Dear TCGIS Parents and Community: 
Nothing more than this past week's Halloween festivities helps me understand what a fantastic and original community we have here at TCGIS! From the awesome efforts of our dynamic duo Sport teachers, Mandi Rosenthal and Tanja Schmitt, who taught every kid from K-8 how to dance to Michael Jackson's "Thriller," to the excellent planning of Elena Heindl and Katie Stephens coordinating the school parade, to the numerous parents who helped carve pumpkins and pitched in on the K-1 station rotation, we have an incredible and supportive community. This week launches our Give to the Max campaign. While you watch this video reviewing our Halloween class fun, parade and flashmob dance, I want you to consider making a donation to our school. No amount is too small, and every bit helps support our programming. As we round the corner to Thanksgiving, I want to say thank you for making my work here at TCGIS so special. Thank you all! Ann Jurewicz Executive Director
After-School Classes Cancelled Due to Parent Teacher Conferences
There will be no after-school activities today. Teachers will be contacting their students to either reschedule or will reimburse families for missed class. Please contact Molly Kalda with any questions. |
Update from the School Board
This is the first of what will become a regular update from the School Board that we will include in the Elternbrief after our monthly meetings. The detailed board minutes can be found on the TCGIS website, but the intent of this is to highlight any major discussions or decisions with broader impacts to our school community. This month we'd like to highlight a decision on our new home.
School Construction Project:
A decision was made to delay the completion of the new addition until the spring of 2014. We have negotiated with the builder to resume construction on March 1 with a completion date of no later than July 15.
The decision was not made lightly as it represents some challenges for parents, administration, staff, and the surrounding Como community. The primary factor that went into the decision was incremental costs associated with winter construction that were not in the budget and would have required compromises to the construction that we just weren't willing to make.
We are still hopeful that we will be able to complete the staff parking lot this year but there are some dependencies on getting some additional grant funding and then Mother Nature would need to be on our side to allow us to complete the work.
Facilities Committee Volunteers:
The Facilities Committee is reconvening and looking for volunteers! If you have an interest in the construction project, the long-Term plan for the school facilities, and would like to make a significant contribution to the school, please contact Jennifer Buck (jbuck@tcgis.org), the chair of this committee. We welcome the help and support from all parents and are looking for people with a background in construction, project management, or finance, but will welcome anyone to the committee who has a passion for the school.
If you have any questions about any of this, please send an email to Marcus Sheire at msheire@tcgis.org.
Give to the Max Day 2013
 Are you ready for Give to the Max Day? Next Thursday, November 14 is Give to the Max Day. This year, gifts to TCGIS will count twice. Thanks to the support of board and leadership gifts, the first $15,000 of donations will be matched 1:1. This will go a long way in helping us reach our goal of $30,000 donations and 10,000 in donor matching in support of the Amity Intern Program.
Your support will help ensure that there are two German-speaking teachers in every classroom -all day long! What a gift you will give the students at TCGIS. In addition, every gift made on November 14 helps our chances of winning grant prize dollars. For example, Golden Tickets are given every hour. Each hour, one donation will be randomly selected to add $1,000 to the amount (TCGIS has won these in the past!).
So mark your calendar for Give to the Max Day, Thursday, November 14. Or, if you'd rather do it now while it's on your mind, schedule your gift today. You can schedule your gift, and it will automatically be donated at 12:01 am on Give to the Max Day. To learn more, visit TCGIS Give to the Max Day 2013. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and share the excitement of the TCGIS Give to the Max Day 2013.
With your help, we will reach our goal of $40,000 in support of our Amity Intern Program.
PTO Announcements
- Craft & Bake Pre-Sale Now Open
- Craft & Bake Sale Next Week
- Meet Me at the Movies
- Join Us for the November PTO Meeting
- Winter Strudel Sale Now Open
Got a Knack for Numbers?
Fancy Finances? Sweet on Spreadsheets?
The TCGIS Finance Committee needs you! The committee is responsible for the financial oversight of the school. While financial experience is highly valued, the most important thing is your interest and commitment to the school's financial future. The committee meets monthly on the second or third Monday at 6:30 pm, and meetings last between one and 2½ hours. Your responsibilities outside the meeting are minimal. If interested, contact Board Treasurer Renee Moelders at 651-332-0495 or rmoelders@tcgis.org.
Library Volunteers Needed
Help Students Access German Language Materials
The library has settled into its final location for this school year. We are looking for volunteers to supervise library visits, as well as to assist students and teachers with book checkout. Volunteers generally serve for at least an hour on a specific day during the week. Classes are scheduled for 30-minute visits once a week. The volunteer uses the computerized card catalog system to help students and teachers find the books they are interested in checking out, and then assists the patrons in checking out the materials. No experience is necessary. Please contact Blaine Strobe at bstrobe@tcgis.org if you are interesting in volunteering. |
Special Education Advisory Committee
Attention: Parents of Students Receiving Special Education Services
The Special Education Advisory Committee is meeting Thursday, November 7 from 6:30 to 7:15 pm. We look forward to seeing members of the community with an investment in the ongoing education and support of our special education students.
Thanks for your support.
The Special Education Team
PowerSchool Parent Portal Access
 Thank you for your continued support as we roll out our PowerSchool Parent Portal. If you have any problems gaining access to the site, please check the instructions on how to log in, then contact Stefanie Berres with any further questions or problems as they arise. |
St. Martin's Day at TCGIS
TCGIS Invites You to the Yearly Celebration of St. Martin's Day
Sunday, November 10, 4:00 to 6:00 pm, at the Landmark Center, St. PaulIn cooperation with the Landmark Center and the Germanic-American Institute (GAI), our school celebrates St. Martin's Day at the Landmark Center yearly in the beginning of November. This event is a part of the series Sundays@Landmark (more online at http://www.landmarkcenter.org/programs/calendar.htm#nov10).The program this year will feature the following:
4:00 Greeting from Ann Jurewicz (TCGIS), Jeana Anderson (GAI), & Landmark Center
4:05 Blumenkranz: Lantern Dance
4:10 2nd graders: traditional St Martin's songs
4:35 4th graders: Der Mann im Mond & Ein Bayer stieg auf den Berg
4:45 Band Performance (leader Krista Johnson)
4:50 Blumenkranz Group Performance
5:05 The Joyful Winter Singers with the songs of the season (Herbert Engelmayer)
5:30 Lantern Parade with a scene about St. Martin in Rice Park (middle school)
In the attachment you can find the texts of the St. Martin songs. You can also find these texts and more information about St. Martin's Day online at https://sites.google.com/a/germanschool-mn.org/music/stage/st-martin.
We hope to see you at the Landmark Center! |
GAI Update