Feb 7: Kaffeeklatsch
Feb 7: Carpool, Kaffee & Kuchen Potluck
Feb 11: PTO Meeting
Feb 14: Enrollment Lottery/No School
Feb 18: Capstone Parent/Student Orientation
Feb 21: Kaffeeklatsch
Feb 22: Black & White Maskenball
Feb 28: Carnival of Cultures
Send Your Application Now!
Valentine's Day is Lottery Time
TCGIS is having their annual enrollment lottery February 14. All families with new students joining the 2014-2015 school year must have turned in their application by this time. Preference is given to siblings, but the applications must still be turned in by the time of the lottery for your child to be eligible to attend next fall. Click here for the Application Form. |
Re-Enrollment Form For 2014-2015 School Year
Please take a moment to fill out our re-enrollment form for the 2014-2015 school year. Please fill out the form once for every child returning. Click here for the form. Thank you!
Carpool, Kaffee & Kuchen Potluck On February 7
Find your "Carpool Buddy" enjoying delicious Kaffee & Kuchen!
Please join us for the Carpool, Kaffee & Kuchen after school potluck on February 7 in the Cafeteria. The goal of the potluck is to bring parents together and to help arrange carpool opportunities. Also, we'll share information about Power School and volunteering opportunities. Bring a dozen of something sweet to share. Coffee will be provided. Click here to RSVP.
Student Safety And Traffic Update
 TCGIS had the pleasure of Officer Mike McGinn joining us for pick up last Friday afternoon. Officer McGinn and his brother (also an officer) are making informal observations a couple of times this week in preparation for joining us the next two weeks for improving student safety and traffic flow. These officers want to work cooperatively with TCGIS in the best interest of all!
Here is a review of drop off and pick up practices:
- For idling and traffic impact, if possible please do not arrive for pick before 3pm; Streetcar station or Black Bear Crossing are options nearby
- Pull all the way up in the drop off/pick up lanes; children will walk to cars
- Please do not idle your car while waiting for children as this creates pollution; please avoid using cell phones in the pick up line, if possible
- Have TCGIS child car seats set on the passenger side of the car
- Please have children exit or enter on the sidewalk side of the car
- Please do not get out of your car unless absolutely necessary
- Please do not park on the school side of Van Slyke to keep the lane open for TCGIS cars so buses and regular traffic can pass through
- By law, cars must remain 5 feet clear of all driveways and alleys (especially the alley entrance on Como)
- Do not cross your child over Van Slyke or Como during drop off and pick up times. If necessary, please park nearby and walk your child to the car.
- Please avoid parking in carriage walks and in front of fire hydrants
- During drop off, please be attentive there is significant sun glare on Van Slyke and exiting the driver's side (parents or children) is very dangerous
TCGIS is also working with the city of St. Paul and councilwoman Amy Brendmoen to look at trying to calm city truck traffic on Van Slyke in the afternoons. Our new Community Traffic Committee will continue brainstorming ways to make our school safer for students and ensure effective traffic flow. Please email ivollenweider@tcgis.org if you are interested in helping with student safety and traffic!
TCGIS Family Ski Day
Embrace this crazy Minnesota winter and join us for a fun day of skiing out at Trollhaugen in Dresser, WI!
Next Friday, February 14, is a school release day and the perfect time to hit the slopes! If we have a group of at least 20, we can get discounted rates. Lift tickets are just $15 per person, with ski or snowboard rental another $15. Helmets are also available for $2. We'll meet at the chalet at 9:45 am, and so far, the weather forecast looks promising. Please contact Kelly Huxmann at huxmannp@bitstream.net or 612-669-9747 for more details or to reserve a spot. Please include your name, number of lift tickets and rentals needed, as well as a contact number. Trollhaugen requires a final head count two days in advance, so please respond by 9:00 pm, Tuesday, February 11. Looking forward to some winter fun! |
Yearbook Updates
Cover Art Competition
We are happy to announce that the 3rd annual TCGIS yearbook is having a cover contest. The theme this year is New Beginnings. Submissions will need to be on 8x11 paper and any student can participate. The winner will receive a FREE yearbook. Second place will be able to purchase a yearbook for half price. All submissions must be in by March 3rd. Please hand submissions into the front office.
Submit your photos now! The yearbook group is collecting photos for the 2013-2014 annual yearbook. We encourage you to submit photos of your children in school activities or school related events. Please email pictures to Molly at mkalda@tcgis.org.
Sign Up For A Valentine's Day Dance Class
Friday, February 14 - Lyngblomsten Dance Studio
Thanks to the initiative of the dance instructor Christopher Yaeger and to the generosity of Lyngblomsten Health Care Center, our middle school students (5-8) got an opportunity to take part in a dance class at Lyngblomsten Dance Studio, located at 1415 Almond Ave, St. Paul 55108 (walking distance from school). The dance class will take place on February 14 at 1:30pm - What a great present for Valentine's Day!
