This kind of fundraiser cannot happen without a cast of dedicated volunteers. The Maskenball team put in literally hundreds of hours to make the party and auction a reality. Thanks to: Kari Swedberg, Cynthia Miller, Karin Stiles, Nicole Grenz, Matt Burress, Ahmisa Cuadros, Rebecca Johnson, Mickey Jurewicz, Tanya Novak, Shelley Parker, Margaret Wabaunsee, Krysia Weidell, Natalie Yaeger, Kordula & Marc Coleman, Nancy Dilts, Tim Eian, Kristen & Orsi England, Kelly Huxmann, Duschka Jayawardena, Bruce Johnson, Astrid Knott Johnson, Karola Rauer, Karin Rice, Michelle Sheire, Karin Spencer, Rich Swedberg, Elizabeth Tobias, Marilee Tuite, Elizabeth Zehnpfennig, Heidi & Peter Zimmermann, Stefanie Berres, Molly Kalda, Andy Nesset, and Isabel Vollenweider.


Thank you to each and every one of you!


Kami Blackwell Kinney

PTO President

Register for the PTO Annual Retreat!

Please join us for the 2014 PTO Annual Retreat on Saturday, March 8, from 1:00 to 4:30 pm at TCGIS. We will take this opportunity to evaluate the year thus far, as well as map out a plan for the next school year. We will revisit the organizational structure, events, fundraisers, budget, mission, and goals of the PTO, in order to assess whether we are meeting the needs of the TCGIS community.

We would love it if new TCGIS parents would attend, so we can gather your feedback from the year. We would also value input from pioneer parents, who have been around to see how things have grown and changed in the community.

Click HERE to register for the Retreat! If you have questions, feel free to contact Kami Blackwell Kinney at tcgispto@gmail.com.

We hope to see you there!
7th Annual TCGIS Spring Break in Grand Marais
March 28 - April 6

Stay at EastBaySuites right on Lake Superior in your own condo with a kitchen for just $99/night for a 1 or 2 BR and $129/night for a 3 BR. The suites are starting to fill up, so call soon and ask for the TCGIS discount.  

Lutsen Ski is 25 minutes away and there are many trails for Nordic, snowshoeing, or hiking depending on the weather. TCGIS families often gather for a spontaneous potluck dinner in the common space.  

Questions?  Contact Chris Weimholt.
GAI Spring Culture Series: Eine Nacht in der Oper!

Friday, March 7, 7-8:30pm

Free and open to the public


Join Minnesota Opera Teaching Artist Bergen Baker for a special evening exploring the world of opera! Discover everything that goes into making an opera, learn about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and how his life events influenced his compositional style, and get a behind-the-scenes look at the upcoming Minnesota Opera production of Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute). For more information, please visit www.gai-mn.org.
2014 GAI Summer Camps Are Here!
Registration open exclusively to TCGIS families until March 1

The time has come! Reserve your child's spot in the Germanic-American Institute's summer camps today! Camps run from June 9 - August 15 Monday-Friday mornings with afternoon care available until 6pm. TCGIS families can register under the GAI Household Member rate ($100/camp) and have exclusive access to camps until March 1. 

Register online or contact Language Services at 651.222.2979.

Drop Off / Pick Up Help

Morning: 7:45 - 8:15: for/with Michelle Wallace on VanSlyke

Duty includes: greeting students, and supervising their entrance from the cars to the door. 

Sign up for helping out with drop off.


Afternoon: 3:10 - 3:30: for/with Michelle Wallace on VanSlyke 

Duty includes: watching for carpool(s) and/or family pick up. Collecting the student(s) from the class line and delivering the student(s) to the carpool.

Sign up for helping out with pick up.


Recycling Volunteers

The TCGIS Green Team has started a more comprehensive recycling program. Our crew collects recyclable items from the school and cafeteria every Monday after school. The work is far from glamorous, but we're working hard to live our mission of global citizenship.

How you can help: We have some recyclable materials that cannot be recycled in St. Paul. If anyone has some room in their trunk and room in their Minneapolis recycling bins, we have bags of milk cartons and yogurt containers that could easily be picked up and placed in their household recycling bins. All items are in tied plastic bags and are currently frozen :)

Sign up to become a Recycling Volunteer.