Tutor Needed!
German tutor needed. Pay is $50 per hour. Please contact Graham Pardun for more information: grahamp@nwpltd.org
Dear TCGIS parents and community,
Please Remember our Parent Social Hour is this Friday!
We are looking forward to seeing parent faces this Friday from 2:45 pm to 3:10 pm in the school. If parents are not able to make it into the school, we will still have pick up in the usual fashion at 3:15 on Van Slyke and Como Avenues.
We have worked out enough space in the school to so that all students will have their own lockers by the end of October! Due to the number of students, K-2 and 5-8 students will have half lockers, while the 3rd-4th grade students will have full lockers. We should be well prepared for the additional outdoor clothing and boots when the rain and snow set in. Thanks to all parents and students for being patient with our locker process!
Halloween, Parents Welcome for the end of the Day Parade (weather permitting)
We are looking for to a fabulous, safe and creative Halloween enjoyed by all students! Each teacher is sending out ideas for costumes and classroom party ideas, so watch for that in your weekly teacher updates. With good weather, we are hoping for a parade at the end of the day, making for another great opportunity for parents to connect with the school! Please get your cameras ready and come to enjoy the fun and creativity from 2:15-3:00 on Thursday, October 31st!
PowerSchool Parent Portal opens the end of this week
This year, we are pleased to announce will have small video tutorials to help parents log on and navigate the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Please remember, when you sign on to the TCGIS PowerSchool Parent Portal you will be agreeing to the terms and conditions of acceptable use of the system. Students in the 5th-8th grade will also be able to sign on and see their attendance and grades. Please watch for an email giving you your login instructions. Please see the following attachment regarding Power School Parent Portal.
Danke Schön!
Ann Jurewicz
Executive Director
Parent Teacher Conferences
November 7th and 8th
Dear Families,
Parent Teacher Conferences.Conferences are scheduled for Thursday, November 7th and during the day onFriday, November 8th.
Due to the move we are only able to open registration 2 weeks prior to conferences this fall. In the meantime, we are hoping to increase communication between parents and school with the re-opening of the Powerschool Parent Portal. Thank you for your patience. |
Kinderclub Sign up for MEA week
Register now, spaces are limited

Dear Parents,
Please use this link to sign up your child if you will need care during school release days during MEA (10/17 and 10/18). School will be closed on those days, and students will have the option to attend Kinderclub for a half day, from 8am - 1pm or 1pm - 6pm, or a full day, from 8am - 6pm. Early morning care (beginning at 6:30 am) can be arranged if minimum enrollment is reached. Please contact me via email if you will need early morning care.
The deadline for sign-up is this Thursday, 10/10. Please finalize your family's needs by that day. Families will be billed for requested services after Thursday, 10/10. No refunds will be given for cancellations after the deadline or non-attendance.
Students will need to provide their own lunch. Kinderclub will offer a morning and an afternoon snack.
We will be planning fall activities for both days. Please send two small pumpkins (or other gourds) with your child.
Please note that children need to be registered for the 2013/2014 school year in order to attend on these days.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen, Emily Ruggles Johnson Director of Kinderclub
No After School Activities Next Week!
Reminder Parents! Due to the short week because of MEA, there are no after school activities next week. Classes will resume the week of October 21st. Thank you!
St. Martinstag Crafts are under way
Thanks for all of the cereal and oatmeal boxes! Frau Lenburg has enough materials for the Martinstag lanterns, and the K-3rd graders will be busy making their lanterns in art class for the next few weeks. Come and see the results at the Landmark Center on Sunday, November 10th!
Thanks for joining us for the PTO New Parent Panel!
We had about 60 people in attendance and some lively Q&A. A BIG THANK YOU to our panelists for sharing their time and wisdom: Matt Schneider, Marcus Sheire, Ina Elliot, Tanya Novak, Susanne Grimm, and Molly Kalda. We ran out of time to address all submitted questions. Consequently, the PTO will be compiling answers to questions we didn't get to and including them in a forthcoming Elternbrief. If you have more questions for us to address, please email them to tcgispto@gmail.com. Be sure to like the TCGIS PTO Facebook page for all the latest information! |
Consider becoming an Elternkontakt
 The Elternkontakt or "parent contact" (EK) is one of the most vital PTO volunteer opportunities. We have changed the EK role to better align with the changes and needs of the PTO and the school, and to give better definition of responsibilities to the EKs themselves. The role of the EK now is exclusively to help facilitate and support community at respective grade levels at TCGIS. EKs will no longer be asked to support the classroom teachers on their own, collect monetary contributions for teacher gifts, or communicate non-PTO/community information to the classes. EKs will plan (with volunteer help from other parents) grade level "meet-ups," picnics, or potlucks outside of school and may assist teachers with classroom celebrations. To accomplish the above, the EKs will now be by grade level instead of classroom. Thank you to those who have volunteered to be EKs already. There are still some openings, however. Contact tcgispto@gmail.com to volunteer. Kindergarten: Sabrina Fay (sabrina@thefays.info) Erin Sutton (erincarlson22@yahoo.com) Karin Rice (karin@karinlynnphotography.com) 1st Grade: Tanya Novak (tanyaandburkhard@gmail.com) + 1-2 volunteers needed 2nd Grade: Cindy Miller (cynmillbea@hotmail.com) Kirsten Holmlund (kirstenlholmlund@gmail.com) 3rd Grade: Maja Reyes (maja_reyes@hotmail.com) Amy Schroeder Ireland (aksireland@yahoo.com) 4th Grade: 1-2 volunteers needed Middle School: 2-3 volunteers needed Visual Arts: 1 volunteer needed |
PTO Meet-Ups
The PTO Meet-Up Committee is creating lots of opportunities to foster the TCGIS sense of community!
