Issue: 126
October 17, 2013 
In This Issue
Construction Update
November Lunch Menu
Special Ed Advisory Committee
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent Portal Access
PTO Announcements
GAI Wine Tasting Dinner
Substitute Teachers Wanted
Quick Links
Construction Update

Cones The Committee in charge of our continuing construction project, the Project Steering committee, has an update on the construction process. Please read the following letter to parents for the latest information on our school's addition, and estimated completion time. 
November Lunch Menu

Please see this attachment for the November lunch menu. Please make payments to TCGIS. Lunch orders are due to the office by October 25. Log onto Parent Portal to check your student's balance. 
Special Education Advisory Committee 
Attention: Parents of Students Receiving Special Education Services 
The Special Education Advisory committee is meeting Thursday, November 7 from 6:30-7:15 pm
We look forward to seeing members of the community with an investment in the ongoing education and support of our special education students.
Thanks for your support.

The Special Education Team 

Parent Teacher Conferences
November 7 and 8 

Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Thursday, November 7 and during the day on Friday, November 8.

We will open registration two weeks prior to conferences this fall. In the meantime, we are hoping to increase communication between parents and school with the re-opening of the Powerschool Parent Portal. Thank you for your patience.


If you have any questions, please call the office at 651-492-7106 or send an e-mail to Stefanie Berres (sberres@tcgis.org).
Powerschool Parent Portal Access 

Thank you for your continued support as we roll out our Power School Parent Portal. If you have any problems gaining access to the site, please check the instructions on how to log on, then contact Stefanie Berres with any further questions or problems as they arise. 
PTO Announcements

There's lots going on with the PTO! Check out
this attachment to learn more about: 
  • This year's Auflauf winners
  • Elternkontakts
  • Parent Meetups
  • The PTO Craft and Bake Sale

For more information about the PTO, check out their facebook page

St. Martinstag at TCGIS
TCGIS is glad to invite you to the yearly celebration of St. Martin's Day
Nov. 10, Sunday, 4:00 to 6:00pm - at the Landmark Center, St. Paul

St. Martin's Day is one of the most popular German holidays. In November, when it becomes dark in the world, we light colorful lanterns in the hope that it will be brighter and warmer in people's hearts. Children in Germany come together with their lanterns, sing traditional St. Martin songs and walk in a parade after St. Martin who is riding on his horse with a sword and a red cape. Lanterns became an indispensable attribute of this event, and St. Martin is definitely a celebration of light and hope. It is also an opportunity to spotlight the problems of the disadvantaged who may need our help.

Because of St. Martin's personality and his story this day became a celebration of charity and sharing. People in Germany celebrate St. Martin on November 11, and this date marks one more event: The beginning of the Carnival Season. 

In cooperation with the Landmark Center and the Germanic-American Institute (GAI), our school celebrates the St. Martin's Day at the Landmark Center yearly in the beginning of November. This event is a part of the series Sundays@Landmark (more online at http://www.landmarkcenter.org/programs/calendar.htm#nov10 )

TCGIS will feature 2nd grade with traditional German songs as well as 4th grade, TCGIS Band and Blumenkranz Dance Troupe. The second grade and middle school students will perform scenes about St. Martin.

In the attachment you can find the texts of the St Martin songs. You can also find these texts and more information about St. Martin's Day online at https://sites.google.com/a/germanschool-mn.org/music/stage/st-martin

We hope to see you at the Landmark Center!


GAI Update

The annual wine tasting dinner is coming up later this month. Please see this attachment for more information on the date, time, and other important information about this event. The GAI is also presenting a Fall Culture Series. For more information about this and other GAI sponsored events, go to www.gai-mn.org/events.

Parents and Pea Gravel 

Many of you are aware we are interested in removing the pea gravel from the playground and putting in a more sustainable material. Thus, calling all parents! If you would like some pea gravel for your garden or yard, please feel free to take as much as you want from our playground area. If you are interested in volunteering to help remove the remaining amount before the winter, please email our Facilities Manager, Andy Nesset at anesset@tcgis.org.
Substitute Teachers Wanted! studen-teacher-sm.jpg

Interested in helping out at school? Why not try substitute teaching! German fluency is preferred but not required. Candidates must have a four-year degree. If you are interested, please contact Molly at mkalda@tcgis.org for more information. Thank you!