We continue to enjoy the wonderful weather and new school surroundings, including connecting to the Como community!
International Peace Day
Amy Lenburg demonstrated TCGIS's commitment to our school mission and connected to Como neighbors in a very special way celebrating International Peace Day last week. On Friday, September 20th students made "pinwheels for peace" expressing their hopes and visions for peace. Elementary students gathered in the play area outside the Aula for a singing assembly to start the day off. They then placed their pinwheels in the front lawn of the school along Van Slyke, and at the end of the day, individual pinwheels were placed in the neighbors yards to spread those hopes and visions. It was a beautiful celebration and enjoyed by everyone involved. Please see the video of the event here!
A Fond Farewell to Frau Jane Hall-Dayle and Paul Carlson
It is with great sadness the school sees the departure of two wonderful staff members of the school. We want to deeply thank Frau Jane Hall-Dayle for her service as Assistant Director and wish her the best of luck in her new position with St. Paul Public Schools. We also congratulate Paul Carlson for his promotion at Apple Computers and will look forward to his continued expertise as an on-going member of the TCGIS technology committee. Please feel free to congratulate and thank Paul and Jane, and please offer your support to our office staff and we move through this transition.
"Where's the office?"
Several parents have recently come to the school to drop off forms and had some difficulty finding the office. The office is located on the Garden Level (1st floor). It is the first door on the left if you are entering the main entrance of the school. At the main entrance door there is a doorbell with a video feed which allows us to identify anyone who is entering the building.
Please see this image for further explanation.
PowerSchool Parent Portal and Gradebook
TCGIS is making significant enhancements to the PowerSchool system making the information more streamlined and offering greater detail on academic progress and attendance. With the move into the new school and the enhancements we are scheduling, we respectfully request your patience as we prepare the system. We expect to open the PowerSchool portal by Friday, October 11th and thank you for your understanding.
Curriculum Night, October 3rd, 2013
1st through 4th grade parents: Please come to school Thursday, October 3rd from 5:30-6:45 pm. You will meet in your child's classroom and hear the overview of the school year from the homeroom teacher, including the curriculum plan. The teachers will present for 35 minutes from 5:30-6:05 and again from 6:10-6:45 so parents with students in multiple grades can see multiple teachers.
5th through 8th grade parents: Please come to school Thursday, October 3rd from 7:00-8:15 pm. You will meet in your child's homeroom classroom and then hear from the various subject teachers for your child, including curriculum.
Babysitting will be provided in the Cafeteria at no charge from 5:30-8:30. We hope this evening will be an excellent opportunity to learn more about the school and make connections with others in the TCGIS community.
Full Scale Recycling Comes to TCGIS!
It is with great pleasure we announce that TCGIS has full scale recycling of cans, bottles, glass, metal, office paper, cardboard and newspaper! You will see at the far end of the play area near the Aula the large black bins marked for this recycling, next to the blue dumpsters for trash. Please inform yourselves and your children of these different receptacles for maximum efficiency. We are also exploring composting opportunities!
Danke Schön Alle!
Ann Jurewicz
Executive Director