Kaffeeklatsch: Friday, October 11, 8:00 am at Black Bear Crossings (upstairs loft area).
Afton Apple Orchard Outing: Sticking around town during Fall Break? Join TCGIS friends at Afton Apple Orchard on Friday, October 18, 2-5 pm. They have pick-your-own apples and pumpkins, a huge climbing area/playground, small petting zoo, and a corn maze. (www.aftonapple.com)
Cost is $3/person ages 5 & up, and $2/person 4 & under. (There are extra costs for apples, pumpkins, and corn maze, but the playground and hayrides are free.) We will stake our claim to a few picnic tables near the playground as a home base, and everyone can do whichever activities appeal. This event will be weather permitting. RSVP at http://tinyurl.com/m98qanm or bekicookscakes@gmail.com.
Davanni's Pizza Night: Tuesday, October 22, 4-8 pm at Davanni's on Cleveland & Grand, St. Paul. Davanni's donates a portion of their sales to TCGIS on this designated evening. Be social and join other TCGIS families at the restaurant, or take home for a quiet night in. More information will be sent home with your child just prior to this event.
Walk around Lake Como: Tuesdays at 2:30 pm, Wednesdays at 8:30 am, Thursdays at 2:30 pm. Meet at entrance to Black Bear Crossings. Weather permitting.
Como Playground: Playtime following afternoon pick up on Tuesday, October 15. The Como Playground is off Midway Parkway across from Como Town. Weather permitting.
Attention All TCGIS Craft Folks! 
It's time to get your knitting needles out, your sewing machine ready, and your beads strung. The TCGIS PTO Craft and Bake Sale is only six weeks away.
This year's sale will be held on Wednesday, November 13, 2:30-6:00 pm, and Thursday, November 14, 8:00-9:00 am and 2:30-6:00 pm, at the Mission Orthodox Presbyterian Church. (NOTE the change of date/time.) The sale features all types of crafts (including student-made items), canned and baked goods, made and donated by community members.
If you would like to donate goods or volunteer at the event, contact Heidi Zimmermann at hzimmermann22@yahoo.com.
Five-Course Winetasting at the GAI

Who: Germanic-American Institute
What: Five-Course Wine Tasting Dinner
Where: 301 Summit Avenue, St. Paul
When: October 26, 2013
Time: 6:00pm
Price: $85 for GAI members, $100 for non-members
Join us October 26 for the Five-Course Winetasting Dinner, the GAI's annual gala-style fundraiser. This year's proceeds will go toward the Haus renovation project, which helps us maintain our historic Summit Avenue mansion.
Katrin Erdmann, the GAI's Director of Event Services, has put together a delectable menu, featuring herb-crusted pork tenderloin and pan-fried semolina dumplings. Wine expert Jennifer Chou, of The Savvy Grape, will educate guests about each of the five European wines accompanying the meal. Ambient music will be provided by classical guitarist Jim Falbo throughout the event.
NEW THIS YEAR: Guests are invited to participate in the optional cigars and cognac available for purchase following the dinner.
Reservations can be made online from our website: www.gai-mn.org.
Prepayment by check or credit card by Monday, October 21 is required. Parties of six or more may reserve a private table by contacting the office at 651.222.7027. Once the office has received your payment, we will send your tickets via postal mail, or we may hold them at the door. Please provide us with your mailing address upon reservation.
Substitute Teachers Wanted!
Interested in helping out at school? Why not try substitute teaching! German fluency is preferred, but not required. Those interested must have a four-year degree. If you are interested, please contact Molly at mkalda@tcgis.org for more information. Thank you!
Special Education Advisory Committee
Parents of Students receiving Special Education Services
We invite you to join our Special Education Advisory Committee. Your input is important. Your commitment will be attending a few short meetings throughout the year. Anyone interested should contact info@tcgis.org.
Thanks for your support.
The Sped Team