Issue: 136
January 9, 2014
In This Issue
No Name Calling Week
Community Traffic Forum
Bibliothek Volunteers
PTO Says Thank You
GAI German Classes for Adults
Great Gatherings for Maskenball Auction
German Summer Camp
GAI Spring Culture Series
GAPP Seminar
Parent Portal Closed
Applications Due Soon
Quick Links
Jan 21-24: No Name Calling Week 
Jan 22: Early Release 
Jan 24: Kaffeeklatsch 
Jan 27: Field Trip: Como Planetarium (3rd and 4th grades) 
Jan 28: Community 
Traffic Forum
Feb 1: GAI Winterfest & Euro Dance Party
Feb 5: Field Trip: German Day at the Minnesota Zoo (3rd, 4th, 5th grades)

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No Name Calling Week
Dress Up for a Bully-Free School!

Twin Cities German Immersion School is once again proud to announce that we will join with many schools throughout the United States in participating in No Name Calling Week, Tuesday, January 21-24. By participating, the school is making an effort to educate our children about bullying, work on prevention, and enhance our social climate as a school community. During the week, classes will address the topic with short lessons and school-wide activities, such as public displays of student work or thematic dress-up days.


All kids are encouraged to participate in the following dress-up activities:

Tuesday: red, white and blue - for united we stand

Wednesday: mismatched clothing - appreciate our differences

Thursday: favorite clothes and hat - self-esteem/how are you identifying yourself

Friday: school spirit wear - school pride


For further information about No Name Calling Week, please visit this website.



Community Traffic Forum

The Ward 5 Councilwoman, Amy Brendmoen will be joining TCGIS and Como community members to discuss traffic concerns and look for collaborative solutions for child safety and traffic flow improvements. Please mark your calendars for Tuesday, January 28 at 6:30pm. Baby sitting services will be provided by the school.


TCGIS Bibliothek is looking for Volunteers

The TCGIS Bibliothek is still looking for volunteers for the following classes and times:

Monday 2:00-3:00 (Matuszak 1C)
Wednesday 10:00-11:00 (Suter KC) and 2:00-3:00 (Stephenson 2B)

If you are interested in volunteering for any of these times, please contact Blaine Strobe at bstrobe@tcgis.org.


Applause to the Staff Appreciation Luncheon Helpers!

A BIG round of applause goes out to all those who helped pull off the December 20 Staff Appreciation Luncheon. I was there, firsthand, to witness the staff's rave reviews and gratitude.


Nicole Grenz did an amazing job for the 5th year in a row, coordinating the whole event. Karin Stiles miraculously transformed the staff lounge to provide a festive dining experience. Thanks to all those who brought yummy food and drinks, and assisted with set-up, washing dishes, and clean-up:


Karin Spencer, Kari Swedberg, Amy Steege, Kristi Johnson, Lisa Linnell, Christine VeLure Roholt, Jo Nelson, Matt Burress, Molly McBeath, Anna Botz, Jenny Olson, Jessica Chastek, Stephanie Forsland, Leslie Watson, Rebecca Johnson, Angela Ngo, Beki Cook, Katrina Budde, Renee Moelders, Heather Podlucky, Karola Rauer, Pia Sektnan, Cindy Miller, Eva Tone, Molly Lynch-McKinney, Joyce Albers Tyrrell, Kordula Coleman, Lisa Friedman, Gina Vader, Jeff & Gita Zeitler, Nancy Dilts, Shelley Parker, Sandy Schuster, Erin Sutton, Jacqueline de Vries, Marilee Tuite, Angela Haeg, Sue Westacott, Heather Ninow, Joslyn Runyan, Ahmisa Cuadros. Elise Amel, Aaron Grenz.


That's more than 40 people who volunteered to show our staff how thankful we are for their hard work. What a display of generosity and commitment on the part of TCGIS parents!


Kami Blackwell Kinney

PTO President

Why wait? German classes for adults start February 3rd!

Have you always thought about learning German? Register for one of the GAI's adult language classes, connect with other parents, and strengthen your community connection. TCGIS parents registering for G100/G100 accelerated can receive a 20% discount by calling 651-222-2979. Daytime option available. Full class schedule is online.


Great Gatherings for the Maskenball Auction

Got a Great Gathering that you would like to host for the Maskenball 2014 Online Auction? Now through Friday, January 31, we will be accepting Great Gathering listings HERE.


Not sure what a Great Gathering is? TCGIS families and staff donate their time and resources to host community-building events throughout the year for adults only, kids only, or families. Some events are sign-up in nature with a fixed pricewhile others go to the highest bidder. Sign-up and bidding happens during the Maskenball Online Auction in February. All proceeds benefit the TCGIS PTO.


Past favorite Great Gatherings include: the Annual TCGIS Camping Weekend at Afton State Park, NE Mpls Progressive Dinner, Star Wars Outdoor Movie Night, American Girl Movie & Pizza Night, Authentic German Dinner, Ukrainian Egg Dyeing, Mother's Day Tea Party, Roll Your Own Sushi Party, and Tasting the Wines of the World, as well as several knitting, crocheting, painting, cake decorating, and jewelry making parties.


Submit your own Great Gathering event HERE. Whether it's an old favorite or a brand-new idea, we can't wait to see what you come up with!


Questions? Please contact Karin Stiles, Great Gatherings Coordinator, akkstiles@gmail.com.


Concordia Language Villages German Summer Camp 
German Scholarships Available!


Concordia Language Villages is pleased to announce that scholarships are available for our 2014 summer youth immersion programs (ages 7-18). The Language Villages has been a leader in immersion language and culture education for over 50 years and offers 1, 2 and 4 week residential immersion summer camps in Arabic, Chinese, Danish, Swedish, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Korean, Japanese, Finnish, Norwegian, Russian, English, and Portuguese.

All applications must be submitted by February 28, 2014. 
More information on scholarships, including the application form, can be found on the website
GAI Spring Culture Series: 
Max Beckmann's Blind Man's Buff
Thursday, January 23, 7pm at the GAI
Free and open to the public 

Max Beckmann may not be a household name, but he was one of Germany's premier artists during the 20th century. To kick off the GAI's Spring Culture Series, Dr. Amy K. Hamlin, Assistant Professor of Art History at St. Kate's, will give a talk inspired by his painting, Blind Man's Buff, which is currently featured in an exhibit at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. For more information, please visit www.gai-mn.org.
Goethe-Institute NY invites TCGIS for GAPP Seminar

Jeff Horton, our Assistant Director, was invited by the Goethe-Institute New York to join an introductory seminar of the German American Partnership Program (GAPP). The three-day seminar, from January 17 to 19, will be attended by educators from all across the country. As part of the program, TCGIS organizes a yearly student exchange, the 8th Grade Capstone Trip, with our German Partner School.


"The 8th Grade Capstone Trip is an experience unique to the TCGIS students. Working with our German friends helps us create authentic learning experiences for students - and is just one example of how TCGIS students are world-class learners." - Jeff Horton

Parent Portal Closed for Grading

Teachers are going to be working on Report Cards this week and next week. Please note that current grades will not be visible in the Powerschool Parent Portal from January 10 to January 24 until final grades and comments are entered. Report Cards will be sent home with students on January 24.
Send Your Application Now!
Valentine's Day is Lottery Time

TCGIS is having their annual enrollment lottery February 14. All families with new students joining the 2014-2015 school year must have turned in their application by this time. Preference is given to siblings, but the applications must still be turned in by the time of the lottery for your child to be eligible to attend next fall. Click here for the Application Form.