Issue: 135
January 9, 2014
In This Issue
Welcome Isabel
5th Grade German Pen Pals
Paraprofessional Recognition Week
Applications Due Soon
After School Activities
Parent Portal
Charter Schools in the Twin Cities
TCGIS in The Monitor
Maskenball Update
Quick Links
Welcome Isabel Vollenweider, Communications & Relations Coordinator

Isabel, our new contracted Communications Relations Coordinator joined us on Wednesday, Jan. 8. Isabel is a native German Speaker from Switzerland with experience in project management and non-profit administration. Previously, she has worked as Director of Communications and Marketing at a Charter School in Pennsylvania. Isabel is exited to be a part of the TCGIS family and is looking forward to meeting you.   



5th Grade Fun with German Pen Pals


One of our 5th grade teachers, Tanja Schmitt, has created a letter exchange between her

former students in Germany and our students. 
Before the holidays the students from class 5A and 5B received their first letters from their new German letter friends. The excitement was huge. There were texts, pictures, stickers....so much to look at and share. Our letters arrived in Germany about two weeks ago and had the same effect!


Here' s a video the students just received from their abroad friends - a Christmas greeting from Germany! How cute is that?! :) Click here to see the video.

Paraprofessional Recognition Week
A big thank you to our Paraprofessionals!

January 12-18 is Paraprofessional Recognition Week. 
Many thanks to our Classroom Instructional Assistants, Rainer Dornemann, Hannah Kinney, Thomas Munoz, Eva Schneider-Baumeister, Margaret Sims, and Kirsten Wisniewski for their valuable work and support!
Send your Application Now!
Valentines Day is Lottery Time

TCGIS is having their annual enrollment lottery February 14. All families with students joining the 2014-2015 school year must have turned in their application by this time. Preference is given to siblings, but the applications must still be turned in by the time of the lottery for your child to be eligible to attend next fall. 
Click here for the Application Form. 
Registration for Winter After School Activities is Open
New Classes have been added
The list of classes for after school activities is now available. Copies are available in the office and posted on the website as well. All forms are due by January 15th 




Registration form

Parent Portal Closed for Grading

Teachers are going to be working on Report Cards this week and next week. Please note that current grades will not be visible in the Powerschool Parent Portal from January 10 to January 24 until final grades and comments are entered. Report Cards will be sent home with students on January 24.
Charter School Growth in the Twin Cities
At least a fifth of public school students attend charters


St. Paul and Minneapolis have joined a growing list of cities where at least a fifth of public school students attend charters.

A report by the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools shows enrollment on the upswing nationally and in Minnesota, the birthplace of the charter movement. Minneapolis and St. Paul posted some of the most marked charter enrollment growth last school year: a 7 percent increase in Minneapolis and 10 percent in St. Paul.


Click here to read full Pioneer Press article online. 



TCGIS Parking Challenges featured in the Monitor

See the newest article in the Monitor about our parking challenges. Click here for the full article. 
Maskenball Update

Maskenball, the PTO's biggest fundraiser of the year, is fast approaching! There is a Maskenball Planning meeting in the Aula on Saturday, January 11 from 10am-12pm. Come to the meeting to find out about volunteer opportunities. Coffee & Treats provided. 
Contact Kari Swedberg, karilswedberg@gmail.com, for more information.
For the latest information, "like" the Maskenball 2014 Facebook page!