Issue: 134
December 19, 2013 
In This Issue
New Drop-Off/Pick-Up Rules
PTO Announcements
Maskenball Update
Seeking Intern Host Families
Lost and Found
Lunchroom Utensils
After-School Activities
Sixth Grade End of Year Party
Holiday Giving
Quick Links
Dear TCGIS Families, 

The administrative team and office staff would like to thank all of the TCGIS Community for their efforts and involvement during the first half of the school year! We have enjoyed partnering with you to increasing student achievement, and we are even more excited to continue to grow together.  Have a fun-filled and safe Winter Break! We will see you on January 6th when school resumes!

New Van Slyke Drop-Off/Pick-Up is in Full Swing

To improve drop-off and pick-up, TCGIS is making the following changes on the Van Slyke side:
  • Kindergarten parents please drop off children at the playground entrance.
  • Kindergarten students will line up east of the flagpole for pick-up, near the playground.
  • First grade will line up west of the flagpole.
  • Please stay as close to the curb or parked cars while waiting in the pick-up line, so the public bus can pass and stay on schedule.
  • Please do not walk children across Van Slyke in the middle of the block. If you park on Van Slyke, please walk to corner crosswalks.
Thank you for your continued cooperation in supporting TCGIS!
PTO Announcements
More about the following PTO events is only a click away!
  • Last Chance to Sign Up for Friday's Staff Appreciation Potluck
  • Bowling Meet-Up at Memory Lanes on Friday, December 27
  • Staff Appreciation at TCGIS, including holiday/mid-year gifting guidelines
At long last, the compiled Q&A from the October 8 PTO New Parent Panel Night is available. Click here to read it.

As always, feel free to contact the PTO Executive Committee at tcgispto@gmail.com. Also, don't be the only one who hasn't "liked" the PTO's Facebook page!
Maskenball Update

Maskenball, the PTO's biggest fundraiser of the year, is fast approaching! Advanced tickets are available at a discounted price now thru midnight on December 20. Click here to purchase.

For the latest information, "like" the Maskenball 2014 Facebook page!

Seeking Intern Host Families

We urgently need four families to host Amity interns for Spring 2014. We have one week to place these incoming interns, who will arrive around January 24. Benefits of hosting an intern include:

  • Learn German from a native, so your children don't talk about you behind your back.
  • Build lifelong international friendships.
  • Enjoy free tutors for your children.
  • Gain a new cultural perspective.

Please contact Nicole Grenz or Darcy Rindelaub for more information.

Please Check Lost and Found by Friday, December 20!

Swing by the first floor and collect any items that have migrated there! All items that are not collected by Friday, December 20 will be donated to Goodwill by the end of the year. The Lost and Found is located in the large wardrobe at the bottom of the stairs as you head to the front office. Check it out!
Lunchroom Update
"The dish ran away with the spoon"

As part of our move towards better sustainability practices within our school, the lunchroom now uses washable metal utensils. Anyone is welcome to use these utensils to eat their lunch. However, many of our utensils have been taken home accidentally in lunch boxes at the end of the day. Please check your drawers at home and return any utensils belonging to the school, and remind your children to return their utensils to the bin at the end of each lunch period. 
After-School Activities
The list of classes for after school activities is now
available! Copies are available in the office and we will post them on the website as well. All forms are due by January 15thIf you have any questions about teaching a class, please email Molly at mkalda@tcgis.org. Thanks!

Sixth Grade End of Year Party

The sixth graders would like to have a holiday party after school on December 20 from
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
. It would be great if everybody could bring a small snack (nothing big) or something to drink. Some teachers have kindly agreed to supervise the party. The parents are free to relax at home or do some shopping, while the kids are away!


'Tis the Season for Giving! 

Has your child had an extra-special, wonderful experience at TCGIS this school year? Did she dissect her first worm at school? Travel back in time at the Maya exhibit? Make a new friend in an after-school activity? Why not show your appreciation with a year-end donation to TCGIS? The school will take in-person donations at our front office, or you may simply go to our TCGIS Give to the Max website to give online. All donations are tax-deductible.