This offer is limited for up to 12 students - Hurry up, first come first served! |
Carnival Of Cultures 2014 On February 28
Building Bridges Between Cultures!

It's that time of the year again! The carnival is coming and along with it our annual celebration - the Carnival of Cultures.
The Carnival of Cultures recalls the ancient German tradition of celebrating Carnival and combines it with the school's mission of "Educating Children for an Active World Citizenship". At the Carnival of Cultures we celebrate our heritage and cultural diversity. This year's showcase will take place in our own Aula, and we are planning to invite some vendors to make the Carnival cozy. Friday, February 28 - Mark it in your calendar! 6:30pm: part I - kindergarten, 1st grade & 2nd grade 7:10pm: intermission and artwork show 7:30pm: part II - 3rd grade through 8th grade |
Help Raise Money For The School
 TCGIS is collecting "Labels for Education" and "Boxtops for Education" again this year! Please clip your boxtops and turn them in to the front office. Every clipping helps raise money for our school. So far this year we've raised over $500 in boxtops. If you have questions or would like to volunteer to help with the program, please email Blaine Strobe at bstrobe@tcgis.org.
Join Us For The February PTO Meeting
Tuesday, February 11, 6:30-8:00 pm
 in the TCGIS Cafeteria
Jeff Horton (Assistant Director) and Jennifer Buck (Facilities Committee Chair & School Board Member) will present and field questions on issues of student safety, specifically those related to the playground and to construction, which will begin again this spring. Matt McKinney (Playground Committee Chair) will also discuss plans for the playground project and how you can become involved. You are welcome to submit questions in advance to tcgispto@gmail.com. There will also be the opportunity to ask questions at the meeting.
Maskenball is right around the corner! Hear the latest details and find out how you can help make Maskenball 2014 a success.
In order to help us plan for setup, please RSVP your attendance. If you would like free, PTO-sponsored childcare provided by TCGIS Interns, then you must RSVP. Please plan to arrive a few minutes early to help settle your child(ren) in before the meeting begins.
Meeting Documents: If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact PTO President Kami Blackwell Kinney. |
Maskenball Update
 Tickets On Sale NOW! Don't miss out on the fun! Click here to buy your Maskenball 2014 tickets today! Hey, Mister DJ! First you chose the theme-now you can select the music. Help put together a playlist for our DJ. Here's the catch: each song must fit our Black & White theme. Songs must either have lyrics about the colors black or white OR be sung by a band/artist with Black or White in the name. Click here to submit your ideas until February 11. Lend a Hand (or a String of Lights) We still could use a bit more help for Maskenball. We need some folks to help set up for the party, and to get the Aula cleaned up and ready for the kids again on Monday. We also have a few items we'd like to borrow from people. Click here to find out how you can pitch in. Donate a Bottle of Wine Consider donating a bottle (or more) of wine for the Wine Pull. Ask friends, neighbors, or family members, if they would donate as well. Collection Dates: February 7 at Kaffeeklatsch February 11 after the PTO meeting at our post-meeting gathering Online Auction Opens at 5 pm on February 11 The Maskenball Auction will be structured a little differently this year. While it will again be an online auction, this year it will consist of Great Gatherings and Admin Adventures & Teacher Treasures, with only a select handful of outside donations and TCGIS Sweet Deals. We are not doing the extensive outside procurement that we have done in prior years; instead, we have decided to focus on community-building events offered by TCGIS families and staff. For events that are sign-up in nature, don't delay purchasing your spot(s). Once the events are full, they are full! No additional spots will be added. No late registrations will be processed. Remember: This is a fundraiser. The money raised goes towards a good cause! |

Opening On The TCGIS Board Of Directors
Anyone who is interested in being considered for the appointment should fill out an application and send it to Michelle Wallace, Governance Chair, at mwallace@tcgis.org or drop off the application at the front desk by Friday February 7th, 2014.
Click here for full Board Appointment Announcement.
Click here for Board Application 2014.
Facilities & Playground Committees Volunteers
Passionate about Playgrounds? Fanatic about Facilities? If you answered yes, the Facilities and Playground Committees would like to hear from you! We are looking for volunteers to help with planning of the playground and the planning and maintenance of the school facilities. Sign up to start making a difference at our school. Drop Off / Pick Up Help
Morning: 7:45 - 8:15: for/with Michelle Wallace on VanSlyke
Duty includes: greeting students, and supervising their entrance from the cars to the door.
Sign up for helping out with drop off.
Afternoon: 3:10 - 3:30: for/with Michelle Wallace on VanSlyke
Duty includes: watching for carpool(s) and/or family pick up. Collecting the student(s) from the class line and delivering the student(s) to the carpool.
Sign up for helping out with pick up.
Carnival Of Cultures Volunteers For our Carnival of Cultures on February 28, we're looking for helping hands to set up the Aula for the performance and the Cafeteria for the catering/vendors, and to get the Aula & Cafeteria cleaned up afterwards. Sign up to volunteer at the Carnival of Cultures. |