Issue: 132
December 05, 2013 
In This Issue
Letter from the Director
Elementary Parent Social Hour
PTO Announcements
After School Activities
Lunchroom Utensils
Dramatic Arts Update
GAI Update
Scholastic Warehouse Sale
Quick Links
Dear TCGIS Parents and Community: 

Like our seasons, TCGIS has endured many changes over the past six months. As being one of those changes and my first Elternbrief message, I want to say thank you for welcoming me into your community. I have had the opportunity to meet amazing students, parents, staff members, and other stakeholders in TCGIS. One area of change that was brought to my attention when I started was safety and security. As we become accustomed to our new environment, all of us have had to create adjustments to ensure student learning and safety. On the point of safety, the school has been working very hard to ensure student safety and security in the new, transitional environment.  


Recently, I invited Shannon McNulty, Emergency Preparedness Coordinator at St. Paul Pubic Schools, to tour our school and help us identify safety and security needs. Based on those conversations, we started to meet with school staff, local stakeholders, state health 

and safety inspectors, playground designers, and others in order to create school-wide safety improvements during our time of transition and lay the foundation for our new facility. We will be implementing changes the week of December 9. For recess, this will include the teaching of improved rules for safety, newly defined play areas, revised supervision roles, streamlined discipline referral process, the removal of hazards as well as many other changes. For the lunchroom, we are purchasing new cleaning supplies to better meet Minnesota Department of Health standards and implementing a bell system in the Aula to help with transitions. In the school, we have developed safety procedures for weather, intruders, fire, chemical spills, and other potential threats.  


I invite anyone interested to review the research and documents with us and give input to their ongoing development. I firmly believe that the key to the success of our school is quality communication and collaboration among stakeholders. The great thing about education is we all have similar goals: the highest level of education, a supportive culture that promotes great citizens, and safety for our students. The more we collaborate, the better we can meet the needs of students. I invite you to contact me anytime you are looking to collaborate to better meet the needs of students!  


Thank you again for welcoming me into your community.


Jeff Horton, Assistant Director
Elemetary Parent Social Hour December 19th 

It is our great pleasure to invite elementary parents grades K-4 to a holiday social hour on Monday, Dec. 19 from 8:00-9:00 am. We plan to continue monthly parent social hours all year, either as a whole school or elementary or secondary specific depending on special student events at each level. This event aligns with the kindergarten gingerbread house activity and first grade cookie bake!--Yum!

Halloween Video and KG Pictures

If you have not had the chance to see the all school Halloween video, you can view it here. Also, parent Karin Lynn too pictures of both pumpkin carving and the Halloween parade you can see here. When prompted, enter the password Boo! to see the photos. Thank you, Karin!

PTO Announcements
Click here to sign up for the following PTO events:
  • Join us for the Tuesday, December 10 PTO meeting. We will be having a special speaker from PACER'S National Bullying Prevention Center. 
  • The 5th Annual Staff Appreciation Potluck will be on Friday, December 20.
As always, you can follow us on our  Facebook page!
Seeking Intern Host Families

TCGIS is still seeking families to host an Amity Intern for this Spring 2013.  We are also still asking for families who could host Amity interns in the spring.  Benefits of hosting an intern:

  • Learn German from a native so your children don't talk about you behind your back!
  • Life long international friendships!
  • Free tutors for your children!
  • Enjoy a new cultural perspective!  

Please contact Nicole Grenz or Darcy DeBoer for more information.

After School Activities
It's that time of year again! If you would like to offer a class please fill out the attached form and hand it in to the office. Session two of After School Activities will be starting the week of January 21. If you have any questions about teaching a class, please email Molly at  mkalda@tcgis.org. Thanks!
Lunchroom Update
The dish ran away with the spoon

As part of our move towards better sustainability practices within our school, the lunchroom now uses washable metal utensils in the lunchroom. Anyone is welcome to use these utensils to eat their lunch. However, many of our utensils have been accidentally taken home in lunch boxes at the end of the day. Please check your drawers at home and return to us any utensils belonging to the school, and remind your children to return their utensils to the bin at the end of each lunch period. 
Dramatic Arts Update
Third Grade Fairy Tale Presentations

Winter is the time of year for gathering together and telling fairy tales. The third grade classes will be sharing their versions of traditional German fairy tales; Rumpelstiltskin, Froschkönig, Hansel and Gretel, and Rotkäppchen. Third grade parents are invited to attend these one hour plays on the following dates:

3A: Monday, December 16, 9:30 and 11:20
3B: Tuesday, December 17, 8:35 and 11:20 
for more information please contact Herr Solakhau at vsolakhau@tcgis.org.
GAI Update

On Sunday, December 7, the Germanic-American Institute's kids' playgroup will be hosting a German Christmas program. Please join us for this family-friendly holiday event. For more details, click here.

It's that time of year again for the BIG SCHOLASTIC WAREHOUSE SALE in Brooklyn Park! The sale runs December 6-21. Parents and educators are welcome. 

Don't forget to register online at www.scholastic.com/bookfairs/warehouse to receive your $10 to $25 off coupon. 

ALL are welcome to go online and register to receive this coupon. 


Happy Shopping!


Click the link to sign up for your Fast Pass Coupon to receive $10 or $25 off Coupon!!